(Chapter 10) Birthday Bitch

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You woke up feeling happy, you got in the shower and did your morning routine

You woke up feeling happy, you got in the shower and did your morning routine

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The whole outfit except the hair

You walked downstairs seeing your brothers playing Call of Duty "Dumb ass nigga" Hades said "Man I'm not that-AYEEE BEST FRIEND GET IT" Haru said taking out his phone and recording you "AYE GET IT GET OT AYE GET ITT" both of them chanted "Take his money, take all that nigga monneyy" you said "happy birthday to us" you said giving your brothers a hug "I'll be off to school bye guys" they waved and went back to playing the game.

You walked outside seeing Malik standing outside his car for you "Oookayy birthday woman over here comin out like a celebrity" he said spinning you around "correction Birthday bitch" you said "I'm not calling you that now let's get to school" he said opening up the door, he got in and started the car "you smoke?" he asked "I never tried it before but my brother does, can I try" you asked "sure, you know what this is" you nodded "it's weed I'm not that stupid" he laughed and drove off.

At school 😔

You pulled up in the school parking lot finally "before we go in spray sum perfume or whatever you got on you" Malik said "aight" you stepped out the car and sprayed some perfume on and walked inside with Malik "I'll see you at lunch or at our art class" Malik said "probably art" he nodded and waved off. You stepped inside that classroom seeing everyone there except Shota "Minaaa" you said opening your arms out, she gasped and ran to you "it's the birthday bitchhh" she squealed "aight so after this class we goin to get nails and hair did got it" you nodded and sat down and went to your phone, you saw the Malik found your account and sent you a Dm

🥱 Malik🥱
Heyy you

Bad ass Y/n😩

Now how in the hell you find me so quickly

Damn a nigga just wanna say hey

Bad ass Y/n😩
Well I'm sorry, heYy

Anyways what you doin for yo birthday beautiful

Bad ass Y/n😩
Idk really know actually probably might just hangout with my brothers
Since it's they birthday too

Ooo you a triplet👀

Bad ass Y/n😩

That's cool but you is not finna spend yo birthday doin nothin, have you been roller skatin before

Bad ass Y/n😩
No I have not my parents never took me

Oof then that's what we finna do today after school aight

Bad ass Y/n😩
Aight I guess now I gotta go byee

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