Chapter Five

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 (Y/n)'s POV

Light pours in through the window, offering its warmth to your icy limbs. 

"Took you long enough," a voice growls, startling you out of the tentative peace. Your eyes fall on a familiar spiky, blonde-haired idiot.

"Where am I?" 

You look around the room in a panic before frowning at your bandages. Trying to get out of the bed, you scan the room for your clothes.


Oh gosh. 

Is he worried

You give him a flat look, waiting for him to answer your question.

You both enter an intense staring contest, neither one of you wanting to back down. Finally, he sighs in annoyance and snaps his gaze away.

"You're in the Musutafu hospital, idiot. What the fuck happened?" 

Dread fills your stomach as you try to get up and stumble into a chair. 

"Sit down. You're going to get your dumb ass into an accident." 

His words seem to have lost their bite as a hint of concern blasts through.

"I- I can't be here. He'll find me easily," you mutter, taking a steadying breath and making it about three steps. Your legs give out, sending you to the floor before Katsuki catches you by your arms.

"Who?" His voice was dangerously calm, making you slightly miss his yelling. 

Ignoring him, you try to get out of his grip in order to reach the door handle and try to open the door. His grip tightens as his eyes narrow, demanding an answer. 

"Shoto. The guy from that frame you were messing with. He- I just don't think he knew what he was doing." You mutter, eyeing your legs with hatred. "I'm surprised you're even here. I didn't think you noticed I was gone." 

The venom in your words is sharp and bitter, but it seems to do the trick as his grip loosens. You turn towards the door and work on the doorknob, trying not to let him see how much it affected you. His eyes widen as a furious, familiar scowl overtakes his features.


Did he actually mean that? Katsuki isn't one to lie.

"Oh," you murmur, slipping out of the door and holding onto the walls for dear life. The scratchy fabric of the hospital gown briefly skims over a bruise, causing you to wince. A few nurses give you looks, but they back off after Katsuki shoots them a death glare.

"Miss, have you been discharged?"

"Uh... yes! I'm looking for my clothes."

 The woman frowns as she motions for you both to follow her. Katsuki's eyes narrow, but you're too busy focusing on an escape plan to notice. Your feet steady as you slowly regain control of your coordination. 

A familiar detective stops you, calling your name as he catches up.

"Hello, (L/n), I believe we've met!" 

You wince and quickly try to hide it by smiling. The action doesn't go unnoticed, but thankfully no one comments. 

"I'm Tsukauchi from the police force. If you're being discharged, then would you mind filling out some reports?" 

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