(Chapter 2)Closer and Closer

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heh I guess when you put it like that yeah someone hurt-" "L/n what's wrong"

"Remember when I said someone hurt me" "yes" "he's here" they both looked straight ahead. "Damn he a light skinned dude" "shush" you walked over to him givin him a stank look. "Hey beautiful how are you" "cut the bullshit nigga why are you here" "I can't come see you" "No" you pushed him out the way so you can to the car but he wouldn't give up. "WHAT THE HELL MOVE ANDRE" you two were going back and forth causing a seen until he slapped you. "DAMN IT SHUT THE HELL UP FOR A MINUTE" before Andre could get closer to you he was wrapped around a scarf. "I think you should leave young man" "Who are you" "that's not your concern is it" Aizawa shoved Andre away from walking closer to you. "Here's my personal number and if you need anyone to talk to you ok" "yes sir thank you" he patted your shoulders and left.

Time skip

You were on your phone going through instagram Tying to forget what happened earlier today, you were about to go to sleep but couldn't since someone was at your door. "Come in" "wassup sis" "hey Hades" he came and looked right in front of you. "Who slapped you" "..Andre" "Why are you still fuckin around wit that dude" "I PROMISE I'M NOT HE JUST CAME TO MY SCHOOL" "mk" he gave you a hug then left. Again you were about to fall asleep but you couldn't, you remembered that Aizawa gave you his phone number and you wanted to talk to him.

You: c'mon pick up pick up

*Ring ring*


You were surprised that he picked up so fast.

You: Mr Aizawa..?

Aizawa: L/n..?

You: you can just call me Y/n

Aizawa: then you can call me Shota but not in class of course

You: oh sure

Shota: so how come you called me Y/n

You: I wanted to apologize for what happened today sir

Shota didn't say anything at first but hen he said something out if the blue.

Shota: come to the address I'm sending you

You: excuse me?!

Before you could say anything else he hung. *Why the hell is he telling me to here*. You got ready to go but this time you snuck out the window because you weren't trying to hear yo mama's mouth. It took 20 minutes to get there and at first you thought Shota was telling you to go to an abandoned building but you were wrong.

 It took 20 minutes to get there and at first you thought Shota was telling you to go to an abandoned building but you were wrong

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You were surprised to see this beautiful building. You were about to text Shota but he was already at your car door. "Did you just get here Y/n" "uh yea" the gentleman he is he opened the door for you and led you inside. "You live here?!" "Um yes I do" "cool" you two were on the elevator and there was tension. "Are you ok" "y-yea I-I'm ok why you ask" "hmph". After being in that elevator for a bit y'all got to the floor his apartment was on and took you to his door. You just walked in into a well organized apartment wich was super clean "I have never seen a well organized place like this" "oh well thank you I don't really be here I'm always working" "I see...can I kiss you" "E-excuse me" you can tell he got flustered by your question. "Can I kiss you" "and why would you want to do that" "well I don't know I mean your are hella- let me shut up" "I'm hella what" "shoot if I'm being honest with you you are hella sexy sir" he gave you a smirk and pinned you to the wall "I am?" "..you are" "I'm surprised from hearing that from you" "well you shouldn't I mean I'm not the-" his lips pressed against yours before you could finish your sentence. You didn't want to but you pulled away from his intense kiss "..you didn't let me finish" "I didn't want you to finish dear" "I have another question" "and what is that" "can I stay here tonight" "of course but why" "because..I don't know if your neighbors are women trying to steal you away" "oh really" "mmhm". That night you two just watched movies, cuddled, and made out a bit.

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