Chapter Sixteen

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(Y/n)'s POV

Finals had finally arrived, and you were practically worried sick. Katsuki goes a little extreme when it comes to training, so for the past two weeks, he has been working you to death. On the bright side, you're way stronger than you'd been before. Not to mention, you got to know the Bakusqaud better! It felt good to have friends, and Mina now proclaimed herself your new best friend.

"(Y/N), WAIT UP!"

"CAN'T," you yell, speed walking to the lunch line. Hands close in around your waist as you use the moves Katsuki taught you to you flip your attacker onto the floor. Shoto grunts as he blinks at you in alarm.

"Darling, you seem tense?"

"SORRY!" you yelp, helping him to his feet as Katsuki threw him a smug grin while passing to get his lunch. Shoto frowns at him but shrugs. "We have finals today, and I'm kinda freaking out." You explain, getting your lunch and paying.

"If it makes you feel any better, you could take on any one of these teachers and win in a heartbeat," Shoto reassures, sitting down across from you as he opens his own lunch. "They're just heroes." He says it like it's an insult.

"Thanks, Sho. I've been training, but I'm still pretty nervous." Sighing, he gives you a soft smile before wincing as the Bakusquad arrives.

---------------------- Time skip---------------------------------------------------------------

Your hero outfit hugs your skin as you nervously tug on the dark fingerless gloves. You swept your (H/c) hair into a messy french braid as you pull down your dark hood and stand outside the building with your classmates. Katsuki comes up behind you and notices your trembling hands. "(n/n), chill the fuck down. Your gonna BLAST THESE BASTARDS TO HELL!"


"DUMBASS. YOU'RE GETTING INTO YOUR OWN HEAD." Kirishima and Mina walk up and view both of you with faintly amused looks.

"Good luck, everyone!" Kiri says, looking determined.

"I DON'T NEED LUCK," Suki snaps, glaring at Mr. Aizawa. You sigh, fiddling with your fingers as you go over fighting techniques in your head. Kiri offers you a sympathetic look as Mina wraps her arm around your shoulders and begins to talk about how cool being a hero would be. Appreciating the distraction, you try to pay attention to the conversation. 

"I hear that we are fighting those robots from the entrance exam! We'll win for sure!" She exclaims, and you nod nervously. Shoto walks towards the group and you feel his hand brush yours as he stands next to you. The crowd quiets as the teachers stand in front of them. Wh- why were all the teachers here?

"Now then... let's begin the last test," Mr. Aizawa states, commanding the attention of the group. "Remember, it's possible to fail this final." You shrink back as your doubts pound in your head. He's talking about you, isn't he? "If you wanna go to camp, then don't make any stupid mistakes." Your hands begin to tremble once more as you try not to look nervous. Shoto holds out his hand in a silent offer, and you throw him a grateful glance as you grab his icy hand and sigh as it cools down your burning fingertips. "I expect many of you have gathered information and believe you have some idea of what you'll be facing today."

THEY WOULDN'T... would they? Mina said robots, and you felt assured when Kami calls out "WE'RE FIGHTING THOSE BIG OL' ROBOTS!" Your grip on Shoto's hand tightens as he squeezes back. You could do this. You've done it before and you can most certainly do it again.

"Actually, this year's test will be completely different for various reasons!" Nezu declares, jumping out of Mr. Aizawa's scarf. Shit. Shoto smirks at you as you sweatdrop along with Mina and Kami.

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