ACT 1: Part 8

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WARNING: implied rape and abuse is mentioned in this chapter, please take caution when reading!

One of the perks of having a earl for an uncle was that he could dote on you with anything that you want, and Y/N was spoiled by Albert by any chance he got. Albert had a small business trip to London, bringing Y/N along in case she wanted to buy something from one of the shops.

Y/N went with him, as she didn't necessarily want to stay in the manor, especially with what happened last night. After her father found out that she kept the ring, she didn't want to talk to him. While he wasn't angry at her, being only disappointed, she still felt like she needed to keep her distance.

Albert chuckled to himself as Y/N squished her face into a window of a bakery, staring at a chocolate cake that was in display. "Hungry, Y/N?" Albert asked, Y/N nodding as Albert gave her a smile. Albert than went into the bakery, Y/N about to follow onto she saw a butterfly fly pass her.

"Pretty..." Y/N mumbled, following the butterfly. Y/N tried to catch it, wanting to get a better look at the butterfly. She followed the butterfly into a alleyway, entering the deep into it. "Where did it go?" Y/N asked, looking around the alleyway in hopes that she ended up losing the butterfly.

Y/N was so focused on the butterfly, that she didn't noticed a mysterious man walk behind her. As Y/N was about to turn around, she felt a hand cover her mouth and eyes, soon starting to pull her to God knows where. Y/N tried to scream, but it only came out as muffles.

"Shut up you brat!" A voice yelled at her, putting a bag over her head. Y/N soon smelt a weird scent, feeling sleeping and started to close her eyes to fall asleep. Once she entered dreamland, she was thrown into the back of a carriage.

Meanwhile, Albert was about to order something from the bakery but when he turned to ask Y/N to see what she wanted, he didn't see her around. "Y/N?" Albert asked, leaving the bakery to see if she was still outside. As he saw that she wasn't near the bakery, he began to breath heavily.

"No....No don't tell me..." Albert thought, walking into the alleyway Y/N went in to see if she was there. She wasn't, the only thing there was her (F/C) hat laying on the floor. Albert covered his mouth, grabbing the hat and feeling tears go down his face.



Y/N slowly opened her eyes, seeing that she was in a dark room with no windows. She quickly opened her eyes fully, trying to stand up but falling down to her back. Y/N looked down to see that her bare feet were tied, and when she tried to move her hands, noticed that they were tied too.

Y/N laid sideways as her eyes went watery, thinking to herself "What...What happened?". She was first with her uncle in London, now she was in a room in the middle of nowhere. Y/N was wearing nothing but a white nightgown, shuddering to herself as she wondered what the people who took her away saw and did when she was asleep.

The door to the room opened, Y/N closing her eyes tightly. She pretended that she was still asleep, hoping that whoever entered the room would buy it and leave her alone. A deep sigh was heard, someone grabbing a good chunk of Y/N's hair and started to pull her out of the room, Y/N screaming and tried to shake away from the person's grip.

"Brat, Can you just stop!" The man yelled, pulling more tightly onto Y/N's hair. Y/N closed her mouth, enduring the pain as best as she could. The man soon reached another room, opening the door to that and throwing Y/N into it. The door was than slammed, Y/N falling face first into the rock hard floor.

She soon felt a hand moving her face up from her chin, her coming face to face with a man with long blonde platinum hair and blue eyes. "Hello, sweetheart..." The man muttered, Y/N pulling her face away from him. Y/N soon spat at him, The man only smirking and caressing her cheek.

"Look how pretty you are...." The man gave T/N a kiss on her forehead, Y/N trying her best to struggle out of the rope that tied her. She managed to free herself from the feet restraints and quickly got up, running away from the man and trying to open the door to leave the room.

"Someone, Help me!" Y/N screamed, the man only laughing at her and slowly moving his hand down her leg. "Papa! Please Help me!" She yelled, getting pulled back by the man and getting smacked. "No one can hear you in here..." The man mumbled, Y/N's eyes widening as the man picked her up and placed her on the bed.

Y/N was going to get up from it, But the man pinned her down and licked his lips. The man than began to remove her nightgown, whispering softly into her ear...

"Don't worry, I'll be very gentle with you..."


Lord Baskerville lit a cigarette as he sat on the bed, The Moriarty child laid down on the bed with a emotionless look on her face. Lord Baskerville looked over at her, slightly disappointed on how boring she was....

"I expected you to scream the entire time...' He thought, hearing a soft knock on his door. "Now who can that be?" Lord Baskerville thought, Knowing that none of his servants were to bother him at this time. Lord Baskerville opened the door, and felt a sword go through his chest.

"W-What..." Lord Baskerville thought, falling to his knees and onto the floor. The man who killed him walked over him, Y/N looking over to see who it was. It was someone wearing a black cloak, holding to what seemed like a sword.

Soon, the person in the black cloak removed the hood, revealing to be none other than William. "Y/N..." William mumbled, Y/N snapping back to reality as she saw her father's face. "Y/N..." William mumbled again, tears leaving his eyes and running over to his daughter.

"My baby!" He screamed out, taking Y/N into his arms and holding onto her tightly. Y/N watched as William cried, never seeing him do so in her entire life. "Papa..." "What did that bastard do to you!" William looked down to see that Y/N was...completely without any clothes, wanting to throw up as he saw bruises around her.

Y/N began to cry into her father's shoulder, not wanting to recount the horrible experience she went through. "Did you...kill him?" Y/N asked, seeing as Lord Baskerville was dead on the ground. "Yes, He won't hurt you anymore..." "But, won't you get in trouble..." William stared into his daughter's eyes, knowing he would have to reveal to her everything...

William sighed, and picked Y/N up, leaving the room and telling Y/N "Let's wait until we get home, you been through too much to learn everything right now..."


William told Y/N everything.....

He told her about the true reason why he was bleeding, he told her the truth about the Viscount of Belfor's death, and he explained about what truly happened on the "Noahtic".

Y/N sat on her Father's as he brushed her hair, in the process of explaining to Y/N about why he killed Lord Baskerville. "He was scum that deserved to die..." He said, Y/N leaning into him as he wrapped his arms around her, "The world is now better because he was gone..."

"But....What about everyone else..." "Same thing..." Y/N turned to William, William placing his forehead on Y/N and saying to her "They all hurt you, so I had to erase them...". Y/N looked down, William pressing a kiss to her cheek as he mumbled "All of this...I'm doing for you...".

"You deserve a better world to live I'm going to remake it so you can....and I'm going to kill anyone that gets in my way..." Y/N snuggled into William's chest, muttering to him "I want to help...". William's eyes widened, telling Y/N "You can't, I'm not letting you get hurt any further..."

"I don't care...I want to help make this world a better place..." William saw Y/N, seeing that what she said ...she truly meant it.

William wiped his eyes and hugged her tightly , mumbling "Fine..."

He than looked straight at her, smiling as he tightly held onto her hand.......

"Just promise me....You'll stay by my side the entire time?"

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