ACT 1: Part 3

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Author's note: Look at that cute little GIF of Louis (◡≦)

"Good morning..." Y/N said as she walked into the living room. "Good morning, My sunflower~" William said as Y/N sat down next to him on the leather couch and laid her head on his lap. Y/N yawned, William chuckling and softly stroked her (H/C) hair.

"Didn't get enough sleep huh?" William asked, Y/N looking up at him and smiling. "I was reading a really good book last night!" Y/N exclaimed, William ready to listen on to what his daughter had to say. Y/N began to discuss about the book, talking about how it was about pirates and how a young boy who was apart of an expedition to find treasure finds out that one of the crewmates was one.

William didn't necessarily care for stories about pirates, but hearing Y/N excitedly talk about the book could only make him happily interested in them. "I couldn't finish it because I ended up getting tired and falling asleep." Y/N said, reaching the part of the story where she stopped on. "Well, if you complete the story please let me know." William told Y/N, giving her a head pat.

Y/N nodded, rasing her head from her father's lap and snuggled into his chest. "Should I tell her?" William thought, remembering that he was going to announce something to the young girl. William than looked down at his daughter , asking her "Did any of your uncles tell you that we will be moving?".

Y/N's eyes widen and quickly looked at her father in confusion. "Moving?" "Yes, I recently been employed at a university in Durham to teach mathematics there." "But why do we need to move?" William got slightly irked, realizing that Y/N was taking this way worse than he thought. "So that I can be closer to the university..." William explained, noticing that Y/N was looking down so she won't be in eye contact with him.

William gently raised Y/N's head to look at him and told her "Darling, I know this is sudden, but you need to remeber that you'll still be with me and your uncles still..." William put his forehead on Y/N's as a sign of affection, "We're not leaving you and you're not leaving us.."

Y/N nodded and got off from her father, whispering "I'm going to my room...". William watched as Y/N slowly walked out of the living room and up the stairs to her own bedroom, a solemn look on his face. He soon sighed and began to rub his forehead, knowing that Y/N must have thought she was being selfish and was in trouble now...That was the least thing he wanted to do.

As Y/N walked down the hallway to her room, she accidently bumped into Louis. "I'm sorry..." She apologized, looking back down and quickly entering her room. Louis looked back and followed Y/N, wondering what happened to her. When he entred the room, he saw that Y/N was quietly laying on her bed, holding one of her pillows close to her.

"Y/N..." Louis whispered, his heart breaking as she saw the state that she was in. Louis than looked down, seeing a green smiling frog doll lying o the floor of her room. Louis grabbed it and looked back at Y/N, an idea to make her feel better coming to mind.

As Y/N tried to hold back her tears, she heard a high pitched voice say to her "Now why the long face?". Y/N sat up, seeing her frog doll being raised up over her footboard. "Tell this frog why you are crying?" The frog asked, Louis thinking to himself "This is so embarrasing..."

Louis didn't know if this was going to work, beliveing that this was only going to make Y/N feel worse. However, Y/N started to giggle, saying "Mr.Frog, you're upside down.". Louis took the frog doll back down, seeing that he really was holding it the wrong way. Louis blushed and fixed the Frog, putting it over the footboard again.

"uhhh...You didn't see anything!" The frog said to Y/N, Y/N only laughing. Louis soon felt the doll leave his hand, looking over to see that Y/N was hugging the frog tightly with a smile on her face. "Now there's the Y/N I know." Louis happily thought to himself, gving a small head pat to Y/N

Y/N looked up and saw that her uncle was there, wrapping her arms around his neck and hugging him. Louis blushed slighly, but soon smiled again and hugged her back. "Care to explain to me why you where sad?" Louis asked, sitting next to Y/N on her bed. Y/N explained to Louis what happened, saying that she felt bad over being mad at moving.

"Y/N, you had every right to feel angry ..." Louis said, carresing his niece's cheek, "It's our fault for not telling you sooner...". Y/N looked away from him, telling Louis "It's just that...I don't want to leave...". Louis saw the shame in Y/N's eyes and gave her a small flick on her head, in a loving way that is. "I know you do...But I'll still be there..." Y/N smiled and covered her head, laughing as Louis began to tickle her and say "And so will your father and Uncle Albert as well!"

"We'll still be together, nothing is going to change other than the change of scenery..." Louis saw Y/N give a small smile, and picked up the frog doll and held it to Y/N's face. "Is that a happy face I see?" The frog said, Louis putting back on his high pitched voice. Y/N went over to her toybox and grabbed her white rabbit, saying back to Mr.Frog "Mr.Frog, We'll be late for the party!"

Louis chuckled and began to play with Y/N, happy to play as her Mr. Frog.


Louis ended up falling asleep in Y/N's room when the night came, sleeping on a chair and layiong his head on the side of her head. Y/N wasn't tired yet, so she decided to get a glass of water. After she wrapped a blanket around Louis, she left the room and was about the go down the stairs before she saw a light coming from the her father's study.

She slowly peaked through the door, seeing that her father was sitting in a chair reading a book to himself. She must have leaned to far to peek, as she ended up falling into the room. William turned to see the noise, getting up from his chair as he saw his daughter on the ground. "Y/N! are you okay?" William asked, picking Y/N up bridal style. "I'm fine..." Y/N muttered, William sitting down back on his chair and placing her on his lap.

"I'm sorry..." "Huh?" "For earlier..." William only gave Y/N a smile, tightly holding Y/N close to him. "Y/N...there's nothing for you to apologize about...Didn't your uncle Louis say that?" William said, Y/N asking "How did you know that Uncle Louis talked to me about that?". William only chuckled and told Y/N "Saw you and him playing, so I came to the conclusion that you must have talked it out with him"

Y/N blushed in embarassment, but soon got off from her father's lap and pulled on his hand. "What do you want to do, Y/N?" "To dance!" William was taken back and told Y/N "I'm not a dancer...". Y/N only gave him her best puppy eyes, trying to convince him to dance with her. William couldn't say no to that face, getting up from his chair and saying "Alright...but only one dance."

Y/N began to quickly spin around her father, William beginning to laugh as she tried to get him to spin with her. After what seemed like hours of dancing, Y/N jumped to give her father a hug, ending up causing William to fall on his back. As Y/N began to lay on him, William gave a Y/N soft smile and kissed her forehead.

"Papa...why were you bleeding yesterday?" Y/N asked, William freezing when she did. "Why...Why do you ask that?" "When you gave me a kiss, you ened up putting some blood on me." William only went silent for a while, realizing that he didn't clean up all the blood on him since...his last case

"I....I just cut myself sweetheart...."

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