Chapter Nine

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Third Person POV

(Y/n) is lying in the middle of the room, surrounded by ripped shreds of a blanket. The walls are torn as well, and the ceiling has deep cuts.

 As if a beast had rampaged through the space and then disappeared into the delicate girl in the middle of the room. 

Shoto walks in and freezes as he takes in the scene.

"(Y/n)?" He murmurs, concern clouding his eyes as caution is written in his movements. She slowly opens her eyes before giving him a lazy grin.

"Morning," she yawns, stretching her arms as she rolls her neck around. The soft cracks of bone seem to make him flinch as she slips onto the bed and eyes him wickedly. "How are you?"

His eyes widen in confusion as he looks around and mumbles a soft "good. How are you?" She smirks and props herself up.

"I've decided to stop fighting fate. I want to join you, Shoto." He blinks, the only sign of his shock as he takes in her cruel smile and cold eyes. 

Had he gone too far? 

"Oh, don't act so surprised. You said that you knew this was going to happen." 

His words come floating back to him as he studies her unusual expression.

"Are you ok? After last night I wanted to apologi-"

"I liked it." 

She cut him off with a sinister look. Her lips are pulled back into a horrifying grin as she looks him up and down. 

"But I like being in control more. Having power. I want in on whatever you guys are planning. Watch me wipe the floor with those mindless fools, and contemplate your entire life as I end your fight in a week."

Damn. She really went for his job like that.

"You are the most stubborn person I know... why are you giving in? The truth please, darling." 

Shoto inquires, trying to gain some of his smooth demeanor back. Yet, he can't hide that this new side of you has him slightly concerned. 

She frowns.

"I thought you wanted this. Us to be villains together."

"I- I did- I do."

"Good," she breezes past his stunned form and into the hallway. "Then let's go show those motherfuckers what real villains look like." 

Shoto slightly gapes before hurrying after her. (Y/n) enters the bar and some of the league members looks up in interest. 

"Geez. You all look depressing." 

She scowls. 

"Lighten the place up, people! This isn't a funeral for star's sake. Get your lazy asses up and move. No wonder the heroes are winning. Our side is stuck with a bunch of lazy assed psychopaths."

Dabi immediately looks to his brother, but Shoto just shakes his head. There are no words to explain what was happening. "And why would we listen to you, when a few days ago you were a pathetic wanna-be hero?" 

Shigaraki growls, facing (Y/n) as he scratches his neck. Her eyes glow gold as a crazed glint settles over her expression.

"Because I'm smarter than you, and I'm fed up with watching your failures time and time again." 

Broken Love | Villain Todoroki x Fem! ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now