(Chapter 14) Unknown Number pt 2

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"It's Midnight, she found out I guess" Shota said handing back your phone "why are you so calm about this, SHOTA A FUCKIN TEACHER FOUND OUT OUR SECRET" you started packing around back and forth "Y/n Y/n Y/n it's going to be okay, trust me" you looked up at Shota and looked back down "sorry" he smiled and hugged you real tight wanna stay here tonight" you nodded and started playing with his pants zipper "stop that" you laughed and kissed him "your annoying" you smiled "I know I am Shota but don't you love me for that" he rolled his eyes and nodded "I'm going to bed and you're coming with me" you groaned and slowly walked to his room.

Next day•

"Y/N WAKE UP" Shota yelled "nOoooOOoooOo" Shota scoffed and picked you up "LET ME GO BACK TO SLEEP" "NO YOU SLEPT TO LONG" you kicked his leg and he fell "HA THAT'S WHAT YOU GET OLD MAN" you yelled "I'M NOT FUCKING OLD, I'M THIRTY ONE" you kept laughing at him as he tried getting up "plus I don't even have classes today so why the hell are you waking me up" you asked "because I wanted to spend some time with you" you sighed and got back in bed "what the hell are you doing" "what does it look like I'm doing, sit right here I wanna play with your hair" Shota chuckled and got in the bed "what are you going to do to my hair Y/n" you sighed and kissed her s forehead "just going to run my fingers through your hair a bit" he smiled and closed his eyes.

As you were playing with his hair you fingers got stuck you had to pull them out, when you did that Shota let a real tiny moan. You looked down and giggled "you liked that huh Sho" all he did was scoff at you. You smirked and1 crawled in front of him and got on top "what are you doing Y/n" you smirked a little and started rocking your body "Y-Y/n wait" you glared at him s little and kissed him "your gonna ruin my enjoyment sho" he sighed and lifted you up "now look what you did, I'm hard" you smirked and ran away "Y/N WHERE ARE YOU GOING" Shota asked "HOME"

*Time skip*

You unlocked your apartment door and saw Hades standing right in front of you "and where were you" he asked "over a friend's house, is that a problem" he shook his head and walked away "Y/N " you walked over to the kitchen and saw Haru all happy for some reason "what" "I've been bored, let's go out" he said "no thank you, I just wanna go to sleep" he wiped a fake tear "I guess you don't want to see your best friend huh" you looked at him all confused and then looked at the door which was opening "what are you-SHINDO" he smiled and opened his arms "heyy miss twenty year old" you playfully rolled your eyes and lo him "I've missed you" you said rocking side to side "liar I can smell the cologne" you kicked him real quick "shut up" he laughed and pulled away from the hug "I wanna see yo room" you rolled your eyes and leaded him upstairs.

"Your room is boring, all is in here is stuff for shcool" Shindo said looking at your shelves "oh shut up" you got on your bed and turned on your speaker hen turned on Nasty Freestyle (it's the song I'm listening to rn I'm sorry 😭)"Ayee I see you sis" Haru said walking by "shut up". You hand Shindo were talking till you passed out "girl it's only ten how you tired" he asked tucking you in bed "DoN't WorRyy BoUt ThAt SwEeThEaRt" you said having your words slurred "we didn't even drink what's up with you" you smiled "I'm just tired, night Shindo" he gave you a small smile and patted your head "night Y/n, I guess it's only ten in the morning" you smiled again "even better" you instantly fell asleep "bruhh".

Time skip♪

You woke up Finally and the whole apartment was silent 'what the hell' you got up and walked downstairs which was empty 'where the hell is everyone' you went to Hades's room and he wasn't in there, you went to Aphrodite's room and she wasn't there, then you went to Haru's room and he wasn't there! You called Hades and luckily he answered "Where did y'all go" you asked "I'm not tellin you, should've woken up when I tried to wake you" you whined and hung up. You walked outside and went over to Shota's apartment "Shooooooo open the door" you said knocking on it constantly, he opened the door looking like a whole meal

'sheesh, why be gotta be so damn hot' he looked at you real confused "you littertly have a key, use it" you rolled your eyes and kissed him "what are you baking sir" you asked "um some cookies" you clapped your hands and walked inside "what kind" ...

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'sheesh, why be gotta be so damn hot' he looked at you real confused "you littertly have a key, use it" you rolled your eyes and kissed him "what are you baking sir" you asked "um some cookies" you clapped your hands and walked inside "what kind" "sugar cookies" you smiled and watched him take out the cookie tray, he handed you one and then started frosting them "oooo" he smirked and walked over to you "it is good" you nodded "Shota why do you hide this side of you" you asked biting the soft cookie "I don't, your just mean" you sighed and turned around "I'm not mean, it's the way I am" he rolled his eyes and kissed you, you tried pulling away but Shota pulled you right back in. He picked you up and walked over to the couch and opened your legs "wait what are you doing" you asked pulling away "I haven't had a taste of you for some time now, may I" you slowly nodded and kissed him again.

Smut ⚠️ or a lemon

Shota moved his hand from your cheek and put it on your boob, he moved his other hand down to your thigh "fuck Sho why's your hands so warm" he smirked and pulled your shorts down "Damn Y/n why does this feel so new to me" you rolled your eyes and smiled "just hurry up AH-seriously" he smirked and out his second finger inside you then started going in and out.

"Y/n open your mouth" you slowly did as he said and put his two fingers in front of you "have a taste" you bit your lip and put his fingers in your mouth "your so gorgeous, bet you forgotten about midnight" before you could even say anything you felt his tongue touch your clit making you moan a little "Sh-Shota fuck" he squeezed your thighs and started eating you out like never before, you tried moving your arms to pull him off you but he put his hands on top of yours 'fuck he's too strong' you wrapped your legs around his waist quickly from him going faster "SHO AH FUCK WAIT" he looked at you continuing slurping the juices off you "your enjoying yourself Y/n" you didn't say a word, Shota smirked and started eating you out again "FUCK, Sho please" he looked back you still smirking "you must be ready to cum huh love" you nodded "well, I suppose I'll let you" Shota kissed you and went back to slurping your shit up "fuck why you gotta do that with your tongue Sho" he chuckled a bit and did something a little different with his tongue, you felt yourself getting real close and before you knew it you came already "someone's excited" you sighed and curled into a ball "shut up" Shota smiled and laid on top of you "night Y/n"

"Night Sho"

It's trash ik I've been real fuckin busy, but his weekend I'll probably be the most time I get to write soo yeah 🧍🏽‍♀️

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