Chapter Fourteen

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(Y/n)'s POV

You were three days into the work-study, and you were already thoroughly exhausted. Since you missed the group hero name session, you got to pick it on the first day of the study. "(H/n) (Hero name), wake up, it's time to patrol." Mr. Aizawa calls out, dragging you from your sleep as you eye the clock. 8:30 PM.

"Coming, Mr. Aizawa." Within a few minutes, you were on the streets patrolling in the shadows under the star-flecked night. A crash came and Mr. Aizawa looks at you.

"Call me Eraserhead when we aren't in school and don't fight anyone." You nod as you follow him quickly. Curiosity settles in your mind as you see a group of people fighting with each other. Why are they so mad? Eraserhead's scarf weapon shoots out as he cancels out the most dangerous quirks. That seems easy enough. Hands wrap around your mouth as you're dragged into an alleyway.

"Shh. Scream and I'll slit your throat open," a silky voice whispers as the threat sends chills down your neck. Your attacker holds cold metal to your throat. Eraserhead said not to fight, but this was technically self-defense. 

Smirking, you see your fingertips glow gold as you send the knife into the wall. You slam your elbow into the body and stomp down on her foot. Spinning around you watch as a girl wreathed in shadows winces and takes a fighting position. "You're a real bitch. No wonder my employers want you so much."

Winking, a small smile tugs at your lips as you meet her gaze. "How may I be of assistance?" You ask, trying to stall. The masked girl flicks her fingers and more knives appear in her hands. Should you use your quirk? No... you don't want to end up hurting her.

"Be a good little heroling and cooperate," she growls, lunging as you dodge. She flicks another knife into her hands and cuts you along your side. It isn't deep so it probably won't need stitches. 

"Can't do that. Who's your employer?" The girl laughs and nearly stabs your stomach. The cut stings as blood seeps into the fabric of your costume. 

"That's not your business. It seems you've pissed off some very powerful people." Smirking, you dodge and land a hit. Scarves shoot out and wrap around your opponent as she grunts in frustration. "You were supposed to be easy to catch." She grumbles, squirming in the grey material. Well, that's offensive. True, but she really didn't have to come after you like that.

"Are you hurt?" He eyes you as you shake your head and go to pick up the knife. "(H/n, don't lie. I see the wound. Now, villain. Who sent you?" Eraserhead deadpans to the girl, looking terribly annoyed as the bonds tighten.

"Can't answer that. Bad for business." You snicker. 99% chance that it was Shoto. Though, how is that even possible if he's in prison this week? Eraserhead lets out a sigh and restrains her as you follow him to turn her in. Once you arrive, he hands you first aid and helps clean and bandage the cut. 

"We have to patrol until 3, so stay close." He mutters, looking like he'd rather be doing anything else. THREE IN THE MORNING? Honestly, you've stayed up longer. But knowing that you most likely had training in the afternoon made you exhausted just thinking about it.

"Sir, why are the villains after me?" You ask, silently cursing out Shoto for making your life difficult. Eraserhead shrugs and continues to walk. So this is going to be one of those things you have to figure out by yourself. 


The rest of the patrol went smoothly, and afterward, you fell asleep in the guest room. Once training started, you learned the close combat fighting techniques and had them drilled into you for hours. Sighing, you realized two more days, and then you could get back to your normal sleep schedule.

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