Chapter Thirteen

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Todoroki's POV

My father sits across from me, with cold eyes and a glint of shame in his expression. Icy rage chills my blood as I refuse to back down from his stare. Finally, he breaks his gaze away. 

"I'm sorry, son. For everything I put you through." Words. Meaningless words. Yet, the apology alone sent shock through me as I faltered for a moment.

"I don't want to hear it," the venom in my tone makes him wary, but I refuse to show him anything else.

 The only reason I'm not attacking is because Touya would want to be here to wipe the bastard's smirk off his burning corpse. 

"Get out." I knew I was in no position to make demands, but he just left without another word. Don't tell me he had a change of heart. It's almost funny. A detective walks in and sits across from me in the interrogation room.

"Please state your name."

"That's classified information. I'd have to kill you." I give him a wicked smirk to tell him I don't have a problem with that option. Unfortunately, he doesn't have the brains to be intimidated.

"Shoto Todoroki, is it? What is your business with (Y/n) (L/n)?"

"Why?" I give him a soft, dangerous smile. "Is she asking for me?" His silence speaks volumes as I smirk and look at the handcuffs. Such fine contraptions, and yet they hadn't lasted long against her quirk. I imagine her fiery gaze and amused smirk as I stare at the detective.

"What exactly are my crimes?"

"Kidnapping, murder, experimentation (Brainwashing technology), allegiance to a terrorist organization known as the League of Villains, theft, and the list goes on. Anything to say?" I ponder the accusations, noting how my silence irritates the man.


"You murdered someone last night. We have a witness-."

"Witnesses lie. Anyone can lie when given the right motivation...." I smirk at the growing annoyance on the man's face.

"He's not lying."

"Hmm and I bet he said I kidnapped the girl as well." He nods and I do my best to snicker. "She went willingly." He opens the thick folder and pulls out pictures of (Y/n)'s apartment. The ice and burn marks. I do my best to blush. "She got a little rough that night... though I don't love her for that alone." 

I almost laugh at the deep blush on the detective's face as he immediately tries to go back to being intimidating. 

Of course, what actually happened was nothing like what I was saying. There had been a kidnapping, and she had fought back. Yet, I doubt she remembers that. So, until a witness says otherwise, my word is all they have.

"That's not the case. We have video footage of the kidnapping. Do you love this girl?"

"Ah, I see why you're a detective. Though, as much as I admire your observational skills, I'm growing tired of this conversation." Letting him see the crazed glint in my eyes, I let a cold expression mask my features as he closes the folder and gets up. There's a video? My darling (y/n) was always quite clever. I should've known....

"You have a visitor, then we will move you to a prison facility." Nodding, I resume my assessment of the handcuffs and realize that I can break them in a heartbeat. Though, in terms of duration and strength, these were a good product. I'd have to ask where they got them. None other than the pro hero, Eraserhead, walks in looking like he was the one being forced to be in the room.

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