Chapter 8

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Ok it's been longer than 8 hours, I've been gone for 10 but oh well. As long as everyone's still breathing im ok. Anyways, how is your day going? And her outfit is at the top. Btw today is Texas Independence Day!!! 🥳 🎉 🎊 i miss home ngl.

So um.... I might've done something at the mall..?

Yep! Ya bitch got a belly button piercing and a tattoo. That's why I chose the rose dress. It was short and plain, yet pretty and elegant. My hair was done neatly in the way I like it; curled and half up. I didn't get my nails done because I just didn't feel like it.

"When the hell did you start liking piercings and tattoos?" Nora asked as she poked and fiddled with my belly piercing. It kinda tickled.

"I just decided to get one cause they were cute." I shrug. The girls finish getting ready and Liv comes out wearing a simply dark blue dress, with cutouts.

Her hair was straight and she was wearing light makeup

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Her hair was straight and she was wearing light makeup. Her dress flowed with her movements as she walked towards me with her shy little head hanging low.

"Don't hide yourself." I tell her softly and use my finger to raise her head high. "You're beautiful inside and out my love." I add and give her a soft hug. I kissed her forehead before grabbing her hand and running downstairs so my brothers can compliment my baby.


"In the living room Emma!!"

I walk into the living room and all the guys go silent. Ok but why are all of them in here? Adrians not.

"Behind you." I hear a voice say. Uh oh I was thinking out loud.

"Yeah hi." I say and walk towards Matt with Liv. "Now tell her she looks cute or I'll kill ya baby maker."

"1. She's not cute. Both of my baby sisters are absolutely gorgeous and I love both of you. 2, no need to get violent cutie." He says and pulls us onto the sofa. He smothers both of us with kisses and I jab him in the throat so he'll stop.

"I take my compliment back!!!"

"Oh no you don't you little fur head chicken!!"

"Fuck you!" He yells and I scrunch my face up in terror. "Ew no thanks." I say with disgust and turn away from him. "Not what I meant Emma." He groans but I continue to ignore him.

"What are you bump of a log pinheads doing?! Get your asses up we have a dance to go to!!" Nora yells as she walks in. We groan at her energy but get up anyways. We divide into two vehicles. My siblings, me and Tyler took matties car and the others went in noras.

Since Matt and Liv were up front, I decided to annoy the guys. Tyler, Jay and Caspian go into the backseat and I laid across their laps with a smile. I made sure my head was on Tyler, my back was on Caspian so that I could keep his hands in mine and my feet were on Jay. Jay rolled his eyes and Caspian started tickling me. I ended up kicking Jay in the arm with my heel and he pinched Caspians ear.

"AYE HANDS OFF!!!" I yell making Matt hit the breaks. He turned around quickly thinking Tyler had something to do with it but really I was kicking Jay every time he touched my Caspian.

"Can I drive now??"

"Oh yeah, love you Mattie." I say and he rolls his eyes. He goes back to driving and the four of us giggle in the back.

We arrive at the school shortly and they direct us to the gym. Tyler's hand snuck around my exposed waist and I shiver under his cold, yet settling touch.

We enter threw the pretty blue curtain and there were a lotta people.

It was a cute, small dance

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It was a cute, small dance. It wasn't like hoco when you have balloons flyin everywhere and a whole bunch of other shit. The girls weren't wearing poofy ass quince dresses, everything was minimal. I didn't even feel like I was at a high school dance, I felt like I was at a simple party.

Tyler and I aren't dancers so we just went to get a drink. Mattie and Livvy soon joined us and we found a table aside from all the people.

"Not gonna lie this dance is beginning to get boring. It's not even for a national holiday, friendship day is just something friends celebrate for the hell of it." Matt complains as he takes a sip of the punch and then coughs. "What the fuck is that shit? Don't drink that." Matt adds. Liv giggles and Matt glares.

"Then we'll leave, go to a bar and get some actual drinks." Tyler suggests and Matt gets up without a word making me and Liv laugh. We follow Matt outside to his car while Tyler gathers our other siblings and friends.

A few minutes later everyone comes running out screaming they want alcohol. Caspian and Jay are dreading the fact we took them away from their sex lives and Tyler is groaning at the irresponsible children. We find a nearby bar and after a few drinks we head to Tyler's house.

Out of random thought, I wonder why I haven't seen my father lately. Eh who cares?

Matt changes our direction and then informs us we're going home to get changed and then we're gonna go to Tyler's. We just go with it cause Matt's driving. We arrive at the house and tell Tyler to stay in the car. He does as told and we silently enter the house. After we change, we silently leave. With Fluffy. I'm tired of leaving my daughter behind.

"What the fuck is that?" Tyler freaks as Fluffy purrs and rubs against his arm. "Don't talk about my child like that." I scold as I take Fluffy and cuddle her in the backseat. He chuckles as we reach his house. I hope we don't do spin the bottle or truth or dare again, I don't really wanna do all that stuff tonight.

I probably won't write for the rest of the school day mainly because the last 3 of my classes I'll be busy, but I will when I get home today.

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