Chapter 15

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Heyyyy! I highly doubt I'll finish this chapter within one class so I might have to finish it at home, we'll see.

I groan at the idea of waking up because I oddly feel comfortable. I snuggle my head into the pillow but it's hard. And moving. I go to move my leg off of whatever is holding it up and feel something down there. I immediately open my eyes and realize my pillow was not a pillow... it was Tyler's chest.

(Things get a little fiery)

I turn my attention back to my legs and my eyes widen when I see him inside of me. I guess he noticed when I sprung up because he moved his hips as he turned onto his side causing him to push himself in deeper. His eyes open when I accidentally moan at the feeling. Memories of last night flood my vision and I hadn't noticed that Tyler was now on top of me, smirking as I feel him sliding in and out of me slowly and gently.

I look into his eyes as he gracefully moves his hips against my body. I want more. I want all. All of him. His brown eyes darken and he groans. He looks at me intensely and gives me a soft peck on the lips before lifting his head back up, bringing his gaze to my eyes once again.

"Say it." He demands. His face remains soft but his eyes are filled with lust. "Now." He demands once more sending shivers down my spine. He looks at me with anger as I still stay silent. He pulls out of me and stays at my entrance to tease me. I throw my head back wanting more but he demands me to say it once more. I lose myself and open my mouth.

"I need you." I say breathlessly and his hand finds its way to my throat. He keeps teasing me and I let out a gasp at the shocking feeling of need flows through me. "What do you need?" He asks and stares deep into my eyes. I let out a shaky breath and his grip on my throat tightens.

"I need you to fuck me."

As soon as those words leave my mouth he slams himself inside me. I see the condom wrapped around him, he must've slipped it on while we spoke. I let out a moan and he smirks, going even faster as he slams his entire self into me. He goes in deep and I feel an intense wave of pleasure at the feeling. His hand remains on my throat and the other one stops me from raising my hips against him. He doesn't stop going fast and hard and at this point I don't even think he's going at human rate. I feel my release coming faster and I try to hold myself together.

"Let it out baby." He orders me and tightens his grip on my neck. I scream his name as I release, leaving me breathless. He continues going and my legs fall numb. "Fuck." He breathes out against my neck as he finishes.

You may return!

We get dressed quickly in attempt to avoid everyone once they wake up. I hope to god they didn't hear anything and it makes me nervous as we walk downstairs. We go into the kitchen to find it empty, they're still asleep meaning we didn't wake them up. Tyler makes pancakes while I sit on the counter watching his muscles move as he makes the pancakes. Him being shirtless is such a goddamn distraction.

Moments later the kitchen starts to fill as they smell the pancakes awaiting their mouths. We each take seats and start our random topics of discussion. I wasn't really listening as I was only focused on eating. That was until someone next to me nudged my arm. I look and see Ali with a smirk on her face. I look at her confused and then notice Adrian and Hayley looking the same way, directly at me. I stayed confused until one of them spoke up.. to Tyler.

"So have fun last night ty?" Adrian asks Tyler with a smirk on his face. Tyler questions him and Adrian nods to me. I continue eating in hopes of ignoring them. But then those words fall out. "I heard everything." Adrian adds. I choke on my food and my eyes widen. No! Oh god don't tell my brothers.

Matt and Caspian look at me with concerned expressions but also confused. They don't know why I'm reacting but they also don't want me to choke to death. Why? We didn't have a problem last night with ty- shut up Emma.

I get myself together and look back up at Adrian who has a wide smirk on his face. The rest of them still look confused and I look at him with pleading eyes. Jesus im practically begging him with my eyes. "Shut the hell up Adrian." Tyler warns dangerously. Adrian chuckles showing off his fangs as he keeps his gaze at my eyes. I froze and couldn't figure out why Adrian was acting like this.

"No can do...." he pauses making my breathing hitch. "...TyTy." He adds with a breath. My breathing just stops and I realize I no longer can move. His evil gaze never leaving my shocked one.

"Adrian I swear to fucking god." Tyler hisses. "Tell them sweetheart, tell your brothers who had you moaning. Tell your brothers who's name you were screaming last night." He says with an evil chuckle. My brothers faces go red with rage and Matt stands up, slamming his fists on the table. Liv does his best to calm him down but he's blinded with anger. Only his eyes aren't pointing at Tyler. They're pointing at me.

"Matt I-" I was cut off when he shakes his head. He then walks over to Tyler without a word and instantly punches him in the face. I hear a crack as blood flows from Tyler's nose. He walks off with a worried Liv, and angry Jay and Caspian behind him. Ali runs after hoping to talk sense into them. Hayley, Elizabeth and Cameron go to find the first aid kit and Carlisle deals with a not-so-normal Adrian while I stay with Tyler. Damnit I knew we should've stopped this, but we didn't.

So surprisingly I actually finished this 10 minutes before my class ends. Reason being because I can't have my phone in some classes, especially not 7th period so 6th is the last class I can. Meaning if I didn't finish this before 2:55 I wouldn't have finished so thankfully I did. Another chapter might be out tonight but also might not because my dads taking a break from driving to have dinner with us. Thanks for reading chapter 15, love you!

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