(Chapter 17) Study Break

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This Summer you wanted to do some summer classes so you would graduate early. It's been two weeks since you started and you were hella tired, you've just finished studying for a exam you had coming up and you passed out in your chair.

But not long after Haru barged in your room "wake your ass up, you have company" you sighed and threw on some shorts and a hoodie half zipped. You walked downstairs looking tired and was shocked seeing Mina "why are you doing here" you asked "I wanted to see you" she said "mmhm, go to my room I'll be up there soon" she nodded and went upstairs. You got two water bottles and was about to go upstairs but someone knocked on the door, you were getting really mad "what the hell do you-Shota" he gave you a blank stare leading to a small blush as he saw your bra "might wanna cover up and here's the butter I borrowed" you zipped up your hoodie and took the butter "thanks now bye" you closed the door. You went to your room and gave Mina a water bottle "thanks" you nodded and sat at your desk writing in a journal "bruh not you too, Momo has been studying too over the break" you laughed "breaks are pointless just get it done, you don't wanna graduate early?" Mina shook her head "I didn't even wanna go to college, I'm only doing this year then I'm dropping out" you looked at her a bit concerned "then what are you gonna do for work" you asked "cosmetology school, it won't take long probably and I'll just start working at the place we got our hair and nails done for your birthday" you slowly nodded "you got your life set huh" you said "not really" you smiled and went to the bathroom "what are you doing" "gonna take a quick shower then we're gonna go out talk to my brother's while I'm in here" she nodded and walked out your room.

After you got out the shower you got dressed

You grabbed your keys and purse and walked downstairs, when you got down there Hades and Mina were talking for a while, mainly flirting "um Hades don't steal my friend" you said going to the kitchen "I- wow, cock blocker" you smiled "um I guess I should be going" Mina said getting up "uh wait, can I get your number?" she nodded and have it to him. You shook your head and remembered something "Mina y'all can talk some more I gotta do something" she nodded and you left the apartment.

You went next door and unlocked Shota's door, you closed it and went to his room where he was sleep. You smiled and sat next to him "Yes Y/n?" "How the hell you know I was here" you asked "I can smell the perfume and the lotion you have on" you sighed and kissed him. He sat up and held your waist closely "I have to go" you said, he sighed and shook his head "stay with me, I don't want to be bored" you laughed and gave him a peck on the cheek "you have Button" you said "Button's boring, plus he's busy helping his like wife and their kittens" you laughed and got up "okay what about Eri" you asked "she's with some of the girls from UA" you sighed "go hang out with your colleagues then Shota" he groaned and walked over you "but I wanna hang with you" you sighed and turned around "yeah well I'm hanging out with Mina so not today" Shota grumbled and went through one of his drawers "should I bring our the whip or the leash my dear" you sucked your teeth and backed away "mm mm not today, I still have the mark with that thing" Shota laughed and walked towards you "fine, but one more kiss before you go" you rolled your eyes and kissed him, he smirked and moved his hands all around your body. Feeling his touch always felt different than how Andre touched you, but this time it was different.

Before you gave in to Shota you pulled away laughing "why the hell yo hands are so soft" Shota smiled "I don't know actually" you looked his smile, it wasn't a smirk not wasn't a fake smile either, it was a genuine smile you never really saw from him "Sho you ja-FUCK I FORGOT ABOUT HER" you got your purse and dashed out his apartment "wait..Y/n...come back...eh I'm just gonna sleep".

You unlocked your apartment door and saw Mina and Hades making out right in front of you "ew" they jumped and looked at you "damn it Y/n you gotta ruin everything" you rolled your eyes and dragged Mina "let's go". Y'all got downstairs to your car and drove off "girl why are you in a rush" Mina asked "because I forgot you was at my place and almost got my ass tied up on a bed" Mina laughed but stopped to figure out what you just said "does Aizawa live in you building?" You nodded "um he like right next door" Mina looked at you really shocked "girl are you serious"you nodded "I want boba let's go".

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