ACT 3: Part 7

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"Enola's missing?" Sherlock asked, Mycroft nodding as his younger brother bit his lip and looked down. Sherlock balled his fists, Mycroft telling him "She must still be in London, as she had nowhere else to stay.". Sherlock nodded, trying to calm down as he laid his back against the wall and crossed his arms against his chest. "Where else could she have gone?" Sherlock thought, trying to find a lead. hit him.

He remembered the incident with Milverton, and how William was there as well. Milverton said that he brought them there for one thing, both of whom they were after. Milverton's message that he left in the apartment had said that Enola was with him, meaning that William was also after her. But for what reason? Well, Sherlock remembered that when William saw Enola, he called her sunflower, as if it was an affectionate nickname for her. Sherlock soon put two and two together, his last memory being that the case he solved on the train with William and his daughter....and how he called her sunflower.

"Dear god!" Sherlock yelled, his eyes widening and holding his head in pain. Mycroft looked at Sherlock, asking him "What happened?". Sherlock didn't bother to look back at Mycroft, the realization of who Enola really was hitting him way too hard. "Enola....Enola is Y/N Moriarty!" Sherlock whispered, Mycroft going into shock when he heard that name. "Y/N Moriarty.....didn't she go missing?" Mycroft asked, Sherlock shaking his head and telling him "She lost her memory....and I took her in.....". Sherlock ran past Mycroft, Mycroft calling out to him 'Where are you going?". 

"To find Y/N!" Sherlock said back, his heart rate going faster than it should have, "Don't you know what's going on with her father?". Mycroft went silent, remembering that William had just revealed himself as the lord of crime and was brutally killing aristocrats at random. If Y/N was looking for him, than she was putting herself in danger. 

"You better save her...." Mycroft muttered, a shadow covering his face.


"My poor angel...." William whispered,  softly touching the eyepatch that Y/N had as he carried her in his arms. Y/N blushed in embarrassment, thinking that her father now thought she was ugly now. William noticed this, chuckling and giving Y/N a kiss to comfort her. "You're still my sunflower..." William muttered, Y/N giggling and laying her head on his chest while he smiled at her. Y/N than yawned, William  smiling at her and saying "Go to's been a long day for you." Y/N nodded, closing her eyes and slowly falling asleep.

William than sighed, reaching his destination. He opened the door, going up the stairs and entering the apartment where he saw Sherlock. William chuckled, asking Sherlock "You were waiting for me....weren't you?". Sherlock nodded, his eyes going to the sleeping Y/N while he said "What are you planning on doing now?". William sadly smiled, looking down at Y/N himself and said "Will probably end my life....". Sherlock gasped, going over to William and saying "You can't!"

"And why?......" ".....because Y/N." William widen his eyes, seeing that Sherlock was holding back tears. "She needs a father you know...' Sherlock muttered, William only chuckling and handing Y/N to him. "That's where you come in...." William said, Sherlock taking Y/N and realizing what William was trying to do. "You already took care of my daughter....and it's best for you to continue doing so when I'm gone." William whispered, kissing Y/N on her forehead one last time before saying "I love you." to her. "I'll see another life." William muttered to her, walking out of the apartment. 

Sherlock stayed quiet, laying Y/N on the couch and watching her as she slept peacefully. "No worries...." Sherlock whispered to Y/N, grabbing ahold of her hand and squeezing it tightly. 

"we're going to get him back...."


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