(Chapter 8)Rumors

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You woke up from your deep sleep finally, you took a shower brushed your teeth and got ready for the day.

You woke up from your deep sleep finally, you took a shower brushed your teeth and got ready for the day

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Imagine the orange is purple or think of something else

You went to the living seeing your brothers eating cereal "hey you two idiot's" you said sitting down on the couch "you have no right to look that nice today Y/n" Haru said pretending to cry "why not" you asked "we had to eat cereal today since you didn't make anything to eat" Hades said being dramatic "Oh can you go next door to ask for some tea" Haru asked "who Aizawa or musty Linda" you asked "Aizawa" you just stared at him for a minute.

You went to Shota's door and knocked on the door "Open The Door Dickhead" you said looking through the peephole, Shota opened the door looking tired as ever wearing nothing but his boxers "mmm come back later" Shota said in a sleepy tone "Shota open your eyes" he did as you said and saw you which made his mood better "Well hello there princess wanna come inside" Shota asked giving you a smirk "sure why not"

You sat down on the couch while he went to the bathroom "I'm going to take a shower" Shota said going to his room. You started to get bored a bit so you wanted to mess with him, you went to the bathroom where he was showering in and walking closer to him "Y/n?" Shota called out "I'm right here" you said closing the door "what are you doing in here" Shota asked poking his head out the curtain "I never saw you shower before and I'm bored" you said with a fake angelic smile "mmhm, come closer to me" You walked over to Shota and slightly poked your head into the curtain "I like the view" you said "oh really" Shota chuckled and rinsed off the soap on his body.

Finally Shota got out of the bathroom looking all comfortable

Finally Shota got out of the bathroom looking all comfortable

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Y'all shhhh 🤫

You looked down and looked back up real quick but Shota noticed you "I saw you looking" Shota said sipping his coffee "yeah yeah whatever" you said walking over to him "may I have a kiss" Shota asked leaning towards you "sure". Shota picked your head up and pressed his lips against yours, the kissing led all the way to the door and you pulled away "already?!" Shota whined "yea I'll come back ok" you said unlocking the door "one more kiss" you shrugged and wrapped your arms around his neck, you finally broke the kiss and stared at him "Ahem" you turned around real slow seeing Hades looking pissed off "Heyyy Hades how are youu" You said with a slight hgh pitch voice "Haru asked for you to get tea not so you can make out with the neighbors" Hades slowly "mmhm don't see the issue Hades you know I'm what seeing someone.?" You said making sure that was right "so your seeing a man his thirty's" Hades questioned you "Correction he is not just a man he is my teacher" you said all proud "Y/N L/N ARE YOU SERIOUS" Hades whisper shouted "I'll get even more serious that I'LL PUNCH YOU IN YOUR FACE" you yelled.

Hades walked away quickly and Shota closed his door real quick "oh come on and open the door Shota I don't bite" You said smirking "last night said otherwise" Shota say d unlocking the door "you bis wuss I bit your neck now shut it" you said walking inside, before you could even sit down Shota picked you up "What are you doing" you asked "we're taking a nap princess" "BUT I'M NOT SLEEPY" you yelled kicking your legs "we could always do something else" Shota said going into his room "Eh NOOOO"

Time skip to Monday

You were in class waiting for it to start when Yaoyorozu came to talk to you "Y/nnn I need to tell you something" She said coming to sit next to you "What is it now" you said interested "Well I heard a student and teacher are seeing each other" you were shocked those words came out her mouth, You got up and started walking out the door "Where are you going!" "None of your business".

You went into Shota's office without even knocking "Y/n, what's the problem" Shota asked looking up from his computer "Someone made a rumor" you said sitting down on the couch "What about it" "it's about a teacher and student dating" Shota looked up real quick at you and just stared "A RUMOR" Shota shouted "Yeah and I don't know if they know about us out not" you said putting your head down, Shota walked over to you and gave you a hug "It'll be ok I promise just calm down" Shota said. You nodded and looked up at him "what is it now dear" Shota asked "nothin and quit it wit the pet names dickhead" you said poking him in the head.

Shota finally let you go and went back to his seat "I'll be going to lunch now" you said walking off "wait" Shota said getting right back up "What is it now dickhe-" before you could finish your sentence he kissed you, you didn't want to but you pulled away smirking "nice try hot stuff but it ain't happenin" you said walking out the door "I'm nota Dickhead anymore?!" Shota asked"YOU ARE" you said running off.


You went into the canteen and all eyes were on you "do you think it's he her" "Y/n No way she's a model student why would she do such a thing" you kept hearing everyone talking about but someone had said something that got you upset "It's totally L/n *ribbit* I saw her all up on Aizawa one day" Asui said "What are talking about Asui" you said standing in from if her and Uraraka "We were not talking about anything L/n r-r-right Tsu" Uraraka said "wrong we were talking about how you and Mr. Aizawa are seeing each other" Tsu said standing up "that's not true but ok" you said "Yes it is *ribbit* You just mad because someone caught you being a hoe" Asui said "What did you call ME" "A H O E HOOOEEE" you jumped up and started punching Asui dead in her face.

"YOOO THEY FIGHTIN" Denki yelled pulling out his phone "NAHH TSU JUST GETTIN BEAT" Sero yelled pulling out his phone as well "WHERE THE TEACHERS AT" Mina said trying to get your arms off Asui, Mina managed to get your arms but that did stop you because you started kicking Asui "OVER HERE" Midnight,Shota,and All Might came over to you guys trying to get you away from Asui "L/N STOP RESISTING" Midnight shouted "LET ME GO I'M NOT DONE YET" you shouted back "SHE'S BLEEDING A LOT YOU ARE DONE" "NO I WANT TO HER BLEED MORE" you shouted "Let me get her" Shota said moving Midnight out the way "Stop kicking her L/n" Shota said in a calm voice "BRO IS SHE DEAD" Kirishima yelled "SHUT UP SHITTY" Bakugo yelled at him smacking his head "I'm taking her home so do the rest of my classes All Might"

Time skip driving

Riding in the car with Shota was very quiet and you were used to that but the silence broke when Shota spoke "Y/n what happened" Shota asked, you didn't respond so he asked again "What happened Y/n" you didn't respond yet again, Shota sighed and asked again "L/n what Happened I'm not asking again" Shota asked getting upset "then don't asked again Aizawa" you said back "That's not my name dear" Shota said "You just called me L/n so I get to call you Aizawa Dickhead" you shot back "hm you know I always wanted to have sex in the movies" you turned your head real quick to Shota "ARE YOU SERIOUS" you yelled "I'm so serious princess" "I'M NOT GETTING CAUGHT' HAVING SEX IN THE MOVIE THEATER" "Oh we won't get caught it you keep those pretty moans of yours hidden" Shota said "guess that's a yes so we're going".

Yeah you can't get out if this one, so you just have to go to the movie theater with Shota.

Y'all good thing I'm going on spring break soon bc I haven't updated s lot because of it 😭 terrible right anyways sorry to interrupt the program.


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