Chapter Four

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(Y/n)'s POV

As you wander the small, shadowed space, you realize that there was no way in hell you were listening to a glorified hand model. 

There is air circulation which means there has to be a vent somewhere. Even if it is small, it can still provide a slim chance of escape.

 Pushing aside the furniture, you search until you find a small, barred vent. Just slightly big enough to sneak a message through. 


 Suddenly, the lock begins to twist. You rush to the bed and stare at the scarred, wooden door. Shoto walks in and gives you a lazy grin as he tucks his gloved hands into his suit pocket.

"You okay?"

"I would like some paper, please." You say, trying your best to not look suspicious.

He raises a brow and leans against the doorframe.

"Why would you want that?"

"How else am I going to occupy my time?" 

Your earnest tone sounds as fake as it is, but he doesn't call you out on it. Instead, he gives you a once-over before smirking wickedly. 

"Shoto. You kidnapped me. The least you could do is get me some damn paper and markers."

"We could find another way to spend time," he suggests, heating the room a little. You feel a blush creep over your cheeks as your fingers close in around the deflated pillow.

"I- um- just the paper, please." You gasp out, averting your eyes away from his addicting gaze. 

He breathes a laugh as the temperature returns to normal.

"Please don't do anything stupid, (Y/n). Shigaraki already wants to force you to join us. I just want you to be safe." 

Your eyes soften as you hug the scrappy sweater he gave you to your skin.

"Shoto, you might think you're a villain... but I don't think you have the heart for it." 

He freezes at your words as shadows cloud his expression. 

"Don't do that, darling. I love you, so I show you mercy... others don't find themselves as lucky."

 His eyes grow cold as he gives you a dark smirk. 

"You might want to cooperate soon, though." 

With that, he leaves and locks the door behind him. Frustration surfaces as you chuck the pillow at the ugly door.

"I'm not a freakin plaything for you to mess with," you growl, looking at the thin blanket with a fiery rage. 

Time to make your own paper. 

Using your quirk, you feel your fingers warm as they begin to glow. You rip apart a piece of the thin blanket and grin at it with pride. 

Step one: accomplished. 

Now, the painful part. Focusing, you rip a shard of metal off the bedpost with your quirk. You wince as you use it to make a small cut in your arm. Crimson blood pools as you dab it with a clean finger and slowly write out a message on the paper.


You cut off another piece of fabric to tie your wound, then you slip the note through the vent. Ignoring the sting of the cut, you sigh and allow your fingertips to warm as they begin to glow.

Broken Love | Villain Todoroki x Fem! ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now