(Chapter 5) Close One

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"Ah what the hell was that-"

"Get you ass up and leave right now" you turned seeing Shota looking pissed off "ah fuck old man that hurt" "I'm only 31 I'm not that old" the two of them were arguing over nothing which got you pissed "SHUT UP BOTH OF YOU" they turned seeing you upset "Shota if you were planning on driving me home forget it I'm walking home". You started to walk away from the chaos they were causing until Shota grabbed your hand "what..Is..It" "why are you mad at me all I did was help you" " I'm not a fucking damsel in distress I can do things myself" "I get that but what's with the attitude" "I'm upset what do you think" (yall might be wondering where Andre at..the man left cuz he was bored of seeing y'all fight) you snatched your hand away from him and started walking again "Just hold on a second" "Leave me alone" "can we just get something to eat and figure this out" "there's nothing to figure out" Shota wasn't trying to argue with you right now all he did was take your hand and took you to a near by restaurant. "I told you I was going home" "too bad" "grr Take me Home asshole" "..when was the last time you ate" "...ummm this morning" "Y/N L/N" "Whaat I wasn't hungry" "tsk..order anything..but don't order too much" you rolled your eyes and decided you wanted chicken tenders and macaroni from the kid's menu "are you serious" "fuck you mean chicken be busin" Shota sighed and got a chipotle lookin burrito. "Can you tell me why I'm here again" "I mean I haven't really took you on a date before" "hah you act like we're in a relationship goofy" "oh really do I need to remind you what you said last time we had sex" you almost choked on your water when he said that "S-shut up please" "and I know for a fact that was just last week" "please please PLEASE be quiet" "oh we're begging now aren't we" "if you are in the fuckin mood just say that Shota" he gave you a smirk and eyed you "well..I'm in the mood" "ahh shit"

Yep you ended up topping Shota 😌 but Time skip next day

"Y/n?" You looked up seeing Mina who looked very concerned "hey Mina what's up" "are you ok because you looked like you barely got any sleep" "yea I was up studying all-I'll be right back" you ran out the door holding your stomach rushing to the bathroom. *I swear if I'm starting my period right now* you checked yourself and nothing was down there. You got back to class after a panic attack thinking you started your period noticing that class had already started "L/n class started ten minutes ago where were you" "u-umm t-theeee bathroom" "why are you hesitant.. anyways see me in my office for make up work after school" (I wanted to say detention but that's kinda useless since they do probation from your studies) "sure.." you were having a really bad headache for the rest of the day and you didn't know what to do. It was lunch time and you were sitting with Kyouka and Mina "did you hear about Shiozaki and Testsutestu?" "What about them" "sooo basically Testsutestu cheated on Shiozaki with Komori" "I told her to stop messing with her am I right Y/n...Y/n" you picked your head up slowly looking up at Mina and Kyouka "hm.." "are you ok like do we need to get recovery girl" "no no I'm fine I just feel nauseous and I got a really bad headache" they looked at each other then back you, "are you on your period.." "no" "did you eat something bad" "Nooo... I'm just gonna go home I'm just gonna get my work from Mr Aizawa see y'all later" you waved goodbye and walked off. You knocked on Shota's door waiting for him to answer "One second" not long after he opened the door with his eyes widen at you as you leaned onto him "Y/n!?" "Shhh your making my headache worse" "um come inside and I'll get you some tea" he helped you get on the couch and went to get the tea ready "are you ok" "no I'm not I was gonna just get my work that I missed when I was gone and go home" "oh well most of the assignments are on your computer but you just got this book you need to read for an essay" you gave him a small nod then closed your eyes "hm...hello this is U.A University I'm Shota Aizawa one of Y/n's professors and I'm calling to ask are you available to pick L/n up....she said she's been a really bad headaches, nausea, and I can sense dizziness...mmhm alright I'll see you soon" Shota let out a sigh and walked over to you "princess" "..what is it" "your mother's coming to pick you up ok" "why couldn't I just go with you" "I gotta do a shit load of work do I'm not going home tonight" "bummer".

"Hey baby are you ok" "I'm fine mom" your mom had helped you get to the car, she looked concerned for you. "Y/n..are you having sex" "u-um excuse me" "answer the damn question" "..noo" "mmhmm don't lie to me because if you just remember to use protection" y'all pulled out of the parking heading home. "HARUUU" "HADESSS" "shut up and get your sisters" Haru had gotten you out the car and Hades got Aphrodite "what happened to you like you look sick" "I'll tell you both when mom leaves" "alright" you got settled on your bed along with Hades and Haru while Aphrodite was sleeping "soooo" "mom asked me if I'm having sex.." "what did you say" "I said no which is a lie but.." "But what Y/n" "she said to remember to use protection but I never used any protection at all" you put your head down because you really didn't wanna look in Hades eyes. "Ok so what" "DUMMY go get her those pregnancy test from mom's room" Haru jumped up running off while Hades sat there giving you a hug "your not mad" "I'm pissed you didn't tell us but at the same time I'm not because I know you don't talk about your problems with anyone" "I'M BACK" Haru have you the test and went to your bathroom, *so you gotta wait three minutes great*. (I forgot to add that you missed your period like a week ago) you felt like those three minutes went on forever but eventually they passed "finally" you walked out the bathroom trying not to look at the test "what are you doing" "I don't wanna see it take it Haru" Haru shrugged and took it "um" "WHAT" "you prego sis" "excuse me" "I said you pregnant like can you not hear...SIKE I'm playin nah you good but from now on use birth control" you sighed then punched Haru in the arm "don't play like that bruh" "but it was funny" "whatever" that night you and your siblings watched disney movies until y'all fell asleep.

Fuck that fake ass momma 📓🖋️


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