Chapter Six

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(Y/n)'s POV

It felt weird to be back in school.

 Your classmates were quick to welcome you back, even though you had practically just met them. Mina had immediately hugged you, laughing with joy as she tried to catch you up on all you missed. 

Sitting down, you eye Mr. Aizawa as he tiredly walks in front of the class. 

"Today we have something special planned." 

All the kids lean forward in their seats, and you smirk as Katsuki pretends not to care. 

"We are going to the USJ." Mr. Aizawa deadpans, seeming to not care at all. "This is a learning experience, so take it seriously." 

Catching up isn't going to be easy, but you know you can do it.

----------------------- Time Skip-----------------------

Awe fills your mind as you gape at the huge center. Different disaster areas circle the middle, and you take them all in while thinking of strategies for each of them. Your stamina is still slightly recovering, but you have no doubt that you could excel. 

The pro hero, Thirteen, meets your class there and begins to explain. 

"Hi, I'm Thirteen, and today you and your classmates will experience different situations where you'll practice search and rescue techniques." 

Your class nods eagerly, but you blink as you recognize a purple-edged shadow. It warps in the air as more people seem to notice.

"Whoa, what is that thing?" The crimson-haired boy- Kirishima- asks, hardening his arms. "I thought we were rescuing people." 

The blood drains from your face as you realize with a sickening feeling that this was what the villains were planning.

"STAY BACK," Mr. Aizawa yells, halting your class's cautious steps forward. Shoto steps out of the warping darkness, and his eyes immediately find yours. 

You instantly feel your blood run cold as a soft, wicked smile tugs at his lips. Katsuki, seeing the way you stare in fear, steps in front of you, and death glares Shoto. 

"This is real. Those are villains." Mr. Aizawa states, readying for battle. 

You feel your fingertips glow as you ready to defend yourself and your classmates. As the shadow gate enlarges, a bunch of pathetic-looking villains walk out onto the dirt. 

Hand man stands in the center of it all, and you have no doubt that it's his idea in the first place.

"Suki, what should we do?" You whisper, terror coating your senses as you try to shove the feeling down. 

The villains and Mr. Aizawa begins to talk, but you're too busy staring at Shoto to hear anything they are saying. He tilts his head in confusion as you step back.

"Where is he? I went through all this trouble and the guest of honor never shows up?" The hand model scowls as he begins to aggressively scratch his neck. "Maybe if I kill a few kids, then he'll come out and play." 

Mr. Aizawa immediately begins to fight as Thirteen stays back to protect the remaining students.

"Thirteen, why aren't the alarms going off?" 

A girl you recognize as Yaoyorozu asks. Honestly, you're wondering the same thing. As Mr. Aizawa occupies the villains, the shadow-headed man approaches your class.

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