(Chapter 12) The L Word

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Malik looked up from his phone and walked over to you "hello beautiful, how are you" you sighed and looked up "I'm fine now what are you doing here" you asked "what you mean I'm visiting my momma" you titled your head looking way to confused "excuse me" "you didn't know Maria Conner had a son" you shook your head no "well you do now,hey you wanna hangout tonight" Malik asked "oh uh sure what will we be doin" "we're going to a party" you sighed and walked to your assigned room "is that a no for the party- oh shit it smells like paint in here" "duhh I paint in here dipshit, you sound slow" you said "and.. I'll go I guess" Malik smiled and sat down with you "great"

Time skip

Malik dropped you off back home and told you he'll be back around eight. You unlocked the door to your apartment and was blasted with the smell of seafood 'Ooo Hades is cookin today' you walked in the kitchen and saw Hades making crab legs, Muscles, and Shrimp "Hades what you do now" you asked "why you think I did something" "because everytime you make seafood you've done some shit to piss Haru off" you said getting a water from the fridge "wellll, I kinda sorta accidentally slept with his girlfriend" you almost spit out your water "HADES" he sighed "I know I fucked up totally" he said "did yo ass use protection and we're you in your right mind" he nodded "damn he finna kill you but save me some too" yo usaid going upstairs.

You went into your room and took out your laptop so you could FaceTime Mina and Momo. After calling a few times you got both of them to answer "what is it Y/n geez I was sleeping" Mina said yawning "right I was riding my horse" Momo said "keep talkin bout some damn horse again I'll kill them right in yo face" she gasp "that's cold" she said "so"

You three had finished most of the project now it was time to decide who would be the person in the video, the director, and editor "Mine your the editor" hell no I wanna shine bright like a diamond" "girl what, you want to be the person in the video" she nodded "uh Alright Momo what do you want to be" "the editor" you sighed and wrote everything down "aight I guess I gotta be the director, let's start planning how to shoot the video tomorrow" you waved and hung up

You took a shower and got ready for the party you're going to 'i don't even want to go why am I doing this' you looked in the mirror admiring your outfit

You opened your door but before you could open it fully you saw Aphrodite standing right in front of you "munchkin you you doin" you said picking her up "eat" you sighed and went downstairs "what you do now Hades" Haru said "um I think we should eat first, Y/n where you goin" Hades asked taking Aphrodite from you "I gotta go to this party" you sighed walking out the door "BE SAFE"

You walked outside and saw Malik standing outside his car "hello beautiful how are you" he asked "I'm fine,can we leave now" he nodded and opened the door for you. "Why it look like you got an attitude" you sighed and unlocked your phone "I will get a attitude if you keep assuming" you said "aight I'll stop"

Time skip

Malik pulled up to a house that was not familiar to you at all, you got your stuff and got out the car "you ready" you slowly nodded "aight let's go" he took your hand and walked inside to some loud booming music. Malik let go of your hand and just walked away "this nigga" you went to the kitchen where bunch of girls were at and texted Shota

Sexiest Man ever😩

Shota: got more hoes than yo granny👊🏽

Sexiest Man ever😩:what is it Y/n I'm doing something

I don't give no fucks about that right now, I'm bored rn:got more hoes than yo granny 👊🏽

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