(Chapter 19) Finale

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{Time Skip two later}

You've graduated from college a year ago and you're making making lot's of money from publishing books and art. Shota wanted to take you on a walk through the park so you gotten ready quickly.

As you got out the shower you remembered that Aphrodite is turning three, you missed your family so much and you wanted to go back to see them but you didn't have any spare time. Your mother has called you many times but you ignored her calls each time, you did your makeup then you curled your blondeish wig you just got. After you got done you got dressed

 After you got done you got dressed

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"Okay well this is good" you took a picture and walked downstairs seeing Shota petting Button and Eri watching a TV show "hello you two" you said, they looked over to you and smiled "good morning, I see anger management is helping" you laughed and...

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"Okay well this is good" you took a picture and walked downstairs seeing Shota petting Button and Eri watching a TV show "hello you two" you said, they looked over to you and smiled "good morning, I see anger management is helping" you laughed and shook your head

One night you had got so mad you punched a big hole in the wall so Shota made you go to counseling and many other things so you could control yourself. You sat down on the couch and looked at Shota "so what's the plan today?" you asked "we're going on a drive around for a while, take you shopping for whatever you want, go to a restaurant for a surprise, and then end the night in a hotel" you smiled and kissed his cheek "I already packed you a bag so don't worry about that okay,and we leave in an hour" you nodded and got up quickly to get a fresh donut, ten you walked into the office and started to get ready to work on a second part of your first book Teacher's Pet, you decided you wanted to have different sections of the story to make it longer.

You couldn't spend a lot of time on writing it though because Shota kept interrupting you with hugs and kisses on your neck, after some time he was ready to go so you stopped working and got in the car with him "so where do you wanna shop at first" Shota asked starting up the car "I don't know" he took hold of your hand and rubbed his thumb across your palm and looked at you "well then, I'm choosing" you rolled your eyes playfully and smiled "Shota don't pick a boring store" he laughed and continued to drive.


"Oh my god Y/n we've been in here four hours let's go" you laughed at how Shota was acting towards you, but you decided you were done looking around and bought everything you wanted. It took awhile for the cashier to scan everything though, when Shots saw the price he sighed and swiped his card "you're lucky I love you" he said grumbling "stop being grumpy Sho" you laughed as you watched the cashier put everything in bags, once they done Shot got them and carried all twenty of shopping bags back to the car.

"You don't need to all this Sho" you said getting into the car "but I do" you sighed and looked at your phone seeing your lock screen if Aphrodite, you missed you a lot but you could've find the best time to visit her "oh my gosh she's turning three soon" you whispered, Shota got in the car and looked at you "you okay?" he asked, you simply nodded "great, so it's time we head to the restaurant" you smiled and bucked your seat belt then kissed Shota's hand "yes?" you laughed and shook your head "nothing at all" he shook his head and started driving to the restaurant.


Once you both got the restaurant and you were filled with excitement when you saw it "I heard of this place, someone said that they have great lobster" Shota smiled and opened the door for you, you thanked him and waited to be seated. Mot very long of a wait you got to your table and you were looking st the menu "sooo" you looked up at Shota confused "did you enjoy thst surprise from yesterday" you playfully rolled your eyes "you gave me a shitload of money to go shopping with, what do you think" Shota smirked "what did you buy with it" he asked "a whole new wardrobe woth it, not just for me for you and Eri as well" Shota smiled and took your hand "you've changed these two years of knowing you, when we met you were just one of my students that had a bad temper and attitude and a bit defenseless , now you've graduated school in top of your class, got more degrees while working on your writing your career and sell best selling art and books" he said "I'm so grateful that I met you Y/n and I don't want to let you go ever" you smiled as he kissed your hand "I love you, remember that".

As you and him got your food yall talked about lots of things that had been happening then Shita had called the waiter then whispered in their ear, they walked away snd you both just waited for them to come back. Soon later the waiters and waitresses were walking up to you and surrounded with you with a cake "Strawberry cake for you" you looked up at Shota who was smiling "Happy birthday love" you smiled and took the cake "you remembered oh my gosh, Shota I thought you were too busy to give it any thought" he laughed "look at the cake for you choke" you at the top of the cake gasped "you said you wanted the ring when we were out but you couldn't get it at the time"you smiled and cleaned it off "thank you thank thank youu" you said putting it on "just wait till we got to the hotel" you looked at him and asked for the cake to go in a to go box  so you could take it with you "you excited?" you nodded

Finally you and Shota pulled up at the hotel Shota got the room key and headedto y'all room "close your eyes for me" you closed them as Shota still covered then up for yo uthen walked inside "alright open them" as you did your brother's and sister popped out "SURPRISE" you screamed and ran up to them and gave them a big hug "Y/n don't choke me now" Haru said "oh sorry" you hugged Aphrodite and kissed her cheek then hugged Hades "you've changed" Hades said "I had went to anger management and counseling okay damn get off my ass" he scoffedand pinched you

After hours talking your siblings went back to your place and it was just you and Shota, he had poured some champagne fir you and him and watched some movies "so, you enjoy today?" you nodded, he kissed you softly and laid hus head on your lap "Shota" he looked up at you "I apologize for ever hurting you in anyway these years, I love you so much and now I'm realizing that I did tou you so wrong and I should've never been that way to you and I don't understand why you kept up with my bullshit" you said as you played with his hair "well that's easy" you got confused

"You're just like my little Teacher's Pet Y/n and will always be with me forever and ever"

The end ig 🌚

WOOO, I finished my first book omg 😁, if y'all read this thsnk you and I love ya. Now if you'd like something new tell me a character and a plot ig butttt yeah thank you for reading this 😭

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