Chapter Two

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(Y/n) POV

You awaken to find your hands are tied to a cold, steel pole. The handcuffs sink into your skin as you stretch your neck and savor the soft cracks.

"Good morning, darling. How do you feel?"

Shoto leans against a wooden wall, half-covered in shadows. Staples decorate the outskirts of his scar, stretching and sinking into his skin as small scars pepper his neck.

Who was this person?

It couldn't be the same gentle person who never searched for violence.

You blink as your head finally stops spinning just enough for a realization to power through.

"You- you kidnapped me."

"I suppose I did-"

You cut him off by mimicking his words then level an incredulous look in his direction. "Are you even hearing yourself right now?"

"Do you ever think before you speak?" He murmurs, crouching down to look you in your (e/c) eyes.

"Do you?" You snap back, feeling your temper rise. In a flash, he grabs your chin firmly with his ice-cold fingers.

"Careful, darling. Don't be rude."

You bite back your retort as you consider the petty thing to do.

Silent treatment.

Averting your eyes, you make it a point to firmly shut your lips. He sighs before dropping the temperature of the room.

"I'll let you cool down," he states wryly before slipping out the door and leaving you to the chattering depths of your own mind.

You begin to fall asleep, blinking as your breath floats in the air. The pro heroes will rescue you. All you had to do was figure out how to alert them... but until then, you let your eyes droop and your conscious fade into nothingness.


Noises drag you out of your sleep as you open your eyes to find you aren't alone. A scarred man leans against the wall, his eyes are bored as he slowly burns pages of a magazine. "Excuse me-" you start, but are cut off by a flaming blue hand.

"I was told to watch you. Not talk to you." He deadpans, turning the page and scanning its contents before watching it burn to ashes. You scowl as you twist against the handcuffs.

"I'm not a zoo exhibit." His turquoise eyes rake you from head to toe as he smirks.

"I agree. At least the zoo animals are worth looking at."

You narrow your eyes but hold your tongue. Now was the time to plan. If you used your quirk, then you risked leaving your mind vulnerable. Yet, if you didn't try, then you'd be stuck with psychopaths.

It's a lose-lose situation.

Maybe if you could-

"I wouldn't do that...." drawls a voice. "That scheming face you have is not a good sign. See, you probably think you have a genius plan... when it's actually quite idiotic."

Scarface, flips the page, going back to ignoring you. A click signifies the door unlocking as Shoto walked in and nods to Scarface.

Once the magazine dude had left, Shoto locks the door behind him and grabs a chair. He sits in it backward as he looks at you thoughtfully.

"Is there anything I can do to make your stay more comfortable?"

"For starters, I want a lawyer."

Broken Love | Villain Todoroki x Fem! ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now