(Chapter 6) Problem?

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It's been a week since the pregnancy scare and now you were feeling better and wanted to talk about the situation with Shota but the thing is Shota has been distant for a bit. "Hey Y/n you can I copy your test" "Denki this is the third exam where you asked me to copy so no dude" "no fair you always good high scores" "then study more bro" "your not helping Kirishima" you playfully rolled your eyes then turning them to the door seeing Shota walking in. "Alright everyone get your pencils out for the exam and no cheating...3...2...1 begin" everyone started picking up their pencils and started writing down answers (it's multiple choice mostly) but you just stared at the paper for a bit, it's not that you didn't know what to do you just always stared at the problems for a bit then start writing don the answers you this time you were also wondering why Shota distant. *oh shit I forgot about the test* once all the answers kicked in you started writing really quickly even when you had to write a whole passage for the last question, you got finished first and went up to Shota's desk "...sir" "what is it L/n" "I'm finished" the whole class looked at you all surprised that you finished so quickly like a snap of a finger "already.." "yes" "did you check all your answers" "Yes damn it just take the test" Shota noticed your left arm clenched up so he took the paper real quick before you did something regretful. "Shall I grade it now" "go ahead" "...100% congrats" "yeah mhm can I leave" "sure" you left feeling all angry at Shota for some reason you couldn't figure out it was like he was hiding something from you. You had done you other exams just perfectly and now it was lunch. You went to Shota's office but when you got there you heard voices "oh come on your still gonna be with her when you have me" "shh your so loud" you swung the door open looking furious "L/n?" You looked seeing some woman behind Shota having her arms linked around his neck "am I a joke to you" "no of course not" "the nail marks and wine says something else..lose my number" "honey get out of grown folks business and go play with some dolls" you walked up to her and just made part of her face turn to stone "WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU" "don't disrespect me" you walked out of his office turning on your phone to text Haru


Come pick me up pls:You

Haru: why

I'm upset and I don't want to do anything out of character: You

Haru: 🐮 ok

🐷 Ty:You

(Yes you and Haru send animals to each other) you were waiting for Haru to come get you when you heard your name get called "Y/N" you turned seeing Shota out of breath in front of you "what do you want" "I want to say I'm sorry" "I bet that's a lie" "I mean it Y/n I swear" "go tell that to that woman in yo office" "sh doesn't mean anything to me" "so what about when you two were talking and she told you that she has you and you should just stop talking to me I'm guessing" "You guessed right" "is that supposed to make me feel better know what why am I even upset it's not like we are actually together" right on time Haru pulled up waiting for you to get in the car "C'MON SLOWPOKE I GOT A DATE TO GET TO" "like I said before lose my number" you walked not looking back at all but you stopped when Shota said something out the blue "Y/n keep a look out for packages" you rolled your eyes and got in the car "What was that about" "nothing just drive".

You got home to yelling..it was Hades and your dad "DON'T GET MAD AT ME THAT YOUR LITTLE SECRET CAME OUT" "YOU ARE ALWAYS DISRESPECTFUL AND I'VE HAD IT" your dad just disappeared upstairs "what happened" "mom found out that dad's been cheating on her and he's blaming me but I've been on patrol all day so how the fuck can I tell her just own up that she caught him stupid ass nigga"

you laughed a bit but that smile went to a frown real quick when your father came downstairs with three suitcases "they hell are yiu doing" "y'all three gon have to find somewhere else to stay because this ain't y'all homw no more" "ARE YOU SERIOUSLY KICKING US OUT BECAUSE YOU GOT CAUGHT" "Calm down Y/n because I been planned for this" Haru took out a key from his bag dangling in your father's face "We're packing all our things and we'll be taking you guys to court". You and your brothers left that toxic house and started to drive somewhere "Haru where are we even going" "to the apartment I got us" "wait you actually got it" "uh yeah the building is right over here" y'all pulled up to a building that was just too familiar "HARU YOU SERIOUS" "about what" "I- nevermind mind what floor we on" "the fifth floor door 507"

you were shocked that you guys were now living in the same building that Shota lives and right next door! Y'all got settled in and now you wanted to explore since this place is like a whole hotel "I'll be back later" "alright be safe" you locked the door about to go to the elevator until you stopped...it was Shota "Y/n?" "It's L/n" "uh L/n..may I ask what your doing here" "I live here" "oh really" "Yes asshole right next door to-" Shota pinned you to the wall looking straight in your eyes "Aizawa what are you doing!" "My name's Shota to you princess" "well I don't want to call you that" "too bad now would you let me explain what happened today" you weren't really in the mood to get an excuse from Shota but you were interested on what he was going to say "...fine" Shota led you to his apartment which was still do organized "heh I thought this place would be junky because of that lady friend of yours" "I really don't have anyone come in here" "and why is that" "nobody is suited enough to step in my personal space... except you if course" "stop tryna smooth talk me and get to the point of this conversation"

"alright... first of all that woman is a ex of mine" "wow can't keep an ex away either I see" Shota chuckled at you and went back speaking "unfortunately she works at U.A and came to drop off some paperwork for me and rudely took out the wine bottle I had and took out two glasses" "that doesn't explain the nail marks and the lipstick that was on your neck" "..she can control people" "oh wow what a surprise" "Let me finish" "what is it to finish you just explained how this woman is an asshole for just controling people with out permission" Shota chuckled and lie his head on your lap "what are you doing" "laying down mmm you smell like vanilla"

(I took me so long to think of a good smell 😭) "yeaa I was making cookies" Shota looked up at you trying to put a smile on his face "can you stay here tonight" "why" "because I want you too" "..fine but only for tonight and no funny business alright I need to clear my head" Shota nodded got up and took you to the kitchen "what are we doing" "making ramen and I bet you can't make them better than mine" "ha bet your on"

Ahem..I totally didn't forget about y'all ok 👀 anyways I'm making the next chapter for this and my Bakugo book so yeah it's a lot and as you can tell by reading my conversations I need a better sleep schedule but we ain't gon talk about that ok..ok


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