Chapter Twelve

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(Y/n)'s POV

Three things are pounding on your thoughts. First, where the heck are you? Second, who are these people? Third, and the most important: Where the fuck is Shoto? You wake up in a hospital room and across from you is a really angry dude. "Uh. Hello?"

"YOU IDIOT. WHAT WERE YOU THINKING?" His yelling scares you, but you put on a brave face. Shoto wouldn't want you to let this guy yell at you.

"DON'T YELL AT ME. I DON'T EVEN KNOW YOU." His expression halts as he processes my words. Maybe no one has ever told him to shut up. Honestly, you had just met him and you already were wary of him. A red-haired guy comes up beside him and grins at me with a bright smile.

"Hey, (Y/n)! You're awake! How do you feel?" He knows your name. That's not creepy... at all.

"Where's Shoto?" The blond one scowls and grabs the nice boy. They disappear out of the room and then I hear a bunch of yelling. A few minutes pass by and the nice one comes back in looking a tad nervous.

"He's busy. So, what exactly do you remember?"

"Shoto told me not to talk to strangers," you whisper, studying the boy with suspicion. He nods like he expected this.

"Shoto told us to take care of you while he takes care of stuff. Do you remember anything?" He asks again, and you decide to trust him. He seems nice and what's the harm of having a discussion.

"Well... a hero tried to murder me and the league saved me. Shoto finally let me go on a mission with him and I felt really excited. He told me to wait while he went in and then... the hero who tried to murder me appeared. I fought and then... I'm here!" Shit. Does that mean you lost? Panic spikes through you as your eyes widen. "Is Shoto hurt?!"

"No, he's fine." The guy smiles kindly at me and nods. "I hope you feel better, (Y/n)!"

"Oh ok. Thank you..."

"I'm Eijiro Kirishima," the guy says gently, and you nod gratefully.

"Thank you, Kirishima," he smiles sadly and you hate to think you caused him sadness. Your head begins to go fuzzy until suddenly you blink and your surroundings have changed.

*Flashback begins*

You were walking with the angry blond dude. Two people came up to you as you headed towards the large looming building. Smiling, you spoke, "Hey. I'm (Y/n) (L/n), but you can call me (Y/n). I'm in class 1A, how bout' you?"

"I'm Mina Ashido, and I'm in class 1A too!" Chimed the pink-skinned girl, her horns glinting in the sun as she beams with such radiant joy. She hugs you as if she'd known you forever. The nice red-haired boy from earlier smiles and waves.

"Hey! I'm Eijiro Kirishima, and I guess we're all going to the same place!" He looks to the blond one and for some reason you sigh and motion towards him.

"That's Bakugou. He's in a mood."


"Obviously," you mutter under your breath, laughing as Mina's eyes widen and she smiles nervously.

*End flashback*

"DON'T IGNORE ME," the angry blond one- Bakugou- yells as he scowls at you. Remembering your smirk from the dream, you try to replicate it.

"I wasn't ignoring you, Bakugou. I was simply thinking." His frown deepens but at least he isn't mad anymore. You assume Kirishima left since the angry boy looks more agitated.

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