Chapter Seventeen

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(Y/n)'s POV

"(Y/N)!!!! YOU PASSED!" Mina screams, running up and hugging you. "Have fun at the camp for me!" she says sadly, dragging out the syllables. Shock runs through you as the realization occurs.

You passed.

Smiling softly, you offer the girl a sympathetic look as you hug her back and go to join the class. Sato, Kami, Mina, and Kiri all look depressed when you sit down at your desk, so you walk over and join them in hopes of finding a way to make them feel better. 

"I'm looking forward to hearing all your stories of how fun camp was," Mina sobs, as you hug her again. Izuku shakes nervously as he sees Mina crying.

"M-maybe they'll end up letting you go!" He offers hopefully. "There might be a last-minute twist or something!" Sero views the exchange with caution as Mina hugs you tighter.

"Stop Midoriya, by saying that out loud, you might jinx em." You scowl at Sero before grabbing Mina's shoulders and forcing her to look at you.

"Don't give up hope! Surely, Mr. Aizawa won't let you all stay behind! It is a training camp, after all. Everyone needs to get stronger!" Kiri nods as Kami looks slightly less sad. Mina considers and nods while holding her fist up in determination.


"IN A LIVING ACADEMIC HELL," Kami groans, shaking Sero's shoulders as he panics. Sero slaps Kami to get him to get his shit together.

"CHILL KAMINARI! To be honest, I'm not sure I'll get to go either. My team only made it because of Mineta." Gaping at the little perv, you look at Sero with disbelief. Mineta throws you a flirting look and you force a small smile on your face. Even if you inwardly cringe in disgust. "I got knocked out, and since we don't know how they're scoring stuff... I might've failed."

Kaminari begins to go insane as Izuku freaks out. Geez, these guys need to get a grip. Looking around for Katsuki, you find Shoto walking up to you. He sits down and pulls you on his lap as you both try to stay engaged in the conversation. 

"AT LEAST BRING BACK SOUVENIRS, PLEASE!" Kaminari yells, shaking Midoriya as Uraraka looks lowkey scared. Kiri and Mina cast worried eyes at the two as you see Shoto smirk at the group. Swatting him, you attempt to hold back your own laugh.

"Stop it, Sho. This is serious."

"They're acting like we're going on a joy trip. Are all heroes this dramatic?"

"I am. Why? Do you have a problem with dramatics?" Shoto's eyes widen as he quickly denies it. Laughing, you roll your eyes. "I'm joking. Not about the dramatics though... I have my moments." He kisses your cheek.

"I don't mind," he murmurs as you refocus on your bawling friends. The door slams open to reveal a pissed-off Mr. Aizawa.

"Once the bell rings, you should be seated," he orders, and you practically fall off Shoto's lap. Laughing softly, he catches you and everyone rushes to their seats. Except for Iida, who was already sitting down with a focused expression.

Finding Katsuki, he looks mildly bored as you snap your attention back to your terrifying teacher. "Unfortunately, there are a few of you who didn't pass your final exams. So when it comes to the training camp, everyone is going!" He says, smiling. Mina practically falls out of her seat as Kami chokes on air.

"WHAT?" Kami coughs, eyes wide as he looks like his heart just stopped.

"IT'S A LAST MINUTE TWIST," yells Mina, Kiri, Sato, and Kami. Shoto snickers and you smack him in the back of his head with your telekinesis. Throwing him a mildly amused glare, you struggle to keep your own laughter in at the joy on Mr. Aizawa's face.

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