Chapter 11

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Let me know if you like Adrian or not. I feel like he can be good at times but at others he's just a dick. Sounds like Nathan when we used to be cool but people change. No sadness!! Onto the story now or I'll cry of anger.

"Let me go Emma." He demands strictly but I still hold Adrian in place. He twists to get out of my grip but his shoulder breaks. He screams out in pain and Nora and nova return to normal. They still try to get close to help but another glare from me makes them stay back.

"You did that to yourself Adrian. Don't make this any harder for you. Alison upstairs. Carlisle, with her. Now!" I raise my voice. They take off knowing I can easily do this to them as well.

"Jay hold him in place. If he moves, break more of his limbs." I order and Jay nods. I can be quite scary and they all know it. Which is good, I'd hate to have to harm more of them.

"So, yes. Ali's a hunter. But are we gonna judge her for it? Hell no we aren't. And if you so much as think of hurting my sister who I thought was dead for so long, I will twist your insides and give you torture you never thought possible. Worse than what you vampires can even accomplish."

"You have it." Tyler widens his eyes in shock. "What?" I ask confused. Nora and nova back up and the other vampires follow. Adrian suddenly stops struggling and stays still.

"Answer me!!"

Everyone in the room flinches and I hear a growl coming from my throat. I back up myself hoping that whatever it is, I can escape from but it only sticks to me. I hit a wall and stare at them in fear. I'm scared of myself.

"Caspian, Matt please take Liv upstairs to Carlisle and Ali." I say with fear present in my voice. They slowly make their way to the stairs and I don't take my gaze off from Tyler's eyes.

"Emma calm down."

"Calm down?! How the hell does one calm down from this?" I ask with anger and confusion. "Stop or you'll hurt us all!!" He yells. My anger leaves me and fear is all that's left. I run outside without second thought ignoring the fact I'm in shorts and a tank top, and barefoot. My feet make soft clicks on the concrete as I run down the driveway onto the road. I hear them calling for me and my siblings voices but I don't stop. I hear the vampires coming after me but they haven't reached me. I look back and realize I'm outrunning them. I'm flying on the ground and that's when I begin to realize.

They meant I have hunter abilities. Not that I knew what all they were but from right now, I'm guessing it involves authority, dangerous anger, and supernatural speed. More speed than the vampires have so I'm also gonna assume I have more strength. Meaning, I'm a danger to my human siblings, my friends, Tyler, and even myself.

I abruptly stop and find myself at a split in a forest. There are 3 paths and I don't know where they lead. As if my eyes heard my brain, they flow down the middle path and I can see it lead to a warehouse. But I'm still in the same spot... I guess I can see ahead? I ultimately come to the conclusion that's not the right path and look down the one to my right. It leads to a crystal lake, shimmering in the moonlight. I look down the one to my left and it leads to more paths through the forest. I go to the lake trying to escape the vampires I know are still following. I jump into a tree using supernatural speed and strength to push myself up there. I see them coming but I can't see who.

I run through the trees and pass right by them as they continue forward. I'm far enough ahead that they won't catch me or follow me so I run in circles. My scent would send them round and round giving me the advantage to go elsewhere. I start to warm up to the abilities I have, knowing they can't find me. I go the beach knowing they won't find me there. It's open meaning they won't use their supernatural abilities here and they wouldn't think I'd be in an open area. I sat down, and let the water of the ocean flow up and onto my legs when every wave hits shore. I lay down and stare at the darkened sky, where the moons light shines bright.

I feel free. Alive. Knowing I have the advantages they don't, and an explanation for why I'm stronger than them, it settles me. I feel at peace that I can be by myself. The beach is completely ghost. No ones here and it gives me peace and quiet. I close my eyes, and listen. To the sound of the waves, the wind, and the soft sound of silence. I'm actually beginning to like being on my own. Until the sound of footsteps alarmed me.

I hopped up quickly and got into a fight mode. It was some random guy, he looked to be late 30's to early 40's. I notice that he has a striking resemblance to Ali and I realize this is her father.

"I see you've figured out your true abilities." He says with a knowing voice and a smirk. It sends a chill down my spine and I uncomfortably stand silent. "I didn't mean to frighten you Emma. I simply wish to train you. Since my actual daughter wishes to be one at peace with vampires, I will retaliate and train you instead." He adds.

"What- no! I refuse and you're not my father so stop acting like you care." I say and speed off. I run and run. I find myself in the forest yet again and turn to avoid a tree but get stopped when I run into something stiff and hard. "Ow damn tree!!" I yell and look up. Only it wasn't a tree.

It was Carlisle. And Tyler behind him.

Plot twiiiiiiiiiiist! I didn't plan on her being a hunter but technically she's not because she isn't trained. When you're trained, you have a mark. Your mark is based on your personality. Ali's father is strict and demanding so his mark is a snake located on this right wrist. It's not large, but not invisible. For someone like Ali, hers would be a snake. She's light but when someone threatens her or someone close, she gets defensive. However, Emma's would be an alpha wolf. Simply because she's dominant, fierce, and she doesn't back down. But she also has a light in her that shines through whatever darkness she holds. Your hunters mark is tied to what person you are so that explains a little more.

Hope it helped 😌 love you!

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