Chapter Eight

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(Y/n)'s POV

All you can see is Shoto is leaning on the wall across from you. 

Take off the gag. I dare you. 

Your eyes rage with anger. 

He sighs, tucking his gloved hands into his pockets.

"I really didn't want it to come to this, darling, but I'm afraid you're not seeing the point. You belong to me now. There isn't an escape, and frankly, you don't really have a chance to be a hero." 

You tune him out, biting down on the gag as you try to save your strength. After all, you were still recovering your stamina. You notice you're in a girl's clothes, but at least you are dressed. He removes the gag as he crouches down in front of you. 

"I'm surprised by your silence... you usually have a comment for everything."

 You give him a fake, sickly sweet smile.

"I have a few choice words... but they wouldn't be very hero-like," you snarl, glaring into his amused gaze. It's like he is trying to bait your temper. "Did you know that I got invited to a girl's night? I was making friends. Now, because of you, I'm stuck in this hellhole."

"You don't need any friends... you have me?" 

He states this like it's perfectly logical. 

When, in reality, it just made you angrier.

"I DON'T KNOW YOU ANYMORE. You changed-"

"That's right" he snarls, cutting you off. "I changed. I'm not that small kid that can be bossed around and hurt. So why won't you accept it and move on?" 

The rage burns in his eyes as you recoil at the hostility in his tone.

"The pro heroes will find me again," you murmur, not looking at him. "You'll fail... again."

"I killed the hero last time, darling. The one that came to save you. His friend was devastated, but then again they shouldn't be meddling in other people's business. I'm warning you, I have no problem with doing it again." 

You stare up at him, blanching in horror as he tilts his head to the side. 

"They would still be here if you weren't selfish," he muses, looking at you with a disapproving glance.

"Don't give me that bullshit," you take the bait even though your brain cries out against it. "I'm not the one that killed them."

"Aren't you?" He murmurs, a cold smirk playing on his pink lips. "They came here for you, didn't they?"

A small part of you agrees with him, leaving a numb space where your emotions are. 

Your fault.

"You little cold-hearted, merciless, monstrous, fucking, bastard. I don't even know who you are anymore." 

Against your better judgment, you feel your fingertips begin to glow as the handcuffs rip apart and shrivel on the ground.

"Calm down, please. Handcuffs are expensive, you can't kee-"

"SHUT UP" you scream, as the walls begin to shake. "I know that the good person is still there. Beneath all that villain shit. So can you wake that side of you up so I can get the hell out of here?"

"There is no saving me, darling, so I'd really appreciate it if you stopped." 

Leveling a death glare at him, you chuck a pillow in his direction. 

Broken Love | Villain Todoroki x Fem! ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now