Emma is a regular teenager with innocent beauty. A soft and sweet angel. Little does this angel human girl know, that the world holds far more dangerous things.
Hi, I'm Emma. And I fell in love with a vampire.
⚠️ warning ⚠️: mature theme, violence...
If you haven't read Frostbite, I'll put vampire facts at the end of this. Love you! And btw Emma's mom is deceased.
Name: Emma Sanchez Age: 17 Birthday: May 10th Siblings: Matthew, Caspian, Olivia, Jayson Parents: Kellin and Phoebe Description: long curly/wavy blonde hair, blue eyes, 5'3 4th oldest, Human
Name: Matthew Sanchez Age: 18 Birthday: January 3rd Siblings: Emma, Caspian, Olivia, Jayson Parents: Kellin and phoebe Description: short wavy blonde hair, hazel eyes, 6'4 Oldest, human
Name: Jayson Sanchez Age: 18 Birthday: December 4th Siblings: Emma, Matthew, Olivia, Caspian Parents: Kellin and phoebe Description: brown hair, hazel eyes, 6'1 2nd oldest, human
Name: Caspian Sanchez Age: 17 Birthday: April 22nd Siblings: Emma, Matthew, Jayson, Olivia Parents: Kellin and phoebe Description: short brown hair, blue eyes, 5'9 3rd oldest, human
Name: Olivia Sanchez Age: 16 Birthday: October 12th Siblings: Emma, Matthew, Caspian, Jayson Parents: Kellin and phoebe Description: shoulder length brown hair, hazel eyes, 5'1 Youngest, human
Name: Carlisle Martinez Age: 19 (437) Birthday: March 11th Siblings: Tyler, Nora, Nova Parents: Lucian and Lydia Description: dark brown hair, hazel eyes, 6'2 Oldest, vampire
Name: Tyler Martinez Age: 18 (437) Birthday: February 28th Siblings: Carlisle, Nora, nova Description: brown hair, brown eyes, 6'0 2nd oldest, vampire
Name: Nora Martinez Age: 17 (437) Birthday: October 1st Siblings: Carlisle, Tyler, nova (twin) Description: long brown hair, hazel eyes, 5'2 Older than nova by 3 minutes, vampire, friend of Emma Fraternal twins —> Name: Nova Martinez Age: 17 (437) Birthday: October 1st Siblings: Carlisle, Tyler, Nora (twin) Description: middle length brown hair, brown eyes, 5'1 Youngest, vampire, friend of Emma
Name: Adrian Perez Age: 18 (500) Birthday: June 15th Parents: unknown Description: ash blonde hair, green eyes, 6'5 Only child, friend of Tyler, vampire
Name: Cameron Ramirez Age: 18 (245) Birthday: august 8th Siblings: Elizabeth, Hayley Parents: unknown Description: dyed blue hair, dark blue eyes, 6'3 Oldest, friend of Tyler, vampire
Name: Elizabeth Ramirez Age: 17 (245) Birthday: April 6th Siblings: Cameron, Hayley Parents: unknown Description: blonde hair, blue eyes, 5'0 2nd oldest, vampire, friend of Tyler
Name: Hayley Ramirez Age: 16 (245) Birthday: may 3oth Siblings: Cameron, Elizabeth Parents: unknown Description: blonde hair with pink streaks, blue eyes, 4'11 Youngest, vampire, friend of Tyler
Name: Lucian Martinez Age: 24 (603) Birthday: unknown Description: brown hair, brown eyes, 5'7 Only child, doesn't agree with Tyler loving a human later on, vampire
Name: Max Lucas Age: 37 Birthday: unknown Family: Alison (daughter) Description: black hair, hazel eyes, 5'9 Vampire hunter, fights Alison on becoming a hunter, holds a life changing secret
Name: Alison Lucas- Sanchez (will be revealed later) Age: 17 Birthday: September 19th Siblings: revealed later Father- Max Mother- died by a vampire Description: straight brown hair, hazel eyes, 5'0 Friends with Tyler (secret from her father), doesn't know her fathers secret, doesn't want to be a hunter, wants to be a vampire
Vampire facts (if you haven't read Frostbite) -can have children - strong - fast - can eat human food - can survive on animal blood - can live 3 months without blood - dont burn in the sunlight or sparkle - bleed - vervain burns, large amounts kill - stakes kill
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Fluffy is Emma's 2 week old kitten. She's a light to dark gray. She likes to cuddle, be held, and hang around Emma and her family. Her birthday is may 10th. They got her as a newborn for Emma's 17th birthday.
Those are the characters. THE FACTS ARE NOT CERTAIN! They are just facts for this book. It's just things I've learned based off of movies I've watched and books I've read. Internet stuff. So don't go off on me for that cause I never said those were the only facts ever. Vampires are fictional and they're abilities can be what ever you want them to. Thanks for going through this, see you in chapter one Love. ♥️