ACT 3: Part 5

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Enola slowly opened her eyes, removing some of her white hair away from her mouth and yawning as she sat up on the bed she was laying on. "Good Morning~." someone said to her, Enola muttering a "Good morning..." to them back. Though, Enola quickly realized that the voice was someone's she didn't recognize, and she looked over to see a spectacled man giving her a devilish smile. Enola was silent for a moment, not knowing what she should do in a situation like this. After a few seconds, Enola screamed and attempted to get off the bed she was on, but was only held back by something that was chained to her hand. 

"Be careful, you'll only cause more pain to you." the spectacled man said, the smile still on his face as Enola looked at her hand and saw that she was chained to a wooden post. Tears started to form in her eyes, The spectacled man only chuckling. "Who are you?" Enola asked, breathing heavily due to the fear on what he was going to do to her. "My name's Charles Augustus Milverton." Milverton said, cupping Enola's face to show her affection, "And I'm the one who did this to you...". "Do what?" "Pull your left eye away from it's socket, give you severe amnesia...." Milverton went close to Enola's ear, whispering into it "And steal you away from your family? That was all me.".

Enola felt tears go down her face, Milverton pulling away from her while she said "My family?". "Yes, and I'm not talking about Holmes....I'm talking Your real family." When Milverton said that, Enola hiccupped and asked "Who...Who are they?". Milverton just chuckled, pulling out a picture which showed a (H/C) haired girl who was wearing a fancy dress that only a child of an aristocrat would wear. With her, was a blonde haired man with scarlet red eyes. Both of them were smiling, Enola widening her eyes as she noticed what Milverton as trying to do.

"Enola Holmes....or, should I say.....Y/N Moriarty?" Milverton said, Enola crying and holding her head with her free hand. "Y/N is your real name, and for a year, you abandoned your real father and family in exchange for another father and family." Milverton playfully said, moving Enola's face so that she could look into his eyes, "You should be ashamed of yourself.". "No, that's not me! Enola yelled, shaking her head so that Milverton could get his hand off her. "I'm Enola! Not Y/N!" Enola screamed, Milverton sighing and soon saying "Than.....does Sunflower ring a bell?". At first, Enola didn't know what Milverton meant.....but a memory, a memory she never thought she would regain, came into her mind.

"I love you too, sunflower." said a man with blonde hair and scarlet red eyes. The man was looking at her, a soft smile on his face as he held her close to him. Once the memory ended, Enola gasped and looked at Milverton. " you remember?" Milverton asked, Enola only blowing him a raspberry. "No! I told you, I'm Enola!" Enola said, Milverton just smirking and beginning to laugh. "That's alright, it's hard to process things like this." Milverton said. Enola glaring at him. Just than, a loud voice came over the villa they were in, the voice yelling "Milverton!". Milverton smiled, telling Enola "I guess we have to put this conversation on hold.....your "papa" is here.". Milverton soon eft the room, closing it and leaving Enola in it alone.

"No...Papa..." Enola thought, her heart racing as she now knew what she had to do.....


It took a while, but Enola managed to free herself from the chain. It was at the cost of having a scar on her wrist, but Enola didn't care for that. The only thing on her mind right now was to save Sherlock from Milverton, and she needed to get to where they were quickly. As Enola opened the door to the bedroom and left it, she ran down the hallway and looked around to see if she can find the room Milverton and Sherlock were in. 

Enola reached the stairs, going up them and seeing that it was where Milverton and Sherlock were well as the blonde haired man with scarlet red eyes that she saw in her memories. "Papa!" Enola called out, Sherlock looking back at her and widen his eyes. Sherlock had his gun pointed to Milverton, who was standing right in front of a large balcony. "Enola...." Sherlock muttered, Enola smiling and was about to go over to him so that she could give him a hug.

However, a chunk of  Enola's long white hair was grabbed by Milverton, Milverton putting her in front of him and smiling cockily. "You wouldn't shoot her...would you?" Milverton asked Sherlock, Sherlock now seeing what Milverton was trying to do. Milverton was using Enola as a meat shield, and if Sherlock fired his shot at him, it would also hit Enola. Sherlock clenched his teeth, glaring at Milverton as he put his finger on the trigger. Enola's eyes became glossy with tears, looking at the blonde haired man who had his gun pointed to Sherlock.

The blonde haired man glanced at Enola, his eyes widening a bit when he saw her. "....Sunflower?" William whispered, Enola gasping as he pointed his gun at Milverton. "So...I see where you choice lies." Milverton said, chuckling while William put his finger on his gun's trigger. "You hope that you'll end my life and save your daughter......but." Milverton opened the door to the balcony, grabbing ahold of Enola's arm and running into the balcony and hopefully jump off it with Enola with him.

William saw this, too afraid to shit his gun due to not wanting to hit his daughter. Instead, he screamed out "Y/N!" and ran after Milverton and Enola. William grabbed Enola's extended free hand, pulling her close to him as Milverton looked back and watched what happened with shock. "See you in hell...." Sherlock muttered, firing his gun at Milverton which hit him straight in the heart. Sherlock continued to fire his gun, William holding Enola close to him and rubbing her back so that she wouldn't see the sight. As Sherlock fired his last round into Milverton, Milverton fell off the balcony and into the icy cold water. 

"It's okay...It's okay...I'm here." William whispered, looking at Enola and smiling at her. Enola just stared at him, William realizing that she didn't recognize him. "But...he said that-" William's thoughts were interrupted when Enola left his side and went over to Sherlock. "Papa!" Enola cried out, Sherlock holding her close and kissing her on her forehead. "My baby.....thank god that you're okay." Sherlock muttered, Enola snuggling into his chest. Sherlock than looked at William who pointed his gun at him again. Sherlock sighed, taking out a cigarette and lighting it up, eventually throwing the lighter which still had the flames at a curtain. 

William put his gun down, a shadow over his face while Sherlock carried Enola out of the room and out of the villa. William just watched them, thinking to himself "She's better off with him....."

"I'm sorry....My sunflower."


When Sherlock and Enola left the burning villa, they saw that Scotland yard was already there along with Watson. "What did you do?" Watson asked, going over to Sherlock as Sherlock just sadly smiled. "I killed him..." "You...Killed?" "I killed Milverton...." Sherlock looked over at Lestarde, putting Enola down as he said "Well.....take me away.". Lestrade hesitantly nodded, putting handcuffs on Sherlock and leading him to the carriage. Enola watched as this unfolded, shaking her head and following the two. 

"No! Don't take Papa!" Enola screamed, Sherlock looking back at her and sadly smiling. Enola was than held back by Watson, Watson holding her close and telling her to leave Sherlock alone. Enola nodded, crying into Watson's chest as Sherlock was taken away.

If only Enola knew what was going to happen soon......

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