Final Ending

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(Y/n)'s POV

You awake in the hospital to see a worried Katsuki. "I LIVE," you croak, startling him from his daze.


"Honestly, I die everyday... this is a normal occurrence." He hugs you and you feel tears. Oh shit... is he actually this torn up. "Y'know I can't leave without seeing you dominate the hero rankings." You say, hoping to lighten the mood. He lets out a broken laugh.

"Damn right." He steps back and you cringe.

"Okay now find clothes please." He blinks before rolling his eyes.


"I'm leaving."

"You look like death." You place a hand to your chest dramatically despite feeling like shit. He just lets out a chuckle before leaving to find your clothes. Annoyed, you look to the window to find it's slightly open. Smirking, you see a familiar dual-haired boy climb in.

"You better be here to beg for forgiveness. Don't even try to kidnap me right now Sho or I'll beat your ass with my bandaged limbs." He snorts but you can see he's still upset over you almost dying.

"Darling. I- I didn't mean for any of that. It's all my fault. If you want to be a hero... then I'll support you."

"Did you bring food?"

"... no?"

"Worst apology ever." He looks scared so you snicker at the fact that you made a feared villain terrified. "I'm kidding. Though, take notes for next time. I- I still love you, Sho. I don't think I can ever not love you. Maybe we can work something out?"

"Anything. I just don't think hero stuff is for me." You nod before realizing that Katsuki said you look as bad as you feel.

"You're perfect in every way. Now, get the hell out of here until I look decent enough to be your girlfriend." He snickers before walking up to your hospital bed and kissing your forehead.

"I love you no matter what you look like, darling."

"That's sweet, but seriously. I'll make it up to you later." He grins wickedly before leaving the way he came in. Five minutes later, three people came into the room. "MR. AIZAWA I LOOK SO BAD RIGHT NOW. SORRY." Honestly, you aren't that embarrassed, but you feel like you got run over by a bus and then burned alive... so you want an excuse to be alone.

"Shut up dumbass. You're just trying to distract yourself from breaking down."

"Don't expose me like that Bakugou." You scowl, wincing as he chucks your clothes at you.

"Tch, whatever. Just know that we are talking about this later." Sigh. You just woke up and your afternoon is already booked. The nurse finishes checking vitals as she unplugs the equipment and resets the bandages.

"You should be discharged in an hour."

"How long was I out?"

"Two weeks." Katsuki answers, his eyebags apparent. Your eyes widen as you look to Mr. Aizawa for confirmation. He nods slightly before asking Katsuki and the nurse to give you a moment.

"Your brother has been quite busy. It recently came to our attention that four days ago (F/n) (L/n) was found dead with a bloody note. He wrote 'This fucker had to die. Sorry (Y/n). - Kenji (L/n).'"

The world froze then restarted. You'd have to drop out. Get a job. How would you survive without his income?

"Thank you for telling me, sir." You swallow, hating Kenji with a newfound passion. Mitsuki comes running in. "(Y/N) BABY I JUST HEARD. I'M SO SORRY! I'M SO GLAD THAT YOU'RE OKAY THOUGH!"

"HAG WAIT UP." Katsuki snaps, but you hug Mitsuki.

"Thanks, Mrs. Bakugou, and Suki be fucking respectful to our queen," you scold, making Mitsuki grin. Mr. Aizawa smirks at the boy before leaving. Mitsuki sits and looks at you with a tentative smile.

"So, with your father being gone. I was wondering if you would let us adopt you?" Your heart skips a beat as Katsuki's jaw drops.

"I- YES PLEASE," you exclaim as she laughs and hugs you.

"I CAN'T WAIT TO OFFICIALLY MAKE YOU APART OF THE FAMILY!" Grinning she leaves as Katsuki is still in shock in the corner.

"OI. SUKI. YOU CAN'T GET RID OF ME BITCH." You cackle as he struggles to come up with a response. You grin before making him turn around so you can slip into the leggings and his sweatshirt. "Where'd you get the leggings?"

"You keep some clothes at my house in case you sleep over. The old hag brought them over as soon as she heard you were awake. Your shirts were all in the wash though." Hehe, guess you really should stop sleeping over so often. With the threat of kidnapping, you'd been quite paranoid. 

Thank the stars THATS over.

"Right, thanks. AH YOU'RE GONNA BE MY BROTHER." Walking out of the room, you braid your hair and pull up the hood. "I'm showering and sleeping as soon as I get out of here."

"I put up with your fucking shit on a normal basis, so not much is changing." Rolling your eyes you grin and ignore the dull throb of pain. Feeling slight grief over your dad, you try to put on a smile. You'll be a hero. In honor of your dead parents. You'll make them proud.

*Five years later*

"Don't pull your punches, babe," you croon as you fight your villain boyfriend in the street. He smirks and sends a column of fire towards you.

"I don't know, darling, you tend to get fussy when you're in pain." Rolling your eyes, you send him flying into debris.

"Fuck you."

"Only if you want to."

"OI DUMBASS. STOP FLIRTING AND CATCH HIM." Snickering, you attempt to catch him but he dodges and climbs into a portal.

"See you tonight." Dang it. So close. Katsuki scowls while Kiri sweatdrops.

"I still don't know why you're married to him," Kiri says, while Bakugou looks incredibly pissed.

"I could say the same about you and the hot head over there." He smiles and you head home. Knowing a certain villain would be waiting.

"You got close today, darling."

"You're such a tease." You murmur, pressing a kiss onto his lips. He'd left the League with his brother in order to start a new group. You'd never have imagined marrying a villain, and yet you couldn't see it ending any other way. "I love you, Sho." He turns to you with a genuine smile.

"Darling, you're my everything."

With that, you lived the rest of your happy life with the villain you'd fallen in love with.


TYSM FOR 2.2K READS!!!!!! IT MEANS SO MUCH SO THANK YOU!!!!!! Also special thanks to yaya-mbc and itsdarkatnight for supporting and commenting from the beginning! It really motivated me throughout the story so TYSMM!!! HOPE EVERYONE HAS/HAD AN AMAZING DAY!!!! AND THANKS FOR READING 💕💕💕💕💕💕

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