Good Ending

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(Y/n)'s POV



A jolt goes through your body, dragging you back to life.

You groan in pain until someone shakes you. "Miss, stay with us, okay? Hold on." What does she think you're doing? It's not like you're giving up on purpose.

Ugh, why does dying have to hurt so much?

You strain to hear the discussion but all you can hear is "critical condition" and "I don't think she'll make it." Well, now you have to pull through just to prove that nurse bitch wrong. You consider yelling "SURPRISE SHAWTY" when you wake up, but your throat and neck feel like shit.

"SHE'S GOING BACK UNDER," one of the people says in a panicked tone. Darkness and then that one word. "CLEAR."

Boi. If they jolt you one more time then you're gonna wake up and smack them with it. Sighing, you slip into a deep sleep for what seems like an eternity.


Bright lights greet you, and you wince as you open your (e/c) eyes. Katsuki is glaring at you along with the rest of the Bakusquad. "So this is hell?" You try to look around and wince at the strain. "Eh, thought there'd be less moody people and more fire. It's okay though, I'm not here to judge."

"Shut the fuck up," Katsuki growls, his eyes displaying his pain and worry. "Bitch, that stunt you pulled. You- you were dead for a minute. I- I thought you weren't coming back."

"I wasn't going to. Until a lady was like 'sHeS noT gOnNa MaKe iT' and then I had to come back just to prove her wrong." He smiles slightly as Mina looks conflicted but ends up jumping up and hugging you.

	"(Y/N), BABE, DON'T SCARE ME LIKE THAT!" Kaminari nods in agreement before hugging you

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"(Y/N), BABE, DON'T SCARE ME LIKE THAT!" Kaminari nods in agreement before hugging you.

"How is it that you look hot even after you almost died?" Sero elbows him and you snicker. Kirishima hugs you and looks back at Katsuki with a nervous expression.

"(Y/n), you're really manly. What you did was crazy selfless! Uh, anyways, we'll leave you two alone." Oh please don't. They leave. Well, Sero drags out Kaminari while Kirishima picks up a flailing Mina. It was silent for a moment, causing you to cough at the awkwardness.

"Why?" His voice broke and a little bit of your heart hurt. "Dumbass why would you do that?"

"You did so much for me... I saw an opportunity to get you out, and I took it. We protect each other." You smile and he runs over and hugs you. "OI. WATCH THE NECK." You yelp, and he adjusts before hugging you tighter.

"I swear I'll kill you myself if you ever pull a stunt like that again." He growls, and I laugh as I see him crying.

"Suki, did you really think I'd leave you alone? I'm a bad bitch, bud. Can't get rid of me that easily." He laughs in a broken manner and you hug him for as long as he needs.

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