(Chapter 7) Distractions

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You were extremely bored of the class you were in and you were ready to leave real quick "blah blah blah blah blah blah H2O...Y/n can you answer the question" your teacher asked "huh umm I guess" "what is this" your teacher pointed at one of the figures right in front of him "..acid" "correct now what is this" "water droplets" "correct again now what is-oh hello Aizawa" seeing Shota caught you off guard which was terrible "hello" "well umm now Y/n what is this" *what the hell is that* "Y/n you know this" "umm Quartz?" "No it's a diamond dear but nice" you let out a small sighed while some of your classmates laughed a bit at your mistake "What's so funny Monoma" "you like what idiot would mistake a diamond" "Oh I HAD IT WITH YOU" you tackled Monoma on the ground giving him a bunch of punches to the face "GET OFF ME CRAZY" "THIS IS PAYBACK FOR DISRESPECTING ME" before anything else got out of hand Shota had gotten a grip to you and pulled you away "Calm down both of you especially you Y/n alright" "...let me go".

You stepped out of the classroom waiting when Shota was coming out of his room, when he finally did he just stared at you giving you a smirk "do you need to step into my office" "sure I don't care" you started to walk with him to his office..well mostly you stomping while he walked to his office "you are being such a brat today huh" "shut up". When you got inside you plopped yourself onto his couch looking up at him while locked the door "Oh no princess you up on the desk...it's not a question either" "hell to the fucking no" "then I have no choice" Shota walked up to you kneeling down looking up at you "Shota" "I know you said no funny business but...can't help it your to sexy dear" "what are doing" "just admiring your thighs may I just say these shorts look so good on you"

can't help it your to sexy dear" "what are doing" "just admiring your thighs may I just say these shorts look so good on you"

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"Thanks...when are you gonna get off me damn it" you trying to move him away from you "when I want to dear~" you wanted to slap the hell out of Shota but then, when your looking at him you want to kiss him which you did just that. Shota pulled away looking a bit shocked by how you were acting "what think I'm a bottom.?" "Kinda" " well you're wrong I'm not" "then what are you" he asked "a switch is that a problem" "no ma'am" you smirk then pulled his tie towards you for another kiss that went on for a longer time period, some how you were on top of Shota still making out with him but you weren't complaining at but you had to pull away from the kiss even if you didn't want to "what's up" "we shouldn't be doing this especially here at school" "so my doors locked and the blinds are closed" "Shota it's still school hours and I still have two more classes alright and one if them I need to raise my grade so I have to go I'll see you later" before you could unlock the door Shota pinned you on it "Shota I'm gonna be late" "so it's just english isn't it" "Please I promise I'll come see you tonight ok" you pulled him down for a kiss then looked him in the eyes "you promise" "yes idiot now let me unlock the door" you turned around unlocking the door finally going to class, the rest of the day went by faster than earlier.

Time Skip after school

"Soo he's finding a job right now and you're at work" you were talking to Hades who told you why Haru couldn't pick you up from school "alright I got things to take care of anyway talk to you later" you sighed about to start walking but stopped when you heard Shota and Midnight talking so you pretended to be texting someone to not look sus "I already told you I wasn't watching porn on your computer so stop blaming me" Shota said to Midnight "Then who was it" "ask All Might he's in there all the time now leave" "your so mean but see you tomorrow" Shota walked over to you seeing what you were up to "does someone need a ride home~" "n-no" "are you sure usually you'd be already gone" "so" "my dear don't tell me your going to walk" "And what if did walk is that a problem" Shota grabbed your hand and took you to his car "HEY what are we doing in here" "I can't keep holding back so let's go somewhere no one will find us got it" you nodded your head slowly and Shota started to drive off.

"So your gonna tell me why we're in a parking lot" "I said I couldn't hold back" Shota got in the backseat sitting there eyeing you "what does that- when the hell you get there" "when you were thinking but now dear can you come sit back here with me~" you were about to get up but you just thought about revenge on him for the shit he pulled when you two first had sex "hm may I get that hot pink bag there Shota" "sure..?" he gave it to you slowly but you just snatched it out his hands "hey there's valuable things in there" "oh hush... perfect" "what are you even plan-OH no no no no you are not doing this" "whaat all they are is a ring vibrator and a leash "no" "your the fucking horny fucker you has this so don't be mad at don't be mad mautha fuckin me"

you climbed in the backseat looking up at Shota (yes you on the floor) "just gonna stare at me kitty cat" "I'm not" you lifted yourself up wrapping your arms around Shota "may I kiss you dear" "knock yourself out" Shota grabbed your waist pulling you in closer for a kiss. "Your lips taste so sweet mm" Shota said only pulling back from a second "well sir I'm not gonna be so sweet now" you chuckled "excuse m- When did you put the leash on!" "While you were kissing me" "ow this shit kinda tight" Shota said trying to loosen it up"oh shut up" you got of Shota's lap getting back on the floor sliding his pants off "Wow Shota you've must've been real horny like shit your already hard" you said pulling his dick out of his pants "I have no words" he said putting his head back.

"Let's get this vibrator on shall we" you said putting it on a high setting,you slid om which had gotten Shota riled up "Ah fuck N-o warning I see~" Shota said looking down at you "nope and I'm-Oo not giving a warning for this" you said putting his full length inside you (yes the pants are off👀) "do you need help my dear" Shota asked caressing your face "y-yea" you said with your head down. Shota's thrust went slow so you could adjust and once you did he started getting faster "I'm surprised you haven't-used the leash" he spoke too soon since you pulled him in closer to your face "Shota when will you just shut up and kiss me" you pulled him into a sloppy kiss,

"Ah FUCK you know this Vib-vibrator's gettin to me" "That's what I was Hoping for" Shota's thrust were getting faster yet sloppier. "IM GONNA-" you cut Shota off by pulling the leash bringing him closer to you "Just the hell up now and kiss me" "as you wish Kitty cat~" you wrapped your arms around him getting into a more intense kiss, you pulled away smirking then looked down "damn that vibrator made you cum a lot" you looked back up at Shota who was just staring at you "gonna help me clean the mess dear?" Shota asked, you pulled the leash pulling him closer to you "don't ask me a dumb question" you got of Shota's lap getting back on the floor "wow this is a lot" you said looking kinda amazed "well thanks to you" Shota said looking down at you.

You sucked off all the cum that was left on Shota which took about 4 minutes since you wanted to get every last of it "Wow Y-You know how to please a man huh" Shota said lifting your head up "Take me home sir" you said glaring at him "of course"

Time skip

You had Finally got back home, Haru and Hades were back as well "well well well look who's finally back" Hades said standing right in front of the door "shut up Hades" you said putting your things away "You smell like men cologne" Hades said "Why are you even smellin my sister" Haru said coming into the living room "you mean our" "can you get out the way Hades" you said getting impatient "sure". You went to you room tired as ever and just wanted to go to sleep "Knock knock" "what is it Haru" Haru came in your room with a big smile on his face "were you having sex dear sister" Haru asked "mmhmm" "Ooo who was the lucky man" you didn't want to answer the question but you also didn't like lying to Haru a lot "um..my teacher" Haru looked at you with excitement..it looked like he was going to jump on the walls "YOUR A TEACHER'S PET" Haru yelled "STOP YELLING AND GET OUT TOMORROW'S SATURDAY SO WE CAN TALK LATER" Haru gave you a hug and left your room. You took a shower and got ready for bed you didn't even care about studying at all you just wanted to sleep and you did just that.

I'm not great with smut I know but like y'all I did a Kink test and it said I'm 100% a switch I got other kinks too so I might add them in other stories but like they gave me a full damn list of what I like but anyways


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