ACT 3: Part 2

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"Okay, we're here." Sherlock said, poking Enola's cheek to wake her up from her slumber. Enola was sleeping with her head laid on Sherlock's arm, slowly opening her eyes and rubbing them when she felt Sherlock's finger poking her. "Hm?" Enola let out, Sherlock nudging her that the carriage they were in has arrived at their destination. Enola looked o it the window, seeing a small house which she could only assume was the bunny farm that Sherlock was talking about.

Sherlock helped Enola out of the carriage, thanking the coachman while Enola grabbed ahold of his hand and put her thumb of her free hand in her mouth. Sherlock looked down at the white haired young girl, smiling softly when Enola started to suck on her thumb. Sherlock than lead Enola to the small house, knocking on the door and waiting while Enola nervously hid behind him. Sherlock chuckled, the door opening to reveal a old woman. "Oh, Sherlock!" The old woman exclaimed, Sherlock smiling and nodding at her as Enola slowly peaked behind him. The old woman noticed Enola, smiling at her and asking "And who might you be, little one?".

"This is Enola, and she is currently under my care." Sherlock said, the old woman giggling as Sherlock kneeled down to Enola's height and told her "It's okay, Miriam is a family friend.". Enola nodded, looking up at Miriam and waving hello at her. Miriam laughed, asking in a sweet voice to Enola "You want to see my bunnies, don't you?". Enola smiled, nodding as Miriam chuckled and went back inside her house, Sherlock and Enola following. Miriam soon went to a area in the living g room where it had a small gated area with small bunnies inhabiting it, unlocking the gate and opening it so that Enola could go and meet the bunnies.

"Go on, they don't bite." Miriam said, Enola pulling on Sherlock's arm so that he could go in with her. Sherlock was at first confused, but quickly realized what Y/N wanted and half heartedly chuckled. "Okay, I'll join you." Sherlock told Enola, a small smile now on Enola's face as the two went into the bunny farm. Enola sat on her knees, Sherlock bending down next to her while her eyes were set on a brown bunny. Sherlock took Enola's arm and extended it out to the brown bunny, the brown bunny going over to her and sniffing her hand.

"Does it like me?" Enola asked, Sherlock nodding and taking the brown bunny into his arms. "Pet it." Sherlock said, Enola blushing softly but soon putting her hand on the brown bunny and slowly petting it. "See, it's friendly." Sherlock said, smiling when he saw that Enola was enjoying herself. "Mister Sherlock, doyou like bunnies?" Enola asked Sherlock, Sherlock shaking his head and saying "Not really, my older brother had one but I never had a chance to take care of it myself." . Enola tilted her head, curious over the fact that Sherlock had an big brother. Sherlock noticed this, explaining to  Enola "His name is Mycroft.....and let's just say we're not close."

"'re family." "And?" "Family is supposed to be close to one another!" Sherlock was taken back by what Enola said, shocked that her of all people was saying this to him. "We're family....right?" Enola asked, Sherlock going silent and not knowing what he should say. "....why do you ask that?" "Because you took me in, and cared for me." Sherlock saw that Enola had tears forming in her eyes, the little girl muttering to herself "What if.....I can't remember my true family.". Sherlock cupped Enola's face, Enola grabbing his hand while he smiled at her. "Enola.....would you believe me when I tell you that you're one of the most sweetest things I ever met?".

Enola's eyes widen, Sherlock chuckling at this and explaining what he meant. "We haven't known each other for long, but I already fell In love with your cuteness......" Sherlock looked down at the brown bunny in his arms, feeling glad that he was able to get this out of his system and tell Enola how he truly felt about her. "Let's just became a daughter to me." Sherlock said, Enola letting the tears fall down her face. "And if isn't too much to ask.....if you never get your memories back......can you please stay with me?" Sherlock asked, Enola smiling and wiping her tears away with her dress's sleeves.

Enola than wrapped her arms around Sherlock's neck, hugging him which made Sherlock freeze a bit but wrap his own arms around Enola. "I will!" Enola exclaimed, Sherlock smiling and letting it out a small chuckle.

"I love you, Mister Sherlock...." ".....I love you too, Enola."


"Hey, Mister Sherlock?" Enola asked, Sherlock humming in response while she sat on his lap as he put her long white hair into braids, "Would it be okay if I call you Sherly?". Sherlock blushed, Enola looking up at him and frowning slightly. "You don't like it?" Enola asked, Sherlock quickly shaking his head and telling her "No! It's just....someone else called me Sherly before.". "Oh really? Who are they?" Enola asked, Sherlock smiling and remembering the Moriarty child.

"Well, they were around your age and very cheerful and kind." Sherlock said, the memories of Y/N flashing in his mind. This made Sherlock frown, muttering "I haven't seen them in a while....and I miss them.". Sherlock was done with Enola's braids, Enola turning around to face him and giving him a big smile. "Don't worry, you'll see them again!" Enola exclaimed, Sherlock smiling back at her and putting his forehead on top of her's. "Maybe I will..." Sherlock whispered, pressing a kiss to Enola's forehead which made her laugh and kiss him back.

"C'mon, let's make a pillow fort!" Enola than said, getting off of Sherlock's lap and dragging him over to the living room. Sherlock laughed, nodding as Enola giggles filled his ears.

"I think.....we're going to be together for a long time.....

And I'm not mad about that...."

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