(Chapter 4)Drama for yo momma

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It's been two months since you and Shota started seeing each other but you guys kept your relationship a secret for many good reasons. You were at him on a Saturday watching your little sister Aphrodite (goddess of beauty). "Sup sis mom not home?" "No.. it's like right after she had the baby she just went straight to work and barely checks in her" "damn shame um you wanna go to the the grocery store wit me" "YES I haven't been out of the house all weekend". You and Hades got to bougie Walmart (target) and looked at the grocery list "why she put two bags of chips when she know she gonna eat0 them by herself" "man let's just get this stuff and go". Y'all were in the store for 20 minutes trying to get all the things on the list, you were in the dairy aisle when you heard a familiar voice "no present Mic I'm not getting you that" "oh c'mon Aizawa it's delicious" "I don 't think mixing candy and cheese is delicious but ok" You turned and saw Shota and Present Mic right behind. You was just finna mind yo business but Aphrodite just had to cry "you were being soo quiet why you gotta do this" "Y/n?" You turned around awkwardly like in those TV shows "um HeYyyYy" "you have a daughter" "No um no no nooo this is my little sister she's two months" "oh so your babysitting" "Yyyyes something like that my mother makes me take care of her which is messing up my school schedule" "I can tell you gotta C on your last exam" "Thanks Present Mic for reminding me!" "Y/n I get some of the stuff on he list" you turned around seeing Hades struggling with the goods he's got, "dummy your about to drop the eggs" "shouldn't your other parent help do the shopping" "he's on a business trip" after you were done helping Hades out you went back to Aphrodite who having the time of her life with Shota who wasn't even doing anything "I think your sister is broken" "heh no she just likes you that's all" "L/n were you going somewhere" "yes I am I'm going to be an assistant for a painter" "then you should be going then" both of your teachers waved and started to walk away "so the guy with the black hair is the one you been seein" "shut up Hades and let's go"

Y'all got back home and saw your mom's car outside. Yall walked in seeing her look angry "where have y'all been" "at Target doing something you should be doing" "SAY WHAT SPEAK TO Y/N" "Ma calm down your going to wake up Aphrodite" Hades went upstairs to put Aphrodite to sleep "I have never saw someone get dressed up to go to he store so where you goin" "where I'm going isn't important ok just know that I'm doing something for school" "Girl watch that litt attitude with me and you not goin nowhere you have responsibilities here at home" "Mother you don't even BE HERE WATCHING YOUR TWO MONTH OLD" "I should slap the black off you-" before your mother could even touch you Haru came in just in time "mom I love you and all but you not finna put your hands my sister got it" Haru's eyes started to glow meaning he was about to use his quirk "what you gonna do make me into stone" "it's a warning" Haru stepped away backing away from y'all's mom going to the door "you shouldn't say such things to your children who haven't been smoking or drinking all the time their home". You and Haru were in the car going to the building you were assigned to "thanks Haru" "that's what's big brothers are for" "boy your only older by seven minutes" Haru laughed that went to a smile "I was thinking..on getting a apartment for us" "Haru..what do you mean" "I mean for all four of us after mom gave birth all she cared about was work and dad mannn I think he cheating on mom" "why you think that" "this man accidentally sent me a text saying my wife gon be back in two weeks so you can come over doll" "oh wow he bold..hope he know that when mom finds out she might kill him" "right.. we're here" "Bye Haru" he waved and drove off.

"Hello I'm here for Marie Conner" (yes I made up a painter what about it) "50th floor" the lady gave you the most fake smile ever so you gave you one back. You got to the floor you were supposed to go to, this place was well organized and was full of art work "um Helloo I'm Y/n L/n I'm supposed to be an assistant for Marie Conner" as you said that a wowm in a baggy t-shirt and sweats came running to you "Miss Conner?" "That's me oh and honey I could've dressed down" "oh I could..my brother made me wear this" "don't be ashamed it's so beautiful" "oh thank you ..I have a question" "the reason I'm wearing a mask is because I'm working on a giant painting and the paint they requested is very strong" you smiled at her,she seemed like a nice woman. "Ok my first assignment for you is to throw in a smock and paint what's on the paper write there" you nodded got the paperwork and followed Mrs. Conner. She led you to the room she had set up for you "here you go dear if you need me open the little slide door" "ok thank you" she closed the door and you got to work.

 She led you to the room she had set up for you "here you go dear if you need me open the little slide door" "ok thank you" she closed the door and you got to work

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I really liked this sooo yea and credit to the creator

Time Skip after work

"I'll see you next Saturday ok L/n" "of course and please you can can Y/n" you walked out the building about to call Haru to pick you up until someone said something out of the blue "Y/n ready to go" you looked up seeing Andre leaning on his 'car' "how did you know where I was" "I have my ways now c'mon and let's get in my car" "correction your mother's car and no I'll walk" "dummy we're down town it'll take a long time to get home" "ok" you started to walk away but he wouldn't give up "CAN YOU LET ME GO" "Oh c'mon baby just get in he car" "no" he pinned you to a near by wall leaning in for a kiss, you tried getting away but the grip on wrist was to strong. *BAM* out of nowhere Andre was on the ground with a big ass bruise "Ah what the hell was that-"

Cliffhanger ✨


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