Chapter 7

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Mah bed~

Mah beeeeeeeEeeeeeeEeeeeed~

Haha, nothin to see here, move along.

I went downstairs and straight to the kitchen. My eyes widened and I felt anger burning through me as I saw Cas eating my delicious Mattie baked waffles. He looks up and then takes off running. He runs upstairs knowing I'll get tired but I don't.

"CASPIAN I AM GOING TO CHOKE THE EVER LIVING LIFE OUT OF YOU!!!!" I yell. He stops and turns to look at me with fear.

"I'm sorry??"

I catch him off guard as I pounce and launch at him. I manage to get a few punches in but he rolls me over and starts tickling me. I laugh uncontrollably and he stops after a few minutes. He chuckles and then leads me back down to the kitchen. He opens the fridge revealing an entire plate of waffles.

"I couldn't eat my baby's waffles so Mattie made me more."

"I LOVE YOU!!!" I yell and give him a hug. Before he can hug me back, I'm already gone and heating up the waffles. "Love you too." He chuckles. I happily eat my waffles while the others get ready and then we leave. Today is Wednesday so I only have today and tomorrow to figure out what I'm gonna wear. Do I go dark? Sexy? Or angelic like I usually wear?

Fluffy help me.

We pull into the parking lot and Adrian smirks. I roll my eyes and get out of the car, walking straight inside. We got here a little bit late due to me and Caspian going at each other so we only have 5 minutes until the bell.

I quietly take a seat in between Caspian and Jay. Jay was on my left so I kept his hand in mine. He's left handed so it doesn't bother him when he's taking notes or something. I lay my head on Caspians shoulder, whos to my right. He leans his head on mine making me giggle. Class starts and we take a maximum of 3 pages of notes. I run by my locker and then carry on to my next class, and my next class, and so on and so forth.

By 7th period I was ready to go home. I always go to sleep right after I eat because I'm always tired. But Mattie decided to take FOREVER so I had to wait at the car. I finally gave up and sat on top of the trunk. The parking lot ground is too uncomfortable and I feel shorter and lower when I'm on the ground.

Tyler walked up to me and I let him join me on the car.

"Hey sweetheart."

"You're still using that nickname??" I groan and he chuckles making me roll my eyes. He can be quite annoying.

"Yes I am. I actually came over here to ask you something though." He says nervously. I get a little worried that he's going to ask to drink my blood. That wouldn't be a bad thing- shut up Emma.

"What's up?"

"Will you go on a date with me?" He hesitates. It takes everything inside of me to not answer and think rationally about this. The dance or something different? I don't care for the dance at all but would Mattie be upset??


"Huh oh sorry. Sure. When and where?"

"Specifically the dance but I asked as an actual date because that's what it is." He says, still nervous.

"Yeah I'll go with you." I say and he smiles.

My brothers come out with tiny Liv and we all get going to the mall. The boys were making us do it today because they didn't feel like doing it tomorrow or Friday. Matt was actually happy when I told him me and Tyler were going and so were the others. Matt said he'd take Liv that way she had someone to be with and the other two knuckleheads I call my brothers got girls as one night stands. Playboys. That got me thinking though, about what Nora said.

"Stay away from my brothers and their friends. They're dangerous."

Are they? She didn't say anything after that, even after I told her me and Tyler made out. Does she know I know? But does she know I know about all of them?

So many questions that I forgot we were going somewhere. I heard someone tapping me and saw Matt looking at me like 'what the fuck are you doing'. We went inside and shopped for about 2 hours. 5 humans am I right? I wanted Starbucks so we went to Starbucks on the way out.

Thursday's and fridays classes passed by quickly and we were all getting ready for the dance. Liz, Hayley, Nora and nova wanted all of us and Liv to get ready together so we went to their house cause of... you know.

It was nice though, we had a hell of a lot of room and the guys were banished to their rooms so we were fine. Tyler didn't even know I was here. Thanks Nora. What if he goes to my house and has a heart attack since I'm not there and think I stood him up or went with someone else? Shut up Emma. Get ready.

I'm gonna stop it here even tho this chapter HELLA SHORT. I'm sorry but I got busy during and after school. But yeah, I'm going to bed cause ya bitch is tired. Sees ya tomorrow love 😘

Ps: don't die in the next 8 hours that I'm asleep :)

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