Chapter Ten

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(Y/n)'s POV

When you awake, Shoto is asleep beside you. You slip out your phone and shoot a text, then you quickly hide it and gaze back to his sleeping form. 

He looks so calm and angelic when he's unconscious. 

"Darling, you're up early," he mumbles, slowly opening his eyes and smiling softly. You level a wicked smirk in his direction and roll off the bed.

 "Shoto, are you... nervous?" 

He grumbles something inaudible about waking up before dragging you back onto the bed.

"I don't get nervous, darling. You shouldn't either." 

You kiss him before getting back up and smirking at a tired Shoto.

"Liar." You pull on shorts and a t-shirt. "Let's go do villainous things!" He chuckles before blocking the door with ice.

"You can't crash the UA Sports festival in shorts and a t-shirt." 

Scowling, you fold your arms and raise an eyebrow.

"And why not?"

"It doesn't make you look serious as a villain."

"It's a power move," you defend yourself, throwing him a dirty look as you look down at your sneakers and casual wear. "Think about it. If I can take them down in this, then imagine what I can do when I have an outfit. Plus this makes it easier to sneak in!"

 With half a thought, you shatter the ice and bring a wicked smile onto your lips. 

"Keep up, ice boy." 

Sighing, he gets up and takes off his shirt. You spin away and feel heat creep onto your face. He lefts out an amused laugh.

"Something wrong?"


His icy touch chills your skin as he curtains your hair to the side and whispers into your ear.


A shiver runs down your spine as you blink and smack him in the arm. You wash up in the bathroom as he does his own thing.

"If you want to change then go ahead, but let me have my freakin moment." 

Shoto hums a laugh as he pulls on his suit and gloves. Once he's washed up as well, you both walk towards the bar section together and you grin widely at the League. 

"Is everyone ready?" Toga grins and bounces up with her knife. Dabi shrugs while Shigaraki glares at you.

"You're wearing that."

"We all can't be as dramatically memorable as you," you bite out dryly before heading towards the door. "Remember the plan. If you mess up then give me a heads up. I'd hate to be unprepared." 

With a wink, you leave and head into the chilled streets of the city. Shoto has grabbed a hoodie and now walks beside you. 

"Shoto, this isn't part of the plan."

"They don't trust you, darling. If I'm going to be honest, your decision was quite abrupt and sudden." 

You pull him into an alleyway and pin him to the wall, then you press a kiss on his soft lips as you look into his eyes.

"Are you saying that you don't trust me?" You make sure the hurt in your words is audible as his eyes widen. 

Taking his silence as an answer, you avert your gaze. 

Broken Love | Villain Todoroki x Fem! ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now