(Chapter 9) 🎥Movie date and Court 👩🏽‍⚖️

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You and Shota finally pulled up the the movie theater and you were sound asleep "Y/nn wake up" Shota said running on your thigh, you opened your eyes a bit and looked at Shota "come on sleepy head we have some things to do" Shota said getting out the car "do I have to" you groaned stepping out "oh come on princess it's a horror movie so nobody's gonna pay attention to us" Shota said taking your hand "whatever" you rolled your eyes and started to walk away.

You guys had payed for the movie and got snacks all together, when you walked in the ads were already playing "come on kitty cat" Shota said taking your hand and walking to the back "Shota we're really doing this" "of course now let's be in this back row here" he said pulling your hand, you rolled you eyes and followed him the to the back "alright kitty get comfortable for now okay" Shota whispered in your ear "I- b-back o-off I don't deserve this" you said pushing Shota's chest away from you "oh c'mon baby don't be like that" "stop with the names it's annoying" Shota scoffed then payed attention to the trailers. The movie had finally started and you were just bored by looking at it, you tapped Shota's shoulder to get his attention "what is it I'm watching the movie" "well I'm bored and I'm raedy to go" you said getting annoyed "hmph well ya gonna have to bored Y/n" you gave him the finger before sitting back down.

As you were bored out of your mind you had gotten an idea to mess with Shota a bit, you got up from your chair and crawled to his. You started to unzip Shota's pants and he noticed real quick "what are you doing!" Shota whispered shouted "shut the hell up and watch the movie" you got up slowly into Shota's lap and started kissing his neck "f-fuck" you chuckled and started grinding on him. You felt a bulge from Shota's pants and you giggled about it "your hard Shota" you pulled his pants down along with his boxers, you down back on your knees and started stroking his dick "s-s-top t-t-teasing me"

his whispered, you opened your mouth and put his dick in and started going in and out your mouth, you looked up and stared over him for a bit then looked away "fuck yea just like that" he gripped your hair and shoved all of him in your mouth making you almost choke, he kept making you go in and out bust faster "fuck I'm cumming" he made you go even faster and not long you felt the warm cum coming ing your mouth, he let you go all relaxed tilting his back. He looked back at you seeing all his cum was still on your mouth "Swallow it" you did as he said and opened your mouth letting him know it's all gone "good job now let's go"

Next day

You were talking to Kirishima and Denki having a whole vibe when Asui stepped in and bandages all over her face, you wanted to laugh so hard but you kept your cool "Asui how ya feeling" Uraraka asked patting Asui on her shoulder "my head doesn't feel right and my cheek is busted up real bad so I'm doing great" she replied sitting down "tch, that girl will be aight" you said quietly so only Kirishima and Denki would here "you wrong for that" Denki laughed "am I lyin" they shook their heads real fast having tears coming down their faces from laughing "Y/n we should definitely go and get our hair and nails done together one day" Mina said walking over to you "oo we should when doe" "hmm how bout Saturday" she said, you nodded and got in your seat.

Shota came in looking more energetic which was a surprising for everyone except you "hello class um so what are we even doing today, oh write that stupid ass project" he mumbled to himself "Uh like I was saying today we're starting a project, will the model student explain" he said pointing to you "damn alright, so basically we're doing a group project about...the universe what the hell who made this dumb ass shit" you said reading off your paper "you could calm down tho, always cussin" Uraraka mumbled "what you say brokey speak up or you'll be lookin like yo lil girlfriend" you said pointing to Asui "I- nOtHiNgg" you sucked you r teeth and went back to the paper "so like i sayingg before I got rudely interrupted, you and your partner's will be making a slideshow, a hour long video, and a eighteen page essay on the universe- ok who in they right mind decided to make us do a hour long essay" you said "well It's the end of the year and this is the kind of stuff we do here at U.A, you'll have perfectly enough time to do this on the weekend and you'll more time when you get back now any questions" Shots said "yeah do we choose our groups" he nodded and walked out the room "class dismissed

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