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The cold blade was held to Jacqueline's throat, "Colin-"

"I don't want to, Jacqueline, I don't want to," he mumbled, "but Fi-"

"I understand, Madeline, go in that closet, Colin, don't hurt her, she isn't in VFD. Tell her when it's safe," Madeline did what her cousin told her to do. "Do it then, quickly,"

"Jacqueline, I can't,"

"If you don't, they'll come for you,"

"If I do, I just killed the love of my life, when can we be out of this crossfire?"

"It won't end, ever,"


"Let me get this straight, you are forming a baby sitters thing and you want me involved?" Hallie asked Lacy Lewis.

"Well, yeah, if you join others will, and we need freshman just as much as sophomores and juniors."

"I don't know, I would but I don't like kids,"

"Far enough, think it over, you know where to find me,"


"Mom!" Hallie exclaimed, running in the house and then seeing Watson. "Yo, Watson!" Watson thought that was how young people talked, so he told Sam, Charlie and Hallie to greet him as 'Yo Watson', and now it was an inside joke between the siblings. "What's going on, Hallie?"

"I was asked by THE most popular girl in the school to join her babysitting business!" Hallie exclaimed.

"Isn't that what your sister does?"



"Oh, no, she and her friends sit in a circle and talk about babies they know,"

"Ohh, okay,"

"Good Afternoon, Hallie, where is Sam?" Kristy asked, coming in the house.

"How would I know?"

"He's your twin?"


"You guys have the same class schedule and everything,"

"Sam arrived before Hallie did," Watson told Kristy.

"The popular girls were talking to me,"

"Okay, then. Do you or Sam have any blackmail on Charlie?" Kristy asked.

"Who wants to know?"

"I need him to drive me to the mall," Kristy explained

"O-M-G I have been waiting for this day forever! What style are you thinking? We could find you some beautiful dresses! Shoes! Don't forget makeup and jewelry!" Hallie exclaimed

"That sounds like an amazing idea, would six hundred cover everything?" Watson asked.

"What? No, I'm not the one going shopping, I'm trying to figure out what's going on with Stacey,"

"Who? Sophie's sister? What happened?"

"Nothing, she just acts super weird,"

"Kristy, I act super weird,"

"Anyways, got any tea on Charlie?"

"You know when Charlie said he had a school project with his friend John and couldn't make it to mom's 'family dinner'?"


"He was making out with Olivia at the park,"

"How do you know this?"

Always?- Sam ThomasWhere stories live. Discover now