(Chapter 16) Funerals

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I do believe Aphrodite what like 9 months but I forgot, honestly forgot she here, so let's say she's 9 monthes


"This a joke right" Haru shook his head, you couldn't say anything all you could you do was cry. You went upstairs and cried in your pillow, after some hours you fell asleep peacefully.

[Next Day]

'fuck how long was I out for' you checked your phone it said it was 10:30 a.m, you got out of bed and went downstairs seeing Haru and Hades down there with Aphrodite "hey y'all,how long was I sleep for" Haru quickly ran to you and hugged you tightly "what" "girl you've been sleep for two whole days thought you died" you laughed a little and hugged him back "sorry" you pulled away and Haru looked so blank "you okay" he nodded and walked out to the balcony

"He's still in shock, oh and I'm the funeral is Saturday" Hades said walking to you "oh" you and Hades walked out to the balcony seeing Haru holding back his tears "let it out" you said, Haru did and he has the most ugliest cry ever in the world "ugly ass" Hades laughed "shut up meanie" Haru sighed and kicked Hades "ow that shit hurt" Haru picked himself back up and looked like his cheerful self "you got snot on yo cheek" Hades said "you'd be a amazing underworld king Hades you know" Haru said wiping the snot "ewwwwwww go wash your hands nowww" you said, he sighed and went inside. You and Hades walked inside seeing Aphrodite looking so happy watching South Park "why the hell is this on" you said grabbing the remote, you turned off the TV and picked her up "Ooo your gettin heavy bub" you and and Aphrodite went upstairs .

You took a shower and grabbed a matching swimsuit for Aphrodite so you both could go into the pool in the apartment building

You took a shower and grabbed a matching swimsuit for Aphrodite so you both could go into the pool in the apartment building

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Ignore the hat and imagine something else if ya want 🙂

You also put on a cover up then walked out the door. As you were locking the door you see Shota come out his apartment "well well well look at this, what are you about to do dear?" Shota asked "go to the pool with my sister,is that a problem" he shook his head and walked away "have fun I'm going to the gym" you sighed and walked to the elevator.

You got downstairs and went straight to the pool, luckily there was a kiddie pool so Aphrodite was safe, you sat her down and she started splashing you "hey hey heyy don't do that" she laughed and kept splashing you. After she was done to you got her out "back innn!" you looked at her like she was messin wit yo hand out her back in the pool, not long you hear familiar voices "good thing my aunt lives here*ribbit*" you rolled your eyes but stopped when Aphrodite splashed you "hey no fair I was distracted" you said, you look up seeing Asui and Uraraka staring at you "see I told you she had a fuckin kid" Asui whispered "um so you know you can't whisper and she's my little sister" you said "c'mon Aphrodite we goin back upstairs" you picked her up and she stated whining "Stayyyy" "I know we'll come back soon okay, I promise" she pouted and and laid her head on your chest.

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