ACT 3: Part 1

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When Enola woke up, she smelt a sweet aroma of pancakes that caused her stomach to slightly growl. Enola slightly blushed as she sat up on Sherlock, who was still asleep. "Food?" Enola thought, slowly getting off Sherlock and trying to wake him up by shaking him. "Mister Sherlock...." Enola said, Sherlock groaning and turning his back to her. "There's food, Mister Sherlock!" "Let me sleep....." Enola stamped her foot, pulling on Sherlock's ponytail which made his eyes shoot open. "Enola!" Sherlock yelled, sitting up and glaring at the white haired girl.

"Enola?" "Oh yeah....that's the name I gave you." Sherlock saw that Enola was looking at him with confusion, Sherlock chuckling as he explained to her  "Since you forgot your name, I decided to call you that until you recover your real one.". Enola thought for a moment, Sherlock asking her " don't like it?". "'s a nice name." Enola said, a small smile now on her face. Sherlock was a it taken back, but he eventually smirked and got up from the couch. "Hungry, aren't you?" Sherlock asked, Enola nodding as she followed him to where the food was being cooked at.

"I hope you're making enough for three!" Sherlock said to Watson, seeing that he was the one who was making breakfast. Watson looked at him, at first wondering what he meant by three but soon remembered about Enola now staying with them. "Oh yeah...." Watson said, seeing that Enola was behind Sherlock and smiling at her. "What would you like to eat?" Watson asked, Enola going silent for a bit before saying "Pancakes....". Watson chuckled, nodding as he began to make another bath for her.

Enola and Sherlock than sat at the table, Enola specifically sitting next Sherlock. Sherlock was a bit flattered, but was also embarrassed since he wasn't one for children. But for some reason, Enola was an he reminded her of a certain other child. As Enola started to swing her legs while sitting, Sherlock looked at her and asked "So, did you remember anything while you slept?". Enola shook her head, Sherlock frowning, having hoped that Enola could have remembered something that would help him discover who did this to her.

Enola saw Sherlock's frown, feeling bad that she couldn't regain any memories. Sherlock noticed this, rubbing Enola's back and telling her "Hey.....please don't feel bad." Sherlock reassured, Enola nodding but still having a twinge of pain in her heart. Soon, Watson finished Enola's pancake, serving it to her. Enola thanked Watson, taking a force and beginning to eat the pancake. After tasting the pancake, a blush crept onto her face, the pancake tasting absolutely delicious to her.

Sherlock and Watson watched as Enola began to scarf down the pancake, Watson chuckling as he asked "Had quite the hunger, did you?". Enola nodded, almost finished with the pancake. Sherlock smiled, Enola now down with the pancake and shortly giving out a small burp. Enola covered her mouth, embarrassed by the burp she just made. However, Sherlock and Watson just started to laugh, Enola shortly joining in with them. "You're going to be fun to have around!" Sherlock exclaimed, Enola happily smiling at him.

"Oh Enola!" Ms.Hudson called out, Enola having heard her name and looking up from the book Sherlock was reading to her. Me.Hudson entered the apartment, a smile on her face as she told the little girl "I would like to give you some clothes I sewed.". Enola was at first nervous, having gotten used to the white gown she was wearing. Though, she saw Sherlock's smile and nod to show her that it was alright for her to go.

Enola soon got off the couch, going to Ms.Hudson's apartment. Sherlock sighed, bending a page of the book to keep the spot  he was on and placed the book down. "I really became a father now...." Sherlock thought, leaning back on the couch and looking up to the ceiling. He was still getting used to Enola, and was quite shocked on how Enola got close to him. He knew that it was probably because he was the closet thing to a parental figure to her since she couldn't remember her real family, But even than it was still too quick.

As Sherlock thought about yesterday when he brought Enola home, he remembered that she had a fascination with bunnies. Soon, an idea popped into his head on how he could get her to regain her memories. Sherlock got up from the couch, going to Ms.Hudson's apartment where he saw Enola wearing a frilly purple dress. "Mister Sherlock! Ms.Hudson made this for me!" Enola exclaimed, Sherlock nodding with a small smile on his face. As Enola twirled in her dress, Sherlock went over to her and kneeled down to be eye level with her. "You like bunnies, right?" "Uh...I think so?" "Well, there's actually a bunny farm here in London." Enola's eyes started to have sparkles in them, knowing what Sherlock was going to ask next and was ready to answer him.

"Would you like to go with me to the bunny farm?" Sherlock asked, Enola excitedly nodding. Sherlock chuckled, picking Enola up in his arms and holding her close. Though, Sherlock soon felt Enola snuggle into his chest, Sherlock beginning to slightly blush when he felt it. "Aw, what an affectionate father~" Ms.Hudson sweetly said to Sherlock, rarely doing so. Sherlock shook his head, telling Ms.Hudson "I'm not her father...."

He didn't notice that Enola frowned on her face when she heard that......

It was painful for Louis to walk past Y/N's room.....

He tried to avoid it, but he knew that it was inevitable. He was hard to accept that fact that he would no longer hear his niece's laughter anymore, and never seeing the beautiful smile she had. The others were awful having a hard time coming to terms, William being hit the most, he refused to leave his room, as well as eat.

The others tried to convince him to get out, but he only responded with silence. They didn't blame him, as William was reacting as any parent should when they lose their child. However, it seems that William finally left his room, as when Louis walked past Y/N's room, he heard William's voice come from it. "Brother?" Louis thought, looking inside the room and widening his eyes when he saw what was happening.

William was sitting at the vanity, brushing the air as he talked to someone. Nobody was there though, and William acted as if he was talking to his long gone daughter. "You looked so beautiful with this hairstyle..." William said, a smile on his face as he continued to brush the  air as if it was hair. Louis walked over to William, tapping his shoulder to get his attention. "Oh, hello Louis." William said, still smiling as he looked back at the scared man, "Did you see the new hairstyle I have Y/N?"

"Brother....nobody's there." "That's rude, you're acting as if Y/N's a ghost-" "Y/N'S DEAD!" William stopped talking when Louis screamed that, seeing that he had tears threatening to escape his eyes. William finally returned to reality, realizing that he was trying to fill in the void by pretending that Y/N was still here with him. William began to cry himself, Louis embracing him as William sobbed into his shoulder.

"I.....I miss her so much...." William whispered, Louis nodding as he held onto him closely.

The Moriarty family will never be the same will the lord of crime.

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