Chapter 5

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You know what I just realized? They completely left Fluffy. WHAT ABOUT FLUFFY?!! Poor kitty.

"Come on in." He says and we walk into the house. He leads us into the living room where most of his friends are. Hayley practically pulls me over to her and I sit on the sofa next to her. Tyler takes a seat across from me on the floor along with my brothers.

"So what do y'all want to do?" The guy with blue hair who Hayley said was Cameron asks. "I'm good with anything as long as there's alcohol." Olivia answers making our brothers glance at her. "No drinking young lady." Matt says strictly. "Please? One night Matt!!" She pleads. "Fine. But only for tonight." He sighs and groans in defeat. She squeals making me and Cas laugh. I feel Tyler's gaze on me and meet my eyes with his. Our attention quickly shifts as Adrian had said something.

"Wait what?" Tyler asks confused because we weren't listening. "It's always you Tyler. I said why not play spin the bottle." Adrian repeats. "I'm fine as long as Olivias not a part of it." Matt says making Liv groan. "Don't give me that attitude. You're 16 Liv." Matt points out. She mumbles a 'fine' and sits in an armchair in the corner of the room. "Wait does that mean I have to sit out?" Hayley asks Cameron. "You're good sis." He replies and she claps. Although Liv couldn't join, she enjoyed watching.


Someone with dark brown hair and hazel eyes then went. From what I've gathered hes Carlisle. Tyler's 19 year old brother and hes hella tree. Like all the way up to 6'2. I could never. He spun the bottle after Hayley landed on him and they kissed. The bottle slowed and then came to a complete stop. Landing on... me.

We both look up at each other. Then at the bottle. Then up at each other. Then the bott-

"Just kiss already!!" Nova yells irritated.

"Do you want to do this Emma?" He asks with concern. I take a deep breath and nod my head. "It's just a stupid game anyways, not like it means anything." I say and get up. I mean, sure it's not like I didn't have a full make out session with your brother but ok.

He gave me one last look and I nodded again telling him it was ok. He cups my cheek in his hand and then connects our lips together. I felt the same cold effect I did with Tyler but I didn't pull away. We stopped after a few seconds and returned to our seats. Then I went. And guess who? No not Tyler, you dumbass. Nope. Nora.

"Come here buttercup." She says making me laugh. We walk up to each other and she wastes no time before pulling my lips onto hers. The girl even uses tongue.

"Oh shit man that's hot." I hear someone say. We pull back and I realize it was Adrian. I roll my eyes and me and Nora burst out laughing. And then she kisses me again. She cups my cheek in her hand and I hold her wrist. Our other hands rest on each other's hips and we make out for a few minutes before returning to our seats. And the game went on for about an hour. Then Olivia wanted to play truth or dare cause it's something she can participate in. Because of that, we agreed.

"Ok um... Mattie truth or dare?" She asks. He looks up and then at me and I giggle. "Uh truth." He answers. "Youre boring. Anyways, is it true you're single?" She asks him. "Yes." He answers truthfully. Normally when Matt lies to someone who isn't dad, he always looks down. Instead, he kept eye contact with Liv the entire time. "My turn. Emma truth or dare?" Matt asks me. I contemplate truth for a minute but go with dare. "Dare, I'm not weak like you Mattie." I say with a smirk. He rolls his eyes and thinks for a second. "I dare you to give Nora a lap dance." He says.

I know he's expecting me to back out. "Alright, done." I say. They all look shocked besides Nora who pats her lap. I take off my jean jacket to where I'm just in my dress and throw it to wherever. I didn't care that my bandages were showing, nor did I care that I bled through them. I went with the dare I was given. I gave the sexiest lap dance I've ever done and made sure to whip my hair around and sway my hips. I went back to my seat leaving the guys speechless and smile innocently at Matt. I choose to attack Caspian.

"Cas truth or dare?"


"Who's the last girl you hooked up with?" I ask already knowing the answer.

"Ariana." He answers truthfully. The game went round and round until it got to Adrian. I knew by his smirk as he looked upon each and every one of us that he was planning something mischievous.

"Emma truth or dare."


"Who was the last person you had sexual interaction with, spin the bottle and truth or dare don't count." He says and my heart stops. My breathing hitches knowing I can't get out of this alive. Wait a minute-

Sneaky bitch got an idea.

"Ok." I say cheerfully and I see Tyler mouth 'no' from where he's at. I give him a smirk and then he looks at me confused. I reach Nora and whisper Tyler in her ear. She gasps but shuts up and I look at Adrian.

"You never said who I could or couldn't tell." I say and he just sits there speechless. I laugh and a few hours later we got tired so we headed home. I needed to see Fluffy anyways. We got home and as silently as we would, walked inside the house and up to our rooms. Before we got to the stairs, the living room light switched on revealing our angry father.

Ok but like Emma got smart during truth or dare lmao.

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