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~6 Years Ago~

"Are you sure you're going to be alright? Shoto frowned, concern lining his third-grade features as he looked you up and down. 

You nodded, holding in your angry tears as bruises began to form on your arms and legs. The pain ached in your very bones as you flexed your fingers and quieted the rumbling power of your newfound quirk. It gave you a certain pride to know that the bully looked worse.

"I was just letting him have the first hit," you grumbled, kicking a rock as you and Shoto walked the familiar road home.

"Why didn't you use your quirk? I'm sure it would've been okay since it was self-defense...."

 Shouldering your backpack, you let out a sigh and shrugged. The idea of hurting someone with your ability terrified you. With a quirk like yours, someone could seriously get hurt.

"I dunno. Thanks for helping me, though," you smiled warmly at your best friend as he shied away from the attention with a faint blush lining his cheeks. The sun began to set, casting a golden glow over the street as you kicked another rock across the ground. 

"You're gonna be an awesome hero one day! I just know it!" A smile tugged at your lips as a renewed sense of passion and admiration flooded through you. He shrugged and surveyed the sky.

"I would like to be," he murmured in that calm demeanor of his.

"You don't give yourself enough credit," you stated in that brash manner of yours. "You're this awesome and you're only eight! Imagine when you start'll be the coolest hero in Japan!" 

A faint blush crept across his face as he mumbled something you couldn't hear. Though, his reaction did nothing to dull the huge grin that lined your lips. 

A few seconds passed before an uncomfortable chill filled the air. The eerie feeling of being watched messed with your senses as Shoto spun around in a sudden movement. 


Shoto immediately stepped in front of you, frost dancing around his fingertips as he eyed the attacker suspiciously. 

"Stay back (y/n)" he whispered, as fear sank its claws in your mind. Your fingertips glowed gold as a shadow-headed man stepped out of purple-edged darkness. 

A dart flew and impaled itself into Shoto as a teenager covered in hands stepped out from behind the first man. You panic, your eyes widening. Shoto winced before he began to blink rapidly and sway on his feet. Instinctively, you stepped in front of him, terror coating your senses and motivating your actions.

"Stay- stay back! I don't want to hurt you." You yell, trying to attract attention from any of the mansion's cameras. 

The hand man let out a rasping laugh as Shoto stumbled to the floor. Sweat beaded on your brow as you tapped Shoto's arm with your shoe in a panicked manner. 

"Please don't be dead."

"Move aside before I have to kill you," the man jeered. 

You panicked, snapping off branches from the nearby maple tree with your quirk. Their sharpened edges tore towards your enemies, streaking through the air before disappearing into circles of darkness and shooting directly towards you. 

The branches flew with wicked speed as you sucked in a breath and threw up your hands. Your eyes squeezed shut as you unintentionally pulled up a  golden, see-through shield.

 Unfortunately, the force of the attack threw you into the fence and you slammed your head into the coarse, splintering planks.

"Tomura, it's time to go," the shadow man chided, turning towards the hand man. The villain- Tomura- picked up Shoto carefully, ignoring your pleas as you tried to get up. 

The world blurred around you as you struggled to your feet. Your previous bruises barked in pain as your head throbbed and your skin stung. The attackers considered you for a moment before disappearing into thin air.

Your heart sank to the ground as the realization sunk in: your best friend was gone because you didn't do enough to save him. Guilt racked through you as you grabbed your backpack along with Shoto's bag as well.

 You pressed down on the button to your house, rallying your last strength as you called to your family to let you in. Black spots danced in your vision as the pain intensified, then at last you fell to the ground as oblivion called.


You awoke in a hospital bed three days later, the memory blurred and cracked. "(L/n), are you feeling better?" 

The nurse looked at you with kind eyes as you surveyed the stained bandages and felt a faint throb of pain in the back of your head. A policeman stood next to her with paper and a pen. His kind smile softened the stern focus in his gaze as stepped forward.

"(L/n), I'm Tsukauchi, from the police force. If you're feeling up to it, I was wondering if you can answer some questions about what happened to you and your friend." 

The nurse frowned, but you nodded hesitantly. Fragments of the event pierced your mind.

A dart, shadows, branches, and pain.

"What would you like to know?" You stuttered, squaring your shoulders.

"Can you tell me what happened?" 

He flipped open his notepad and prepped to take notes. You told him everything, recalling every last detail you could. After a few moments, he nodded and closed the notepad with a reassuring smile. 

"Thank you, (L/n). We will do everything we can to bring your friend back."

You nodded as you forced a small smile to your lips. 

"Thank you, sir."

 He left and your father came bounding in, carefully hugging you as his hands trembled. "Don't worry kiddo, you won't ever have to go through that again. We'll move somewhere safer and I promise that you'll be okay." 

You nodded absentmindedly as tears blurred your vision. "They'll get him back, Dad. The heroes will save him!" 

He ruffled your hair with a sad look in his eyes. "Let's hope for the best." 

Soon, he went to talk to the nurse about your injuries and discharge time. All the while, hope bloomed in your heart. Shoto was powerful and could handle himself! 

You had no doubt that he'd be back before you knew it. 

Edited: 17 July 2021.

Broken Love | Villain Todoroki x Fem! ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now