ACT 3: Part 6

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Hours have passed since Sherlock was taken by Scotland Yard, and Enola has yet to say a word......

Enola was sitting on the bed in the room she shared with Sherlock alone, Watson not knowing what he should do next. He already tried to comfort her as much as he could, so he decided to give Enola some time to herself. As the clock ticked and the sun finally rose in the sky, Watson heard knocking coming from the front door.  Watson opened it, widening his eyes when he saw who was standing right in front of him. It was Mycroft, who had a solemn expression on his face as he asked "Is...Is Enola here?".

Watson nodded, letting Mycroft into the apartment. Mycroft than went over to Enola's and Sherlock's bedroom, slowly opening it to see Enola's back turned towards him. Mycroft sighed, sitting next to Enola and giving her a soft look. ".....Is Papa out yet?" Enola asked, Mycroft going silent for a bit before saying "We couldn't find the body, so there is no proof that he murdered him.". Enola's eyes went wide, looking at Mycroft ad asking him "Than can I see him again?". Mycroft sadly smiled, ruffling Enola's white hair and saying "Not for a long time...."

".....What?" "After what happened, we can't possibly kept you here." Mycroft lifted Enola's head so that she was looking at him, muttering "We're sending you to a boarding school....for your safety.". Enola gritted her teeth, tears threating to escape her eyes as she pushed Mycroft away and laid down on the bed, covering herself with the blanket. "Enola..." Mycroft let out, trying to pull the blankets down so that he could see her. Once the two made eye contact, Enola pulled the blankets back up, yelling at him "Leave me alone!".

Mycroft sighed, nodding and took his leave . However, before he did that, he placed a small ring next to Enola, not saying anything as he did. As Mycroft left the room, mumbling "I'll pick you up at 7 tomorrow.", Enola removed the blankets off her and looked over at the ring. Enola picked it up, in awe over how the ring was crafted. It had a black stone adorned on it, with gold around the stone.........

It's almost looked like......

......a sunflower.

When Enola realized this, all the memories that she forgotten came back to her..........


As Y/N stepped foot into the carriage and sat on her seat, she looked over at saw that Mycroft was talking to Watson before he entered the carriage himself. This was her chance, and she wouldn't have another one if she sat around waiting. Y/N got up from the seat, opening the door to the carriage and slowly getting off. Once her feet touched the ground, Y/N began to run away from the carriage and to where the Moriarty Mansion was.

Mycroft was just done with his talk with Watson, stepping foot into the carriage with his eyes closed. The carriage ride than started, Mycroft opening his and looking at "Enola" who was sitting across from him. But.....he soon noticed that "Enola" was nowhere to be seen. "Stop the carriage!" Mycroft called out to the coachman, the carriage instantly stopping in it's tracks. Mycroft got out the carriage, looking around to see if "Enola" was around, knowing that she shouldn't have gone far.

"Dammit..." Mycroft muttered, realizing that he truly lost "Enola". Meanwhile, Y/N had managed to reach the mansion, but when she saw the sight of her home, she also saw the sight of an angry mob in front of it. "Huh?" Y/N thought, going over to the crowd and hearing the chants of "Bring us the Lord of Crime!". "Lord of Crime?" Y/N whispered, at first not understanding what the mob meant by that. But than, Y/N realized that they were talking about her father, making Y/N gasp and push herself through the crowd to the front.

When Y/N made her way to the front of the mob, she saw that Jack was standing behind the closed gat, trying to make the mob go home. "Jack!' Y/N called out, running over to the gates. Jack looked at Y/N, not recognizing her due to her vastly different appearance. "Run along, little girl." Jack told her, Y/N shaking her head and grabbing ahold of the bars of the gate. "It's me!......Sunflower." Y/N said, Jack widening his eyes and now knowing who she was. "Mistress Y/N?" Jack asked, Y/N nodding while Jack kneeled down to be eye level with her.

"We haven't seen you in a year.......and....oh my god." Jack saw the eyepatch Y/N had, soon opening the gates and letting Y/N before the angry mob went inside themselves. Once Jack closed the gate again, Jack took Y/N's hand in his and took her inside the mansion. As the two entered the mansion, Jack took her into the sunroom where everyone else was. and when they saw them, they at first were confused. "Jack.....who is this?" James asked, Y/N soon revealing her hand that was wearing the sunflower ring. This made them all gasp, Louis going silent and walking over to Y/N. 

"Is...Is that....really you?" Louis asked, Y/N nodding and being embraced by Louis. Louis cried into Y/N's neck, holding her close while Y/N felt her own tears fall down. "Why?! Why did you come back now!?" Louis angrily asked, Y/N tilting her head to show that she didn't know what Louis meant. Albert sighed, going over to Y/N and giving her a small kiss to show that he was glad that she was back. He than showed Y/N a newspaper, the headline reading "LORD OF CRIME REVEALED?"

Y/N saw that the picture accompanying the deadline was of William, making her put two and two together. "No...." Y/N whispered, Louis hugging her again and pressing a kiss to her forehead. "Why.....I......I wanted to see him again!" Y/N cried out, Louis nodding and softly saying reassurances to her. Fred than spoke up, telling Y/N "He's still out there....". "....he is?" "He's out killing aristocrats at random......" This made Y/N sniffle, Louis letting her go as she ran out the room, saying "I have to go find him!". The other chased her, Moran grabbing her arm and said "No! Have you seen yourself? You can't go out and save him in this state!". Y/N glared at him, pulling her arm away from him and leaving the mansion.

"Y/N!" Louis called out, afraid for what was going to come next for her.........


Milverton promised William that Y/N would remember him......

He said that if he came to his villa, he would be reunited with his daughter. Instead, he only discovered that she was now going by a new name and was being taking care of by Sherlock.....who she called her "Papa". William wanted to kill Sherlock than and there, but he couldn't due to how happy Y/N was with him. So, he let them leave, thinking that it was best for Y/N to stay with someone that wouldn't put her in danger.

Though, at the same time, he snapped. He decided to reveal himself to the public, and became a fugitive. He didn't care what was going to happen to him now, nothing mattered to William anymore now that he forever lost his sunflower. William was walking down the street on his way to his next target, his eyes dull due to losing the light of his life. However, William soon heard a voice call out to him "Papa!' The voice said, William thinking that it was just in his mind. 

"I'm finally going crazy....." William said to himself, the voice calling out to him again. Soon, William heard footsteps approaching him, William looking back and widening his eyes when he saw who it was. "Y/N?" "Papa!" As Y/N ran over to him with a big smile on her face, William let the tears he held back for so long finally fall. "Y/N!" William cried out, picking up Y/N and holding her close. "My  Sunflower......You came back!" William said, kissing Y/N on her forehead and cradling her softly, "I thought....I lost you for good." 

Y/N smiled, William smiling back at her and putting his forehead on her's. "We're never going to be apart again...." William muttered, Y/N nodding and wrapping her arms around his neck to hug him. William chuckled, whispering to Y/N 

"I promised.....that we'll always be together forever."

Author's note: Two more chapters left! 

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