Chapter 18

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Hey babes! I got school this week so I don't know how much I'll be updating. This book is also coming to a close very soon. At like chapter 20. IM SORRY!!! Don't kill me please, I have to be alive to write more books. Haha, I'm smart. I got myself out of death 😌. onto it bitch. Yeah yeah.

I woke up to a knock on my door. I gently moved fluffy as I got up. I threw on a hoodie over my tank top and opened the door.

Tyler was standing there with a blank expression but hope in his eyes. The hope turned to happiness as I moved aside and let him enter. He sat on my bed while I went to check the time on my phone. It was the next day, Sunday. I put my messy hair into a bun and went to fill up fluffys food bowl.

"So are you gonna sit in here watching me or speak?" I asked once I finished filling up her food bowl. She meowed and ran over to the food making me laugh.

"Sorry. I came in here to apologize for everything... and to see how you were doing. I've noticed that you barely talk to any of us besides the girls and I feel guilty. I miss you." He says with pleading eyes.

"Well I'm doing perfectly fine. Fluffy is great company and unlike everyone else, she behaves and doesn't go fighting the first person to verbally attack me." I sarcastically reply.

"Please forgive me Em."

"Hmm let me think... no."


"Because, Ty, I can't do that entire situation again. Adrian is so damn frustrating not to mention we're- I'm in a house full of vampires. I honestly don't know what I want right now and I need time to myself." I explain thoroughly. His face falls and I start to feel guilty for turning him down so harsh.

"It's fine em, I understand." He says softly and the next thing I know, he's gone. I sigh and sit on my bed.

Eventually I get hungry so I go downstairs in search of ice cream. Mattie bought me a whole container of chocolate ice cream the other night to go with the brownies. When I turn the corner into the kitchen, I run into none other than Adrian himself. He looked very angry for some reason and I heard footsteps approaching behind him. Carlisle emerged with the same angry face as Adrian. Adrian just pushed past me roughly enough to make me fall but Carlisle caught me.

I stood back upright and he stared deeply into my eyes. "Are you ok?" He asks and I nod. I continue going into the kitchen as Carlisle follows. I get out my ice cream and a spoon.

"So I was told ty apologized." He mentions and I just look at him. I sigh setting the tub of ice cream and spoon down on the counter.

"Yes he did." I reply bluntly as I open the container. I take a bite and smile with happiness. He chuckles at my idiocy and I glare at him causing him to back off.

"What did you say about it?" He asks, still on the topic of Tyler's apology. You know, if Tyler told him I would expect him to know my answer already. Maybe vampire hearing? No he would've heard the entire conversation.

"I just told him I needed time to myself." I say and take another bite of ice cream. We continue talking until the ice cream container is gone. I go back upstairs to see my once closed bedroom door, open.

I slowly approach the room with my hands balled up in front of me. My tiny self was ready to kick some ass. I entered my room and the second I walked in, something hard hit me in the back of my head and I fell to the floor unconscious.

I woke up and let my eyes adjust. I was in some stupid dark room with one light and it was above me. It only shined so far so when I heard a deep chuckle I couldn't see who it was. The figure walked forward and into the light.


"What the hell do you want?" I groan in annoyance. He slaps me and yells at me to hush. He walks over to a metal table placed beside me and starts fiddling with the knives and other weapons on it. I remain calm on the outside but on the inside I'm terrified. Oh god Tyler, someone please notice I'm gone.

He takes one of the knives that has a very sharp blade and jabs it into my exposed thigh. I was wearing shorts and the hoodie that was over my tank top was gone. I was just in a spaghetti strap with no bra. That's settling. I scream out in pain and my leg starts shaking. He roughly rips it out and jabs it back in again. It was quick and uneven so the stab wound extended.

I watched as the warm liquid gushed out of my thigh and satisfyingly ran down my leg. How the hell is that satisfying? We just got fucking stabbed dumbass. He used a rag to wipe the blood off and then set the knife back down gently into its place. He has ocd.

He tortured me for hours to the point where I lose track of time. I held on for as long as I could but I could tell I was on my last string. By now he had electrocuted me, cut deeply into me multiple times in the same area and different areas of my body, cut off pieces of my flesh, and raped me then stuck a knife down there. He had also carved 'HUNTER' into my arm. I was in so much pain I felt like I was going to die. I was fully naked and he enjoyed watching me as my aching body shaked uncontrollably.

I heard a loud crash and flinched. He looked angry so I'm guessing that wasn't supposed to happen. He grabbed a gun and immediately left the room. Moments later I heard multiple gunshots and screaming voices. I couldn't make out whose they were or what they were saying since the door and walls were thick and metal. I heard the door open and the voices of my siblings and friends. I was so relieved that I finally gave up and fell into the darkness.

Damn that was chaotic. 2 more chapters loves and then I am going to start my new book, Kidnapped at 16. I am only giving away the name. None of the characters, the plot, and etc. 😜 you know you love me.

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