Chapter 13

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Is it just me or have you ever missed one place so badly you wished you were in school there? Yeah yeah, I know I need mental help.

"Emma let us help you." Ali has been trying to convince me for 3 hours. They still don't know about my father and I don't plan on telling them. What if they decide to hurt me? What if they get rid of me because I'm a threat? What if they hate me? What if- Emma shut the hell up.

"Ali I can't. I'm too much of a danger! Can't you see?"

"What? Because you slammed me into a mirror? Because you kicked both Tyler and Carlisle in the face? Because you broke Adrians shoulder? You are anything but a threat sis."

"I killed dad."

Their expressions go blank and their eyes widen. Tyler goes to say something but Matt stops him. He gives me a look I can't quite explain and then suddenly... just leaves. I feel tears burning in my eyes at his reaction. My big brother now hates me because of what I am. I realized I still had shards of glass in me and still bleeding.

"I'm gonna go bathe. Please leave." I say and get up abruptly. I walk into the bathroom and recognize this as Tyler's room. Ali brings me clothes as I undress and get the water running. I hear them leave and sigh in relief now that their presence has gone. I get into the steaming bathtub and wince as the water comes into contact with my wounds. I slowly start to relax though the stinging pain is still there.

As I think back to what Matt did, I start to cry. I'm dangerous, I could kill all of them. Hell, I nearly killed my little sister. I hurt Tyler, Carlisle, and Adrian. And I killed my own father. Whos to say I won't kill my siblings? The only ones I have left.

My mind started telling me what to do. And I knew there was no other way. It had to be done. If I didn't, I'd kill them without hesitation. In fear of myself, I hurt Ali. I could hurt everyone else. And I don't want that. So I did the other thing I could do...

I took a piece of glass stuck in my tangled hair. And I slit my wrists. I stared up at the ceiling as I processed the stinging agony the cuts brought me. As tears flooded my face, I soon couldn't tell as I slowly lowered myself underwater. I laid there silently, as I stopped holding my breath, and let the water run into me. Into my lungs. And stopping my heart.

I closed my eyes and awaited by beloved fate when I was roughly pulled out of the water and heard muffled screams. The water was still in my ears, drowning out any sound. I still stared up at the ceiling and then drifted off to a long, never ending sleep.

"Come on! Emma wake up!"

"Please don't leave us."


"She's gone.."

"No! Emma please."

My eyes shot open and I gasped for air. This is literally the... I don't know how many times I've escaped death. None were by my own hand though. Not until now.

I finally caught my breath and found that I was in the same room as before. I was completely covered so I felt a little better. It didnt settle me knowing I was violated, but hey, at least I didn't wake up naked.

"Emma oh my god! You scared me to death. Don't you ever do that shit again!!" Matt scolded and slapped my arm. I winced as I felt the burning pain mix with the thousand cuts I had on that one arm. He looked at me apologetically and then hugged me tight. It gave me a feeling of comfort knowing he still loved me. That's what I wanted from the start.

He let go and I rested my head on his shoulder. I peered around the room and saw everyone with very angry faces and deep frowns. My siblings had dried tears upon anger making me feel worse about what I did. But I still felt safe and better with Matt.

"So are we going to get an explanation or what?" Nora asked but more like demanded. Pain and anger was evident in her tone. I took in a deep breath and then let it back out slowly.

"I really don't want to discuss this. I nearly killed my little sister who I'm supposed to protect, I broke Adrians shoulder, I kicked Tyler and Carlisle in the face, and I slit my own damn fathers throat causing my brother to disappear god knows where without another fucking word. So excuse me if I feel overwhelmed and guilt ok?! I'm tired, I'm hurt, and I'm sad. Just please leave me be on this one!"

I felt angry. Not at them, but at myself. I just snapped even though Nora only asked me a simple question.

"I know I scared all of you. And I'm so sorry. But you have to understand. My dad may have attacked me with an entire damn vase, and nearly killed Liv but he's still my father. I ran because I didn't want to hurt any of you. Even though I despise you Adrian, I was scared of myself after I broke your shoulder. So I'm sorry. But at least now you don't have to ask why I did what I did. It was to escape myself, and protect the people in this room. I hate to admit it, but I love all of you. Including adrian, I don't know how or why but whatever." I say making Adrian chuckle. Oh how I love that chuckle. Surprisingly, he actually hugs me.

"Who are you and what have you done with Adrian?" I ask sarcastically. We laugh and it reminds me of the times we used to laugh. I miss that.

"Emma, if abandoning you is what you think I did, you're wrong. I went to tell Liv and Jay. So that you wouldn't have to repeat it. I'll never abandon you even if you kill one of us yourself. Dad did deserve it but I know how you feel. I'll never leave you, I love you." Matt says and kisses my forehead. Everyone 'aww's and I give them a deadly stare. They shut up and let me go back to loving my big bro. I have a feeling none of them will ever leave me, and I love it.

Welp my dad is home. I'm still angry that I can't go with him on the semi because he won't even have it by the time I can. I've kinda been avoiding everyone and I only plan on coming out of my room when necessary. I know it's petty to do that but they know how much I love the idea of traveling. When you're stuck in a house literally every day besides school, you'll feel the same. We don't go anywhere besides grocery shopping, doing all the essential needs for humans, and school. Other than that, I'm home bound. And I hate it. Mainly because I don't have a good relationship with my family. I also don't know why I'm ranting. I'm just gonna go now.

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