Chapter 19

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I'm just gonna get right into it cause I got about 40 minutes before I have to spend an hour with my family.

It's been a few days since my kidnapping. I was given the answers I was looking for AND in my favor, everyone is ok again. They said that after I disappeared they decided that we shouldn't separate like that again for everyone else's and my safety.

Ali was sent a letter from Max exclaiming he had me in his grasp. Apparently I was in the basement of the house they lived at with my mother before she died. It wasn't a good hiding place but aye, we all know Max is a dumbass. He was finally dead so we didn't have much to worry about besides other enemies. Tyler and I are on good terms and are dating. I had actually been there for a straight 48 hours. It felt like forever. I still had bad injuries and I couldn't walk due to the one specific injury down there.

I hate Max so much for what he did. And I'm not surprised to know Ali hates him too. She told us that even though he's her dad, he can't hurt her family. Me and Max weren't related at all but we were through Ali so I was technically his family too.

They were all really gentle with me and treated me like I was glass. Tyler had doctors coming and checking on me left and right. I eventually got tired of that shit so I kicked their ass... verbally. My injuries prevent me from moving.

Tyler gave up on the doctors but he told me that I'll still have to be checked on here and there to make sure I'm healing properly. No one brings up what happened in there. They all got answers on what happened from the doctors. To say they were pissed was an understatement. I got a 13 hour lecture about how I could've prevented it from my siblings. I snapped and said it was their fault because everyone was so distant. No one would've gotten into the house if we were all on alert and not fighting.

I did apologize though. I didn't really mean to take it out on them and say it was their fault. They all still feel guilty but we're slowly working towards getting better. I'm helped everyday by everyone and they make sure I'm well fed and all other stuffs. It's nice they care so much and all, but damn a girl gotta breathe.

As for my baby, fluffy hasn't left my side since I got back. It's alright though cause I do need the company. I prefer having my cat over humans. She's just so damn sweet and lovable. Not that Tyler isn't, but you know what I mean.

I was cuddling with fluffy when the door opened. I looked up and moved her since her fur was in the way. Once I set her down beside me, I could finally see Tyler walking in. He sat on the bed and in followed Adrian, Carlisle, Ali, and Jay.

"How are you doing sis?" Jay asked as he sat himself in the armchair that was in the corner. Ali took a seat beside Tyler while Adrian and Carlisle remained standing.

"I'm fine." I say with a small smile. He looks at me in disbelief but let's it go. Honestly, I'm a little tired but I think that's the effect of fluffys fur when we were cuddling. She always manages to make me tired cause she's so soft. I've found my new pillow haha.

"That's good. We actually came in here to talk to you about something." Ali says. I nod and she continues. "The doctors think it's time you get out of bed. They said that if you're comfortable with it, we can start physical and mental therapy to get you back to normal."

"I guess." I shrug. Their slight smiles turn to frowns of disappointment at my response. I didn't mean to upset them I'm just not in the energetic mood right now. Damn fluffy. Always making me tired. Or maybe that's just me. Eh, I don't know.

"What's with the 'I guess'? You sure you're ok?" Adrian adds in and I nod. They still don't look convinced. I'm not surprised, if I was them I wouldn't be convinced either.

"Well aren't you happy about this?" Jay asks. I turn my head to him and my fake smile fades. I could seriously punch him right now. I nod once more and then lay down. Fluffy comes up and lays in between my arms. Tyler pulls the covers over me for warmth and kisses my cheek. After they leave, I have a small conversation with fluffy before I drift off to sleep.

I heard a loud banging come from downstairs making me jump. I noticed I was alone meaning they came and took fluffy to let her roam around the house. Thinking something bad happened, I get up out of instinct. I groan as I hit the floor. Stupid ass vagina injury. More like stupid Max.

I ignore the immense pain and make my way downstairs. I still hear banging so I follow the sound. It leads me to the kitchen where Nora is struggling with pans. Nova is laughing her ass off while Carlisle, Tyler, Adrian, Matt and Ali look annoyed. I'm guessing they aren't happy that Nora can't cook because she can't get the damn pans. I grip onto the wall for support so I don't fall. Nora finally gets the pans and turns around. She freezes when she sees me up.

"What the hell are you doing?!" She yells. I wince and she gives me an apologetic smile. I shrug and walk over to a chair. It wasn't cushioned like my bed so when I sat, the unbearable pain worsened.

"I heard banging and thought something happened so I ignored the pain and came downstairs. I'm already down here so I may as well stay."

"How did you even manage to get down the stairs?" Tyler asks. I shrug not knowing the answer myself. I guess I love these guys too much. We decide to have the conversation later since I don't wanna be up too long. It really hurts. We ate and then they all supported me as I walked up the stairs. I had no motivation this time so I fell a lot. As much as they wanted to carry me up the stairs, my stubborn ass declined. I'm not weak, I'm going to do it.

We got up the stairs and into my room. Finally.

Hey so I know there wasn't much in this chapter. There's going to be a 3 year time skip in the next chapter so you aren't confused. It's also going to be longer to make up for only having 20 chapters. I'm writing it tomorrow tho because I'm tired as hell. Goodnight munchkins! :)

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