Chapter 9

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Sup bitches. So we are going to meet a new person in this chapter hehe.

We went into the house and a girl was sitting in the living room with the others who got here before us. Tyler walks in and his eyes light up.


"Hey ty." She giggles.

"I thought you and your dad moved to Australia?"

"We got back a few days ago. I start school with you guys tomorrow." She says with a wide smile. Me and my siblings just stand there awkwardly.

"Whos this?" She asks pointing to me. She gets close and strokes my hair but I lean towards the other side. The others think it's funny but she stops. "Sorry."

"I'm Emma. My older brothers Jay, Caspian, and Matt and my little sister Liv." I say with no emotion towards her. She told us her name was Alison and she has a strict dad so she moves all over. She also said that she lost her mother and I realized it was around the same time we did. Not gonna lie, I felt bad for her. But I also felt like there was something she wasn't telling us. She accidentally touched me and she was warm so I know she's not a vampire. Ima have to get with Tyler on that.

We were chilling as Ali and the group caught up. Again, with us just being there awkwardly. I just can't help but feel that she's hiding something. Something important. I decided to listen to my gut and practically dragged Tyler into the kitchen.

"What's wrong Emma?" He asks concerned. I make sure no one is listening and then turn my attention back to him.

"Alisons hiding something. I can feel it and I can't explain how." He looks at me like I'm crazy and I just sigh. How on earth does he not get it.

"What do you mean?"

"Well one, she's obviously not a vampire. Two, she acts really cheerful and it's kinda creepy. And three, my gut is telling me she's off so I'm not ignoring it. How well do you know her Tyler?" I explain seriously. "I've known her since she was 14. No she's not a vampire. And if there's anything off about her, I wouldn't know." He sighs. At least he's cooperating.

"Then I'm going to ask her straight up."

"Emma don't do that."


"Because I trust her."

"And I'm supposed to just go with that?" He was really pissing me off. He went silent after that so I took that as a 'go ahead'. Apparently that wasn't the case.

"ALISON!!! Kitchen!"

"Emma!!" He whisper yells but shuts up as she strolls into the kitchen. My siblings must've thought I was gonna kill her cause they came in too. Eh, if she's hiding something they should hear it too.

"What's up and why am I being surrounded like I'm a toddler in trouble??"

"Nothing we just have one tiny question about you." I answer and she raises an eyebrow. "I know you're hiding something from us. The way you're all touchy, and cheery, it's suspicious. And I've been around enough suspicious people so don't lie to me, or Tyler." I say and she sighs.

"Im your sister."

All of our mouths drop and everyone else comes in with confused expressions. Vampire hearing. Oh.

"I- what, how?" Liv asks without blinking. "I'm the baby stolen from the hospital. Well I wasn't stolen, I was hidden. See, mom had an affair with my father and when she found out she was pregnant, she had me 'stolen' by my father since she couldn't take me. Secretly, she was spending time with us and then shortly came Liv. But when she died, my father told me about my other siblings. That's why I was so eager to see you. I knew who you all were." She explains with a small smile and teary eyes.

"What the fuck is this bs?" Caspian asks annoyed. "Caspian!!" Matt scolds. Caspian rolls his eyes yet obeys. I can understand why he's irritated though.

"Tyler, do we tell them?" I ask Tyler motioning to my brothers and Liv. "I guess we have to."

"Ok Mattie, Cas, Jay, livvy. Don't freak out. Everyone in this room, besides us and Ali are vampires." I tell them and watch as they go speechless. Tyler had told me before I called them in here that Ali knows about them.

"That's not true." Caspian scoffs but jumps when Adrian shows his fangs. "Adrian!!! Don't give my siblings heart attacks!" Ali demands making him surrender.

"That sounded a lot like our mother." I say towards her softly. I still feel slightly uncomfortable but oh well. Wait a second-

"Mattie!!" I say catching his attention. "What if it's her! What if she can turn dad back to normal???" I think out of blue.

"Why would that work?"

"Think about it. Dad went awol after mom died because it added onto the missing baby. We can halfway fix that!"

"What do you mean?" Ali asks confused. "Oh our father is abusive and almost killed Liv by smashing a glass vase at her." I inform casually and my siblings nod. They all look a little scared probably because were so calm about this. "Then let's go." She demands and walks out. Bad bitch.

We get to our house and surprisingly, no one backed out. Don't wanna miss the action. Right?

Everyone stayed in the cars until we said so and the only ones who went up to the door were me, Matt, Caspian, Tyler and Ali. We wanted Liv in the car and Jay to be there for protection. The others stayed put because too many people would make him think we're lying. We knocked and he opened.

An angry look came across his face and we just pushed past him into the house. Ali stood with her head held high and we stood on the sides, behind and in front of her so that if he tried to hurt her, he couldn't.

"What is this shit kids?!"

"Don't talk to them that way." Ali demands making him chuckle.

"They're my children."

"And Matt is now their legal guardian. So no they aren't."

"You can't do that, I am their father."

"We can and we did. Now out, dad." She says harshly making his eyes widen.

"Who are you?

"Alison and I'm the 'stolen baby'. Really mom had me taken by my real father and she secretly was with me. She died and my father kept us moving around. Now we need to leave." She says and we go after we had gathered our things. We were gonna be staying at Tyler's for a while until Mattie got a place big enough for us.

This was supposed to go up last night but I didn't finish it and got tired so I decided to publish it this morning. So here I am in 1st period writing cause I got nothing besides an exam study thing. I don't have the exam until April so Idfk.

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