(Chapter 18) Runaway

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Time skip to the end of summer

"Wait so you're saying you only need four more credits to graduate!" Mina asked "uh yeah, why do surprised" Mina squealed and hugged you "I'm not that surprised I'm just excited for you" you smiled and hugged her back.

(let's pretend that's how college works like the sims lol)

After a long ass hug you both walked to the Kitchen seeing Haru and Hades arguing "NIGGA YOU SUPPOSED TO SQUEEZE THE LEMON ONLY A LITTLE BIT" Haru yelled "WELL DAMN I DIDN'T KNOW" Haru sighed "now everything's fucked up thanks a lot" you rolled your eyes and checked up on Aphrodite "hey cheeky, what ya doin" you asked sitting down "I'm counting" you smiled and looked at the flash cards that was scattered all over the floor "cheeky you need help" she huffed and nodded "alright just sit down okay" you crawled on the floor to all the flash cards up while Aphrodite watched you, once you got them all you sat back I front of her "alright what's this number" "one" you showed another card "two" you smiled then showed another card "um..three". You had Aphrodite go up to ten, once she got up to ten she collapsed and you started to laugh "Y/n" you looked u oat her smiling "Park?" you sighed and nodded.

You put Aphrodite on some clothes to get dirty in and and y'all both walked out the apartment.

Aphrodite was so happy to be on those swings it made you almost tear up. She soon had wanted to go on the slide and you when you let her out the swing she tried to run over to the slide "wait wait wait!" You yelled out running behind her. Once you got her up on the top of the slide she slid down happily over and over again till she got sleepy "wanna go home now?" she nodded and you picked her up. Aphrodite later her head on your shoulder and fell straight asleep, as you were walking to your car a woman approached you "hello ma'am I wanted to say your daughter is very beautiful" you smiled and chuckled "thank you but she's not my daughter she's my sister" the woman looked at you all confused "then where's her mother" you sighed and continued to walk "that's none of your business" you continued to walk away "I just want to know where's this child's mother is" you sighed and turned around "it doesn't matter, I'm my sister's guardian that all that matters, now good day ma'am" you got in your car and drove off after getting Aphrodite buckled".

Once you got back home Aphrodite ran over to Haru and hugged his legs "hey chicken little" he picked up and laid on Michelle's lap "get you wanna have kids one day?" you laughed and continued to listen to the conversation "uh yeah, kids are amazing even if they shit, puke, and puss on you" Haru smirked and gave her a devilish look "I can give one if you want" Michelle slapped him while you laughed "I'm dead serious" you shook your head and walked away.

When you got in your room your phone starts to ring "hello?" "Y/n, I want your to pack all your things, yes I mean everything" you were confused what Shota was telling you "um why" "please just do it- fuck this shit hurts, once everything is packed drop them out your window trust me" you sighed "alright Shota" "love you" Shota hung up and you started packing.


Surprisingly it didn't take long plus things were still in the boxes when y'all first moved in. When opened your window seeing Shota all bloody and smiling "SHOTA WHAT HE HELL HAPPENED" you yelled "ME AND YOUR FATHER GOT A BIT VIOLENT" you sighed and dropped a box down "GOOD NOW GET EVERYTHING ELSE" he yelled back. You threw the rest of your stuff out the window and still were confused why his arms were out "JUMP, HURRY" you sighed and stepped on the stairwell then walked down the stairs "you serious?" you laughed and gave a nod. you jumped on the last step and looked at Shota's face "you didn't tell me your dad's a maniac" Shota lifted your chin and kissed you, you pulled back and got a bit serious "so what's happening?" Shota sighed and took out a paper "I got into it with some people involed with your father and now I could possibly get into a fight and die, so I'm leaving and I want you to come with me" he looked at you and you looked back, you bit your lip and stepped back "what about my family?" Sota lowered his head and chuckled "right, you have your brothers and sister" Shota sighed and looked down at all the boxes, you picked up one and placed it in his car "what are you doing?" you smiled "help put the boxes in the car idiot, I'll just tell them I'm going to be gone for awhile" Shota sighed in relief and passionately kissed you "I love so much, you didn't have to do this at all, I promise you I'll give you the works along as Eri too" you pushed his chest away about to scream "Eri's coming too?!" Shota nodded "we're officially her parents, and yes I did your past as well sorry" you laughed and kissed him again "let's go before these dudes find you again".

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