Chapter 2

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I'm just gonna blast country music. 😌

It's been a few hours and the officers talked to our dad. The hospital had called him about my condition and Liv's injury. She got out of surgery with a bunch of stitches and she should be healed in about 2 weeks. They said she can't participate in any activities at school that involve running around and doing physical things. She's not that type of girl anyway. However, it's my condition that the doctors are concerned about.

They asked my dad how everything is at home and I'm sure he lied. The hospital released me and Liv and I'm sure I'm gonna get killed when we walk into that house. Each of us kept our heads down as we scrunched together in the back. No one wanted to be up front with dad. All I wanted was to lay in my bed with Fluffy and stay there. We got home and stood in front of the stairs facing the front door waiting for dad to walk in. As soon as he did he slapped every one of us. Hard.

He let us go up to our rooms and I did exactly that. I found myself slipping into the darkness and allowed it. And with that I fell asleep.

The next two days flew by slowly. The same thing over and over, being beaten, fearing our lives, same old shit. I was ready to go back to school. I miss Nora and nova. My alarm went off and I jumped out of bed with a smile on my face. I take my shower and then pick out my outfit for today.

No sunglasses or headband included

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No sunglasses or headband included.

I add mascara and lip balm and then go downstairs

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I add mascara and lip balm and then go downstairs. Liv was in jeans and a hoodie to hide the stitches and wounds, and the boys had their typical bad boy thing goin on. We get our bags and make sure we have our phones before we get in the car and go on to school. We stop at Starbucks cause caffeine is life and then we make it within 5 minutes.

We get out of the car and just hang out because we still have a bit before school starts. Nora and nova pull up and come on over.

"Hey Em." Nora says with a smile. "Heyyyy!" I say back. Nova eyes Olivias outfit and then starts looking weird. "Liv what happened?" She asks out of the blue. We all look at each other and then back to her. "I mean why are you wearing that? It's 100 degrees and you're actually sweating." She corrects herself. After that strange thing, we go to our lockers.

We go to our lockers by order of whos is closest and then we go on from there. Mine is the last and I put all my stuff in it. I put my phone in my pocket and then take my book, notepad, and pens. Matt and Liv go to their classes and we go to our first. Nora and nova have history and me and the other 2 boys have English.

I was talking to the guys as we were walking when someone shoulder bumps me. I spin around and my hair slaps my face. It reminded me of dad for a second but I quickly pushed the thought away.

"Was that necessary fucker?" I ask loud enough for him to hear me. He turns around along with a few other guys. And wow. He was like a god. He fluffy brown hair and brown eyes. He was tall too, like 6 feet. Damn tree. Wait a second, he looks so much like Nora and Nova. HES THEIR BROTHER!!!!

"I don't think I like the first name you got for me sweetheart." He says with an intimidating expression. He crosses his arms over his chest which makes him look hot as hell and raises an eyebrow. I stop staring before he notices and my anger comes back.

"Don't call me that." I order and he chuckles. It was attractive and I almost kissed him but I fought that urge. He may be hot, but he's an ass.

"Sure thing sweetheart." He says with a smirk and another chuckle. "She said stop." Jay says through gritted teeth and pushes the girls' brother. He goes to hit back but I stop his fist before it hits Jay. He looks at me with a shocked expression and I crush his hand hard. He slowly drops to the floor with every crunch and I let go once he's on his knees. He cracks it back into place making me confused. I just broke your hand and you crack it all back and then you're completely fine.

I stare at him confused and he gives me a chuckle before walking off. Jay, Cas and I go to class and take our seats. The entire class I couldn't stop thinking about earlier with Nora and novas brother. How? How can someone do that?


"Huh? I'm sorry what was the question?"

"I'll give you a pass but stop your daydreaming in my class." The teacher warns and goes back to teaching. I follow the rest of the lesson and our first 4 classes go by. It was lunch time so we met up with Liv and Matt. We went to a table no one ever sits at because I don't want to be around Nora or nova. Jay, Cas and I explain what happened to Matt and Liv and they got just as freaked out as us. We were talking about this morning when I felt someone behind me. I turned around and I was right. Guess who.

Nora and novas brother.

"Hey sweetheart." He says with a smirk. I simply roll my eyes and he puts his hand over his heart in fake hurt. "Not even a hi?" He asks and I shake my head. He looks over and then walks over to Liv. "And whos this angel?" He asks further. She moves away and closer to Matt. "Look dumbass, we aren't in the mood right now. Back the fuck off my little sister or I'll make you." I say and walk away. He grabs my arm and I turn to face him.

"Let go of me or I'll break that damn hand again." I say harshly and give him a deadly glare. I grip his wrist and pull it off of me myself. I break his hand again and everyone goes silent.

"What the hell are you doing?!" Nora asks and runs up to us. I keep eye contact with her brother and break his hand further. "EMMA!! Stop you're hurting him!" Nora pleads.

"When I say let go of me, you let go. If you EVER touch me or my family again, your hand won't be the only thing broken." I say. "So now you're threatening?" Nora asks with hurt. "I'm not threatening. I'm promising." I say with a cold voice. I let go and walk out confidently.

No one touches me or my family or I hurt them. Nora and nova both know that considering the countless times I've sent someone to the hospital for touching my brothers or little sister. They're all I have and I don't tolerate them being fucked with. It's bad enough we have our dad, I don't need anyone else doing it. The rest of the day went by normally. I have a few classes with that asshole but I have all my classes with Jay and Cas so I'm good. The day was finally over and we walked to our car.

I was putting my bag into the passenger seat when Nora and nova came over to me and shut the car door.

"Why did you do that? Why did you break my brothers hand?" Nora asks with pain all over her face. "Nora you've witnessed me hurt people who touch me and my family. Yes I love them but there's a bigger reason than that and I can't stand when someone lays a hand on them. Matter of fact, I broke his hand this morning and he cracked back to normal so I'm sure he's fine. If you wanna be mad at me for sticking up for myself then fine." I say and turn around. She stops me and gives me a hug. "I love you Emma. But Tyler and his friends and our other brother are dangerous ok? Please be careful." She says before running off with nova.

I sigh and get into the car. We drive home and I just go upstairs and sleep.

This was a longer chapter than I usually make but oh well. Hope ya liked it!

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