ACT 1: Part 7

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Y/N should have expected that William really wasn't going to come, but she really hoped he would have made it. The first act of the ballet had just ended and as the curtains fell, Y/N looked around the see if her father was anywhere to be seen.

"Maybe he's in the wrong box?" Y/N thought, but soon realized that William wasn't anywhere. He really wasn't able to see it with them....

Y/N sighed and fell back on her seat, Albert looking over to see just how disappointed she was. "Y/N, I'm sorry..." Albert said, softly caressing Y/N's hair, "But your father did tell you he probably wasn't going to make it...". "I know, but I just thought that he might come at the last second..." Y/N mumbled, looking down at her feet.

Albert hated seeing her like this, knowing that William would have loved to see the ballet with her. However, He couldn't as if he wasn't present, the plan they built up would fall apart. Albert watched as Y/N puffed her cheeks, saying to herself "Stupid Papa.....".

He could only sigh and leave his seat, kneeling to Y/N's height as he said to her "Come over here.....". Albert opened his arms for an embrace, Y/N immediately entering it. Albert soon sat back down, Y/N laying down on his chest as he softly rubbed her back.

'It's not fair..." "I know, Darling." Albert looked back up to the stage and saw that the curtains were unveiling, signaling that the second act was about to begin....Well, that was what everyone else thought was going to happen.

Once the curtains were fully unveiled, The theater went into shocked as they saw what was happening on stage. Everyone watched in horror watched as a nobleman stabbed a commoner multiple times, yelling at the corpse to "Stay dead".

Y/N's eyes widen as she stared at the sight, feeling hot tears going down her face. Albert noticed this, holding Y/N close to her and made sure to hide her face in his chest, not wanting her to witness anymore of what was happening.

Albert than got up and slowly left the box, leaving the theater as a whole. Y/N started to sob, Albert stopping in his tracks when he heard the cries. "Papa....Papa..." Y/N sobbed, Albert putting her down and wiped her tears with a handkerchief, "I want my Papa..." Y/N hiccupped, Albert pulling her into a hug and started to hush her.

In just a nick of time, William turned a corner to be greeted at the sight of the two, calling out Y/N's name. "Papa!" Y/N exclaimed, running over to him and instantly wrapping her arms around his legs. William looked down and saw his daughter's tear stained face, knowing exactly the reason why she looked like that.

"Papa....We were at that theater...and-and" "Shh, Don't worry my sunflower...I'm aware..." William picked up Y/N and started to hug her as tightly as he could. William, with Y/N still in his arms, began to head over to the front deck of the ship, Albert closely following behind.

When they reached the front deck with the rest of the passengers, They both looked up to see that the murdering nobleman had climbed up the top of the pole. Apparently, he thought that he could get away from being up there...too bad he didn't expect that someone was going to shoot at him.

As the rubber bullets shot at the nobleman, he tried to grab on onto a piece of rope, but a rubber bullet shot at his hand, making him fall off the pole and into the icy sea. William made sure Y/N didn't see anything, making her look at the back so she wouldn't witness the nobleman's fate...and the cruel smile William was to give him.

As Y/N clutched onto her father, she heard someone whisper "Hey" at her, causing her look up and see that it was the employee from earlier who helped her up. The employee soon gave her a smile, and removed the hat from his head, revealing jet black hair.

Y/N soon gave him a wide smile, knowing exactly who he was....


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