Chapter Fifteen

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(Y/n)'s POV

~"I miss how naive you are, flower. Now be a good little sister and let me go, please. We need to talk." ~


Reluctantly, you let him down and place a shield around yourself. Every inch of him looks healthy, and he really hasn't changed much since you last saw him.


Flames of gold and crimson danced around everything, shrouding the air in thick smoke. You'd gotten out early, but your brother had gone to find your mother. "LET GO OF ME." Your seven-year-old self screamed, fighting against the strong hand of a firefighter as pro heroes arrived at the scene. 

"NII-SAN? MOM?" Your throat was raw as tears blurred the edge of your vision. You could help. With your quirk... you could save them.

"Sweetie, we need you to calm down. People are going in to find your family now, ok?" The energy slowly drains out of you as two charred bodies are brought out of the fiery building. Falling to your knees, the workers, and chaos is nothing compared to the roaring in your ears. 

Small hands wrap around you as Katsuki finishes running to what's left of your house. He wraps his arms around you as you cry into his embrace.

"It's ok, (n/n). I've got you." He murmurs into your ear as crashing noises came from the flaming debris.

"Suki... they're dead." You whisper, sobbing as he hugs you tighter. The grief was a sea of despair, stealing your breath until you could do nothing but drown.

*Flashback ends*

"You- you died. How? Why?"
"Nah. I'm the one who started the fire. Actually, on second thought... you were the one to start the fire." He smirks as horror crosses your features. 

You? Tha-that's not possible. 

He's lying... right? 

His cruel expression twists with amusement as he softly strokes your golden, see-through shield. "You never were one of the bright ones... were you? My quirk is persuasion. A few suggestions and a small memory wipe had you at my beck and call. You didn't even know what you were doing! Mom was smart though. Shame."

Pure, undiluted rage overpowers your senses as grief once again claims your heart. 

"YOU? KENJI (L/N). I- YOU USED ME." He rolls his eyes and acts like this is all old news, which in turn only adds to your growing anger.

"I advise you to calm down, flower. We don't want any accidents." He raises an eyebrow as a knife glints in the faint bedroom lighting. His quirk settles over your mind as the tense air calms and your emotions disperse.

"Talk. Before your stupid quirk wears off." You growl, making sure the barrier is still there. Kenji only smirks at your caution, knowing full well he could force you to take it down.

"Geez, you've certainly gotten a bit prickly since I last saw you. Though, father dearest isn't around and your only influence is that aggressive pomeranian." 

You scowl slightly. He's got some nerve speaking this freely. It's almost like he expected you to be fine with his evil status.

"Skip to the point before I turn you in." Frowning slightly, he sits on your bed and judges your room.

"You, flower, have intrigued some very powerful people. There's a reward going around for whoever successfully kidnaps you and turns you in to the lugs of evil or some shit. I, as your loving brother, have decided to visit my sweet, innocent sister and warn her. You're fucking welcome!" He grins and looks pleased with himself.

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